ladies: fuel belts

Hello fellow runners. It strikes me as I'm increasing my mileage that I need to start thinking about a hydration belt of some sort.

I am curvy in the sense that I have a small waist and big big hips and butt.

What have you found that works best for you? What items rode up like a mFker or bounced enough to put you off?


  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    I started carrying a running bottle. My hand just slides into the little holder so I can relax it while I run. I didn't bother with a belt. I've never tried one, but it just seems like it would be annoying. That's just me though.
  • Wimpey
    Wimpey Posts: 64 Member
    I use a camel back belt. the belt can be regulated longer or shorter.
    It fits a proper drinking bottle (came with a 750 mill bottle but I prefer other drink bottles)
    After a few runs I found that it "moulded" a bit to my hips shape.
    Also it took a bit before I found a comfortable position, but now it sits perfectly and have used for 3 years so can recommend it quality wise.
    There are also other brands and models that allow to attach one or more small flasks, so these may be easier to distribute the weight around and not bounce if this is a concern of yours. (mine does not bounces much or it does not bother me if it does)
    Also you might want to consider if you want pockets on the belt to store music/keys food/gels etc...

    Before hand I use to have a small rucksack with a bladder that I had for MTB riding, but it was too uncomfortable in moderate to warmer weather...

    Just some thoughts!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I use a handheld water bottle (Nathan handheld). It is usually enough to carry me through even my longest (13.1) runs plus it has a small pocket i can stash my key and gels in.
    I have not had much luck with a belt. I have a FuelBelt but haven't actually used it much.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I have a handheld bottle and I hate it. I only use it on my long runs. When it's full it isn't a big deal, but once you start sipping off it, then when you move your arms it sloshes. I guess if I used it every run, I would get used to it, but I much prefer the freedom of a hands-free run. I don't have a belt yet. I've been researching and the camel backs seem to be the better belts. :)