Early Morning Workouts....

Every part of me wants to workout before I come to work....every part except the part where I have to wake up at 0400!!!! How do you early risers do it????


  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Set the alarm, get up, do it ~ same way that you wouldn't skip work:wink:
  • DancinSMartiPants
    Go to bed on time the night before and, if you use your phone as an alarm clock, make it say something like "You'll be happy you did this, so get up!" instead of "Morning Alarm."
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    I pay a trainer to wait for me. If I don't show up, he'll still charge me for the time. That's incentive!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    It so funny because I have ALWAYS been an early riser when it came to working out.. Its just something that jumps start your day.. I must admit I am one of those people when I wake up..I am instantly purky or just up...LOL...I know I am the type if I wait around til the evening it would be a no go for working out...I find the energy it give is so essential to my day...
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    While I'm not a 4am workout person, I try to get mine done before work as often as possible. I just think to myself "how am I going to feel when I get home from work if I DON'T get up and do this?" I know that if I don't do it in the morning, when I get home from work, i'm not going to want to do anything but sit on my couch and hang out with my bf. If I do it in the morning (5:30am), it's done, it's out of the way, and I'm more awake and alert at work (until about 3pm when I need a cup of coffee, but that's a minor inconvenience) :)
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I keep all my workout gear right next to my bed... roll over and put it on, then go. After about 10 minutes (once you're awake), it's not as bad as it seemed.
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    I was thinking the same thing... I normally get up at 430 to go to work. At night, I'm in bed by 10. I dont see how getting up at 3-330 will help. I'd have to do ALOT of stretching tio wake up THOSE muscles! LOL
  • katesbeach
    katesbeach Posts: 38 Member
    I try remind myself how glad I'll be to get the workout over with and have the whole day ahead of me! And I don't know about your gym, but mine gets lousy with people pretty much anytime between 8AM and 6PM, so I know I'll like working out at 6 or 7AM better. Plus, you'll be awake and energized for work!
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I like to think how relaxed (and a little smug) I'll feel afterwards. It's a great feeling to start the day with and puts me in a great mood!
  • socialite1
    socialite1 Posts: 109
    I recently started my early morning routine. I can assure you I'm not one of those perky, annoying morning people. I've found the easiest way for me to get up is to do two things: (1) Go to bed earlier and (2) Put my alarm clock on the opposite side of the room on the loudest setting. When it goes off, I have to get up. Once I'm up, I don't get back in bed! I get dressed and go!!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    i can't do it, i've tried and i just can't. i'm a night owl. Kudos to you guys.
  • monicaP413
    monicaP413 Posts: 165
    Haha! You get up early one morning and then the next and so on. You just gotta do it. Once you get in a routine of it, you want to get up cause you know how good it makes you feel! It's just getting started that's hard. I have recently fallen off the exercise wagon and trying to get back on!! I know I just have to make it the first few times and then I'm fine!! No matter what time I go to bed at night, if I wake up 1/2 hour earlier to do a workout, I don't feel as terrible throughout the day as if I don't do my workouts! I like doing the morning workouts cause it's so early, I'm still not all the way awake and by the time I am fully awake, I am done with the workout!:happy:
  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    I am a morning person, so it may be easier for me than some. I think once you see how much better it makes you feel, it will be easier to get up the next day. It is SO much cooler before daylight that I am considering getting up early even on my off days. I can run much better with less fatigue early in the morning and then you also get to have that feeling of accomplishment all day! I think it even gives you more incentive to eat correctly when you know what you have ALREADY invested that day. Give it a try! :happy:
  • mum2littledove
    mum2littledove Posts: 53 Member
    I'm not a natural early riser, but this is definitely working for me (I'm getting up before 6 for a run every day now).

    1) Absolutely definitely positively GO TO BED EARLY. Ideally every night, so your body clock starts to shift.


    2) If I'm getting up early for a run, I always have a piece of wholemeal toast first with some freshly brewed coffee. These are the kind of foods I absolutely adore, and are very fragrant, so I find the allure of the piece of toast makes me jump out of bed. Then once you're up, you're up and it's easy thereafter.

    No workout, no toast. It works for me anyway!
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    That's an awesome idea!!!
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    I just do it! I know that's completely unhelpful, but it's true. I just suck it up and go and am always glad I do. The alarm goes off at 4AM and I'm usually on the pavement by 4:45 (a few snoozes and a few unladylike words:)) It does get easier and become habit.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    What works for me (not a morning person):

    Have a dinner that won’t interfere with sleep. For me dinner is the lightest meal. Go to bed at a decent hour, set your alarm. Try to ensure you have a full nights rest. Plan your morning the night before- this includes getting your outfit, running shoes any workout gear etc ready. Also plan the actual workout before. I noticed on the days when I am figuring out what workout to do the morning of, I never get up. I cannot snooze. If I don’t just jump up right when I wake up I will talk myself out of working out and snooze until it is too late.

    And as you can probably tell, once you are actually up, you will have no problem pushing yourself.
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    Thats an awesome idea!!
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    i do a group workout so they help to keep me accountable but on the days that i work out on my own i get everything ready the night before so even when im half asleep i know where everything is and i can get ready with my eyes closed.
  • mcgwnkrista
    I'm definitely not a morning person but I try to get up at 5:30AM, get a full hour workout and then have breakfast and go to work. I'm slowly getting into the groove but I like it because it's easier for me to input my exercise on MFP in the morning so I can see how much exactly I can eat without going over. Plus I like leaving work knowing that I've done my exercise for the day and can go home to relax if I want :) I'm less likely to skip working out if I do it in the morning and get it over with.