Advice on strengthening knee and ankle...

Hello all. I've been doing 30 day shred for 4 days now, but some of the exercises leave my ankle and knee swollen, like the jumping jacks, etc.

I injured my knee in 7th grade and have had problems since, I usually wear a knee brace when running, etc. In May 2011, I fell down the stairs at my apartment complex due to the stairs not being even, then within 24 hours of that, I fell down another set of stairs because I could barely walk due to the night before, within 3 days after that, I rolled my ankle trying to grab my dog because he got out of the dog park. Two days later I went to the doctors and told me I had a few fractures in my foot and I had a severely sprained my ankle. I was put into a Air Cast (removable cast that you can blow up for better support) for 3 weeks. Both are on my left leg.

I was wondering if anyone knew any exercises to help reduce swelling and strengthen my knee and ankle so it is easier and not so painful when I do 30DS.


  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Working out with an injury is not a good idea. When I broke my ankle and pulled the ligaments down the side of my knee I found swimming very helpful.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    I've got Banish Fat Boost Metabolism but I won't do it more than once a week as doing it on my wooden floor starts my shin off. Yet I can successfully do my C25K programme with minimal problems. You could try strapping it up if you really enjoy doing this as opposed to something lower impact, and icing and taking ibuprofen to reduce inflammation but remember that pain is a warning sign, if it hurts, stop.
  • Wimpey
    Wimpey Posts: 64 Member
    If there is swelling it is absolutelly mandatory not to stando on leg, never mind exercising!
  • I agree, exercising with an injury is a bad idea - it'll take you longer to recover and you could do permanent damage - once the swelling goes down and the pain stops you could try standing on 1 leg on a cushion or both legs on a wobble board - apparently the instability strengthens your ankles but as for knees, no ideas I'm afraid - good luck though I hope it sorts itself out x
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • leenites
    leenites Posts: 166 Member
    In addition to physical therapy exercises, I will recommend KT Tape. I had to rest for 10 months because of knee injuries sustained from INSANITY. After I recovered fully, I tried physical therapy + KT Tape and pain just went away. Also I made sure that I iced my knees after each workout and elevated the knees. :D

    Hope that helps.
  • ShanaJo87
    ShanaJo87 Posts: 76 Member
    It is mandatory that I lose weight. I am pre-diabetic and that scares me more than anything! I have a goal of 100lbs (115lbs max) I ice my ankle and knee afterwards, 20 min on, 20 min off. and I wear my air cast when not working out due to I cant use it with tennis shoes. but anytime I am barefoot or have flip flops on i wear it. I wear a knee brace with only allows me to bend it a certain amount. I have had to modify a few of the exercises so I don't damage it anymore. When it does start to hurt, I take a few minutes. I cannot go swimming right now due to it being almost winter and its cold and will be snowing soon! (has snowed once already) I have thought about taking ibuprofen prior to working out. Just not sure how my body would like that though due to having NO drug tolerance. two advil usually knocks me out in 15 minutes lol.
  • ShanaJo87
    ShanaJo87 Posts: 76 Member
    I used to work out with my knee in high school too and as long as I did modified versions and wore my knee brace I am fine. That injury was over 11 years ago now as well.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Recovering from such a serious set of injuries as you are, I'd see a physiotherapist for exercises rather than going with something that worked for someone else on a forum.

    If you're otherwise OK, as I assume you are with running etc., why not try low impact variants of the exercises. Instead of jumping jacks, step out wide and squat to one side then the other, for example. I did these with plantar fasciitis, and I can assure you you still work up a swat!

    Good luck!
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    I agree with other posters here, I have had a series of serious ankle injuries, and have been in and out of air casts on my left ankle. I recognize that you need to loose weight, and fast, it's fantastic that you are being so pro-active about your weight.

    The last time I sprained my ankle seriously (twice within 2 weeks as I wore high heels as I was my sisters maid of honor in between sprains) was a year ago, I took 2 months off any real physical activity, and slowly started doing yoga to strengthen the muscle that was lost during the down time, but also to assist in it's support. My doctor recommended swimming as well for cardio, which I did whenever I was able to. I started with just 15 minutes of yoga, and built up to an hour. You can download postcasts for free to do at home before you join a class.

    Please be careful, these joints keep you walking.