Anyone play womens rugby?

Just wanted to hear from anyone who plays womens rugby?
I'm definitely interested but am worried I won't be good lol or tough enough. I've always watched rugby and was brought up in a family who are very keen. Just wanted to hear from women who play to see what your advise is?


  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    DO IT!! That's my advice! :tongue:

    I just finished my 3rd season (we have spring/fall seasons), and I :heart: it! It's probably a little different here in the US, as it isn't as popular (yet), so pretty much everyone gets to play - I wouldn't worry about being good enough or tough enough. If you are thinking about it, why not just do it?? :flowerforyou:
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Used to play when I was younger. I always prefered training to games because I was scared of hurting someone but it is really good fun and being part of a team is like a second family. You'll never know unless you try so get out there and give it a go!
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Just building up the courage to approach a team lol I know my town has a ladies team so hopefully they'll take me, once I take the plunge!!
  • Wimpey
    Wimpey Posts: 64 Member
    Genie30 is absolutely right! There is nothing like a rugby team!
    Just go along a local club training session and have a look if you like them. Most clubs are always keen to get new players and very welcoming.
    Just make sure you understand the rules a bit before starting playing and get some good practice too.
    It is a great sport and a grand environment!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Just building up the courage to approach a team lol I know my town has a ladies team so hopefully they'll take me, once I take the plunge!!

    I totally understand it can be intimidating at first - I knew nothing of the game and walked up and joined last summer and haven't looked back! At least you know something about how the game is played and have seen it - like I said, I knew NOTHING. But they were very welcoming and helped me learn what to do.

    (PS....I'm my team's recruiting chair so it's my job to talk people into playing lol)
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    I played in high school, and I miss it!! It was loads of fun. Actually, my first practice was a disaster. I got between the 8-man and the scrum half, and my coach absolutely FLIPPED out (I'm not sure if he realized it was my first practice or not, but he swore a right curse at me!). I almost gave up right there, but friends on the team convinced me to stay, and gave me a run-down of the rules... of course, I didn't really understand the rules until I played and mucked them up, but that's okay! ;)

    I didn't try out for the varsity team once I went to university, and there was no intramural rec team, so I switched to soccer instead (which is also awesome, though I got significantly fewer 'trophy bruises,' haha).

    Anyways... go for it! If you end up hating it, you can always quit, but I rather suspect you'll love it.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Oh, and, regarding being 'tough enough' - I used to go to the park with my friends and we would take turns practicing tackling/being tackled. Learning how to fall was key for me, haha. But if you're fast enough, maybe you could play wing and outrun the other team and never (okay... rarely...) get tackled! ;)
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I would love to play, but I don't think there is anything local-ish for me.
    My sister played in highschool so I would help her practice.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    BUMP! Surely there's got to be more than 5 ruggers here! :noway:
  • plums
    plums Posts: 38 Member
    Me! I've played for a few years now. I did not think I would be into it when I went down to the first session but I loved it. It's the highlight of most weeks now and I'm just at the beginning of my fourth year. I've made so many friends and gotten much fitter..... although we do tend to hit the pub after our matches!
  • jmvh59
    jmvh59 Posts: 97
    I am a 36 year old rookie. I never touched a rugby ball before this past February. I have played in every A match my club has played this year, and only missed 2 B matches. I even played an entire Old Boys match on a Sunday after playing every A and B minute the previous day. I really like the camaraderie that rugby players share. It is truly amazing.

    Anyway, I know this thread is about women's rugby. Our club's women's team is a great bunch of gals. They just finished 3rd in MARFUs. My advice is contact the coach of your local club, go to a few practices. Make sure you get some proper footwear and shorts by your 2nd or 3rd practice. Do not be afraid if you do not know anything--they will teach you. Clubs always need more folks to practice, play, raise money, and whatnot.

    I had been running regularly for close to six months when I went to my first practice, but it felt like boot camp all over again! I made a lot of progress in my fitness the first few months. I still have a ways to go, but now I can play 80 plus minutes of rugby without collapsing. I really enjoy it and I have come to realize it was the thing I did not know my life was missing.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    YAY for more ruggers! :drinker:

    I agree with jmvh59 - I wish I had found rugby sooner!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    So I want to start a rugby group on here - will at least 3 of you join? lol...when I went to create it, it said:
    Find members: Find at least 3 people who will join your group before you create it
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Looks like someone started a rugby group today!

    If that doesn't work, I just searched "rugby" and it came up for me.
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
    I played rugby for my university and it was A BLAST!! It definitely toughens you up and it is a great work-out. I was a wing and really really love it!