College and weight loss don't seem to mix!



  • katesbeach
    katesbeach Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! It's awesome that you're working on it, I know it's tough in school. I've done just about all of my weight loss while in college, so I've been there, and I'm still there now! Everybody's making really awesome suggestions, I don't know how much more I can contribute, but I'll try. Get as much as you can from the grocery store; pasta, rice, fruits and veggies, etc. A lot of that stuff is pretty cheap, and as long as you're not doing a low carb plan, they'll work well! If you are trying to cut down on carbs, get as much lean ground beef or turkey as you think you'll eat, and make burgers or meatloaf or something that'll last you a few days. Plan in advance as much as you can, and try to get in exercise when you have a break between classes, or before/after. Even half an hour on the treadmill or elliptical does plenty! Definitely see if your school has a nutritionist; mine does and she's been super helpful. As for going out with friends and doing fun stuff, etc, don't deprive yourself. Give yourself a day off every couple of weeks, and/or go out and go for the healthier choices on the menu or the lower calorie drinks. You can do it! College doesn't make it easy, but you'll feel super awesome when you realize how much you can accomplish!
  • callen07
    Thanks for the suggestions guys! Today I walked to and from classes, and everywhere else on campus that I needed to go, and I played basketball for an hour and a half, so that was a pretty good workout! I should have been studying, but the workout is gonna pay off, so it's worth it! Thanks for all of the suggestions :)