katesbeach Member


  • I'm back too! I was away for a long time, and I regained a fair amount of my original loss. Feel free to add me! Anybody else, too!
  • I second oatmeal! Make it with water instead of milk to save on some calories, and add fruit or whatever you want! I always add cinnamon. Egg beaters or egg whites are also a good choice.
  • Friending up now. You can do it!!
  • Hi! It all depends on what's going to keep you going. I'm just getting back on the wagon after a long time away, but when I was really actively losing weight, I'd give myself a day off every week or every other week, depending. I tried to plan it around social events where I didn't want to worry about counting, or…
  • All this support is so amazing! Thank you all so much! I'm on it!
  • Thank you so much, everybody!! I really appreciate all this support. I'm feeling motivated and ready to stay on track! And I'm really excited to have a bunch of new friends!
  • Thank you!! I hope you don't mind if I add you both, I want to support as much as I get supported!
  • Height: 5'7"ish. Highest weight: 316 Lowest weight: 188 Current: ...Around 250, haven't checked in a bit. Goal weight: 150-160.
  • Right here! I want to lose almost exactly 100.
  • I love beer. I love beer and whiskey and gin and a lot of things. When I'm home, I usually have a beer or a cocktail most nights, when I'm at school I'll have drinks once or twice a week. I'm getting back into weight loss after losing 128 pounds and then gaining back about fifty, but it didn't have anything to do with…
  • I'm right there with you! I totally relapsed and gained back a ton of weight I'd worked so hard to lose. It sucks. But you did it once, you can do it again!
  • Hi! It's awesome that you're working on it, I know it's tough in school. I've done just about all of my weight loss while in college, so I've been there, and I'm still there now! Everybody's making really awesome suggestions, I don't know how much more I can contribute, but I'll try. Get as much as you can from the grocery…
  • I just started today too! It was intense but I can't wait until I'm better at it!
  • Okay, one more time. I am SO amazed and grateful for everyone's kind words!! It's definitely the support of the MFP community that keeps me going. You all look incredible!!
  • Amazing! You look great!
  • I've definitely noticed people being nicer to me since I've lost weight. And I've gotten a lot more attention from men. Although like clarech82 said, I'm hoping at least some of it's due to the fact that I'm a much more confident than I've ever been before.
  • Thank you so much! It hasn't been too bad really, mostly just in my stomach and arms. I'm hoping I can get it toned up with time. Good luck!!
  • Wow, thanks again everyone! I'm always so overwhelmed by the support system here. You're all the best, everybody keep up the great work!! :heart:
  • Mmmm beer. I'm hitting up my local bar for $2 Magic Hat drafts tomorrow. That'll solve anybody's troubles! Hope your night gets better!
  • Wow, thanks everybody!! Also, clearly I still haven't learned how to smile properly in pictures.
  • I don't plan them out, but I try not to do it more than once a week. But lately, a lot has come up! Late night Mad Men viewing parties, friends' birthdays, a little extra money coming in, and now I have a really bad cold that I can't seem to shake and it's making me want to lie around and eat sandwiches and soup. I barely…
  • You look amazing, but I already knew that!! Keep it up, gorgeous!
  • If you're just starting out, some weight could come off pretty fast! When I first started, I was losing between fifteen and twenty pounds a month, give or take. A year and 108 pounds later, it's a relatively steady one to two pounds a week, and as an example, I've lost about seven pounds in the last month. As you lose…
  • It doesn't help, but it hasn't hurt me yet! I drink a few times a week, usually beer or wine, and have been consistently losing. Obviously that's not the same for everybody, and maybe I'd lose faster if I cut it out, but I work at a bar and I love beer too much! I say drink in moderation if that's what you want, keep to…
  • I'm late too, but I'm in! I'll be a senior at University of Pittsburgh, in Religious Studies and Historic Preservation. I've been better at losing weight at school than at home, so I'm hoping once I get back I'll kick things into gear again! I live off campus, but I walk to class and definitely plan on taking advantage of…
  • Thanks again! You're doing great too! I'm not jogging, but my goal is to just keep moving until I can't anymore! I'm working a double today, so I'm planning to take a real walk during my break.
  • Thanks again! You're doing great too! I'm not jogging, but my goal is to just keep moving until I can't anymore! I'm working a double today, so I'm planning to take a real walk during my break.
  • Thanks to both of you! The jogging in place option seems like a good idea! I figure whatever it is, doing it from like 10AM to 3PM will burn plenty!
  • I try remind myself how glad I'll be to get the workout over with and have the whole day ahead of me! And I don't know about your gym, but mine gets lousy with people pretty much anytime between 8AM and 6PM, so I know I'll like working out at 6 or 7AM better. Plus, you'll be awake and energized for work!
  • Hello! I just hit 100 a few days ago, a little over a year from when I started. I didn't even really start a serious workout routine for the first six month or so, so a lot of it was really about food for me. I try to keep fat and sodium pretty low, and my protein and fiber higher (often higher than mfp's recommendations).…