When will I start to feel normal again? (post half marathon)

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I know I asked a lot of questions leading up to my first half marathon this past Saturday. Well, I took Sunday and Monday off of exercise. I tried exercising today and yesterday and found it difficult...didn't run but did exercise DVDs. When will I start feeling like my strong/more "able to move" self? My legs just don't seem to be working that well in those videos, and they're not sore anymore either.



  • aimdawson
    aimdawson Posts: 31
    You don't realize how much of your body you are using when you run, especially a race. I raced on Sunday and I was so exhausted not just because of the running but also the adrenaline running through my body, barely sleeping the night before and having to get up at 4 am. The stress on your body is more than just your legs. If it was your first race I think it will take a little bit longer. Make sure you walk. You don't want to cramp up. I have worked out each day since my race and I still don't quite feel normal. Hang in there. Now just start training for a full marathon.
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    You will soon, but don't rush back into heavy exercise. Let your body have time to recoup. You have really taxed your immune system, so it may take a few days to feel 100%. Way to go on your finish!!!:happy:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I know I should take it easy, but I am mentally ready to go again. :wink:
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    It's a bit late now but don't the experts recommend a recovery run the day after or 2 days after a big race? It's the lactic acid build up which is making you feel rubbish and if you exercise the muscles you have used it will help disperse this more quickly. If you can't face a run/jog try a brisk walk.

    B x
  • Wimpey
    Wimpey Posts: 64 Member
    Well done on your HM!

    I think the roule of thumb is that it takes 1 week recovery per hour raced. Of course if you are a seasoned runner your recovery will be much faster.

    It does not mean no exercise at all, it just mean that you need to get back in to it gently. In fact being active will help your recovery.

    Best advice is to try some cross training, walking, swimming cycling etc.. and to see how you feel. If you feel good, be very conservative but keep going. If you feel tired or sore then write your session off!
    You have done a great job in running a HM now it is time to put your feet up!

    I think that your satisfaction and success is mentally motivating you... you had a great result and you want some more... but it is best to give your body a little rest before getting back in to the swing of things!
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