Wimpey Member


  • My own opinion is that it is not an issue as long as you place yourself at the back on the start line. If there are laps of the course you stay either on one side or the other and if in company some consideration is given to oncoming runner and the group stand aside. Is the same principle if slow runners are lapped by the…
  • Has your MTB got a rear suspension? If so you are very limited! If not, it is possible to adapt the rear end with P clips welded on it to take a normal rack... Not the most sturdy of racks but may be ok depending on how extreme your ride will be... though I assume if you are planning to take that much luggage you are not…
  • If you are sensitive to the cold, like I can be at times, it is a bit of an art. :-) Layer up with hat/gloves and wind shield top with vents Is ok to feel a bit fresh to start with but after 5 min you should be ok Than once you are "warmed up" (and that is individual) about 10-20 min you can open up zips, vents, remove hat…
  • Well is a great occasion to take it easy at Xmas! ;-) You can go for a walk the next day and see how you feel, you will not loose much in taking off 3-4 days if you need. Play by ear: if you thinking of running after 48 hours do not plan a hard or long session and allow for the run to be cancelled half way through if you…
  • Best to let it heal (rest, recovery, ice, elevation and compression and anty inflamatories etc) Then test it in a progressive manner (few minutes and see how it goes the next day) It is like you are building the basics, preparation work, get this wrong and you will strugle later on, give yourself enough time for the body…
  • If there is swelling it is absolutelly mandatory not to stando on leg, never mind exercising!
  • I use a camel back belt. the belt can be regulated longer or shorter. It fits a proper drinking bottle (came with a 750 mill bottle but I prefer other drink bottles) After a few runs I found that it "moulded" a bit to my hips shape. Also it took a bit before I found a comfortable position, but now it sits perfectly and…
  • Genie30 is absolutely right! There is nothing like a rugby team! Just go along a local club training session and have a look if you like them. Most clubs are always keen to get new players and very welcoming. Just make sure you understand the rules a bit before starting playing and get some good practice too. It is a great…
  • I love stake cooked "raw" and stake tartar (leanminced beef "coocked" in lemon juce not with heat) but I would draw the line at raw liver! ;-) I am sure it has more nutirents intact whilst raw... but offals not cooked are a high risk. i am no expert but i would say there is a good chance of catching something from offals…
  • Do you mean cracking joints? Same as when you crack your knuckles, but on other joints?
  • Not knowing your training schedule and your background makes it easy to pin point the possible issue but... generally it a palteau and a lack of energy could be due to a need for a rest. Try taking a little time off, then a little time of ligher shorter training and see if it helps. If you are unwell or lack energy at any…
  • 1 day off a week Twice a day 5 days a week (1.5 - 2 hours sessions) 1 Long session on Sundays (3-5 hours) A day off a week is good to rest and also something to look forward to... a distraction, recharge the batteries even mentally... ... but is irrelevant what other people do, as you can only do what you can 1) fit in…
  • I think your trainer is given you a good plan. To burn more at a lower HR... (so what you are calling a moderate sustainable session) needs your body to be used/adapted to working hard for long. Interval means you doing a bit of very hard work and some easy to recuperate and do more hard work. Can you run for 45' or 1 hour…
  • Yes and no... Yes I suffer from back pain and have noticed that if I have done speed work, racing and or high maleage with intensity then it might aggravate it. But not been as bad since recently have maintained core work in the programme and have had a professional coach manaing my training plan... changes did not happen…
  • Not knowing if you may be affected by any health issues that your doc is aware of (and of course this is not the place to hang your medical records I understand) is difficult to understand the reason for the "only very light exercise" I think one important factor that is not in your post is "how long for" if doc says 1…
  • As above, try to gauge it on you how tired you get. I would aim at may be 2 double day to start with and then after a couple of week 3 etc... Start with low intesity on those days and not too long and build on that too. If you get too tired then step back. Also make sure you have variety of activities or it may get very…
  • LOL! You think 1740 is lots? Try eating 4000! And I am small! Big guys that train hard for competitive sport have to eat 5-6000 plus! And believe me after a long hard training session I do not feel like eating too much! Nor I want unhealthy foods either. Is all about learning what good foods you can choose from, plan your…
  • I found on line calculators (based on measurments of waist/hips/arms/wrist etc) always way off the lab results (electronic or calipers)... especially as other factor are not requested (height, weight, etc...) May be works for some body shapes better than others? Generally the lab results, done by a sport scientist came…
  • My experience is that yes you can train and race hard and loose. It is important to fuel correctly before, during and after training. Aim at a small loss, (half kilo per week or less) and be prepared to eat a bit more than target if you need, especially on big training days. A week before race I would not have a deficit…
  • Hello, I think you can do strength training with either machine weights or if competent free weights without "bulking up" It is very hard work to put on much visible muscle mass, and requires a proper weights programme. You will gain some muscle mass, but not bulking up. By the time women loose the undesired fat there is…
  • Hi, I agree that you need to see a quilified medical practitioner about your symptoms, you never know what some weirdo may tell you on a notice board! ;-) But to reassure you I do get similar puffed up fingers and feet and slightly sore joints after chinese restaurant some times. And in some cases when I eat a variety of…
  • Don't be afraid to take your time and repeat the first week, or any other... Look at it this way: you are building your foundations. The stronger they are the higher you can raise. Running is a hard exercise, even the fastest and fittest athletes are subject to injury and set back, so never rush! Best of luck!
  • Hi my name is Rich Tea and I am so glad to be hear amongst friends. I am in denial, have no addiction to any type of food including rich teas ;-) Trying to substitute with oat cakes or anything... just not the same!
  • is rice off the menu? Rice milk Rice pops/crispies (cereal?) Rice crackers? What about beans and pulses etc? Fresh varieties of green beans raw? I prepare a olive oil/garlic/parsley or basil dip, and mix it with almost anything that can be snacked (depending on calories required you can omit oil) This dip can last a few…
  • Hi, I think you can trust your Garmin. No HRM is 100% accurate all the time as there are many factors involved in how much you truly burn. But it gets very close. You can build a picture over time by logging on MFP (ex.: if you have managed the target in calories/exercise but not loss of weight then you can adjust/declare…
  • Well done on your HM! I think the roule of thumb is that it takes 1 week recovery per hour raced. Of course if you are a seasoned runner your recovery will be much faster. It does not mean no exercise at all, it just mean that you need to get back in to it gently. In fact being active will help your recovery. Best advice…
  • http://www.brianmac.co.uk/idealw.htm One of the many... I think each one is slightly different...
  • Keep your training frequency the same, just shorter and sharper sets. A brick session bike-run at race pace (some of it up to 50% of your race pace) is good to slot in mid week. Drop running volume first, then bike volume to allow your legs to recuperate. Stretch and relax, read well the race info and pack your kit in…
  • A class full of people and an instructor will provede you with lots of motivation, and hopefully you will enjoy and stick with it. It is a great exercise: you will burn lots of calories, it has less impact on your body than running, so it is easier to be consistent with your training. A bike at home soon becomes very dull…
    in Spinning Comment by Wimpey June 2011