I fell off the wagon. Hard.

When I stopped actively losing, I had lost 128 pounds. I felt amazing and confident and attractive, for the first time ever. And when I decided to just maintain after a while, I just...gave up. I'd say I was going back tomorrow, one more bad meal wasn't going to kill me. And then I kept pushing tomorrow back. It's been almost a year, and I've gained back about fifty pounds. I'm so disappointed in myself, it hurts, especially when I think about where I could be right now if I'd stayed with my plan. Today I got up early, went to the gym, and I'm tracking everything I'm eating. I'm committed, and I want to fix this. My family and friends say I can do it, I've done it before. And I know I can. But I know I'm going to need a lot of support. How do you get back to it? How do you recommit?


  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You get back on that wagon and show it who is boss. You just have to do it girl. You got this, get on up here and show us you got it.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Just do it. The past is the past, and you can't change it. Commit to doing it, and jump right back in. Also, forgive yourself. So you put some back on - you're still farther ahead of the game then last time.

    DO IT!!!!!!!! :-)
  • katesbeach
    katesbeach Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you!! I hope you don't mind if I add you both, I want to support as much as I get supported!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    You can do it! It's just a matter of believing in yourself and you know you have that in you already because you lost it before! I believe in you. :)
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Start from scratch! You know you lost 128 pounds before! That is by no means a small feat! you've got this! You can do it!
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I fell off the wagon over the summer, too, and gained back ten of the fifteen that I lost in the spring. I'm so angry with myself, especially because I joined around the same time as one of my friends, and she's thirty pounds down already and has completely left me in the dust. You just gotta realize that you screwed up, and not only own up to it, but commit to fixing it. You -can- do it. You just gotta hang in there.

    If you want some support that isn't afraid to give you a boot in the *kitten* when you start to get off track, feel free to send me a request. :)
  • TheJarv
    TheJarv Posts: 30 Member
    Yesterday is done.
    Tomorrow is waiting.
    TODAY you make the change.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I was just about to post this same story for me. Only I lost about 30 lbs, was on here everyday for about 150 days straight. exercising, then when I moved and couldn't fix my own meals for about a month... I gained 20 lbs back in the last 3 months :grumble: I keep telling myself that I need to get back to it, but it's like I've lost hope. Now that I've been getting back on here more regularly and holding myself responsible for what I'm eating (I know I'm still over on calories...) but my back is out of whack, so I can't even exercise :angry: I just don't know what to do to get the motivation. I'm good throughout the day, and then I go home and want to gorge on food, even though I know I shouldn't. hmmm...maybe today will be the day...
  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member
    When I stopped actively losing, I had lost 128 pounds. I felt amazing and confident and attractive, for the first time ever. And when I decided to just maintain after a while, I just...gave up. I'd say I was going back tomorrow, one more bad meal wasn't going to kill me. And then I kept pushing tomorrow back. It's been almost a year, and I've gained back about fifty pounds. I'm so disappointed in myself, it hurts, especially when I think about where I could be right now if I'd stayed with my plan. Today I got up early, went to the gym, and I'm tracking everything I'm eating. I'm committed, and I want to fix this. My family and friends say I can do it, I've done it before. And I know I can. But I know I'm going to need a lot of support. How do you get back to it? How do you recommit?

    I've done that a lot of time. Losing and gain again!
    What has made the difference for me was the change of objectif and the change of the plan.
    I needed little changes and not one big change that I can't handle of life long.
    This is not a limited journey, If you put in mind that you're starting a life change, things will turn better.
    A cheat day will stay a cheat day. You'll be back to a better plan more easily and so on.

    I'll add you as friend to help you start again.
    Don't be worry! If you use REALLY MFP and the support you'll receive her, it'll be easier for you to keep the good work for long!

    Hope hear from you.

  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member
    I was just about to post this same story for me. Only I lost about 30 lbs, was on here everyday for about 150 days straight. exercising, then when I moved and couldn't fix my own meals for about a month... I gained 20 lbs back in the last 3 months :grumble: I keep telling myself that I need to get back to it, but it's like I've lost hope. Now that I've been getting back on here more regularly and holding myself responsible for what I'm eating (I know I'm still over on calories...) but my back is out of whack, so I can't even exercise :angry: I just don't know what to do to get the motivation. I'm good throughout the day, and then I go home and want to gorge on food, even though I know I shouldn't. hmmm...maybe today will be the day...

    You're already doing a great job!
    It's not easy to come back and restart! Lot of people just give up definitely...
    But you don't and you should be proud of you!!!
    You can add me as friend. It would be a pleasure for me.

    Keep on the good work (even if your over your calorie goal. Each little improvement is important and makes finally a huge difference.
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    I fell off the wagon so many times in the past that the wagon was constantly running over me. It was sad...
    Now, if I slip, I get right back on. It's hard but worth it.
  • I’ve done the same thing... Over the summer I gained 30lbs back and I am so upset with myself for this. I had finally gotten to a point of self confidence and I lost it all because I though I had beaten my food battle and I let it kiss my butt again :sad: Now I’ve started over to get the job done this time. Anyone feel free to add me for support and motivation. Together we can do it and accomplish our goals.
  • CRVDiva
    CRVDiva Posts: 104
    If you don't mind then it won't matter. :wink:

    Seriously if you were able to lose 128lbs then you know what to do and if you surround yourself with supportive people then you will have no choice but to embrace the rewards of resuming a healthy lifestyle. I fell off the wagon when I got down to 137lbs and went back up to 154.6 lbs and now I'm working back towards my goal. Don't think about what has already happened just start with your next meal and hang out around MFP so you can get the support you need to get right back to where you were. Together we can do this because you know what they say, "there is strength in numbers". Welcome back to MFP. I started back last Thursday and so far I've been doing pretty good. I will weigh in on Thursday to see what the scale says but I intend to keep going because I know I can get back to where I was. Come on girl...you can do this :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • katesbeach
    katesbeach Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you so much, everybody!! I really appreciate all this support. I'm feeling motivated and ready to stay on track! And I'm really excited to have a bunch of new friends!
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    You're already on the right track by choosing to go to the gym TODAY and log activiy/food TODAY rather than waiting for "tomorrow." That's half the battle! Take one day at a time--even one hour at a time if necessary.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    You can do this girl! No one said it would be easy, but nothing worth having ever is ; )
  • krisotis
    krisotis Posts: 19 Member
    128 pounds that awesome! you are human just like the rest of us. I fell off about 6 weeks ago and gained 14 of my 22 back i was taking care of a sweet baby I received him when he was 7 weeks old and after having him for 5 months his mom was able to get herself together and was able to start taking care of herself and him. I never knew taking care of a baby that I knew i would not have forever would effect me the way it did. He has been back with him mom for about 6 weeks and i tell you the start of that 6 weeks is when i gave up . I fell into a deep drepression and just quite caring but people here never gave up on me and today i can tell you i am back into my bootcamps and journaling 100% and feeling great about myself. So you start NOW not tomorrow or Monday you start NOW. You first forgive yourself then get ready for all the support this site can offer you. You got this!
  • deltalbarbie
    @Isa, how did you get to a point where you made it a lifestyle instead of just a temporary change? That is what I am still struggling with. @Katesbeach and @AmyClark, I completely understand where you guys are coming from. I log in my food but mentally, I am not where I was when I lost a lot of weight.
  • lorrainzander
    lorrainzander Posts: 47 Member
    Just wanted to say that I have been there one too many times and you are not alone. I have been on a twenty year yo-yo and I have decided I want to get off and you can too! I have to remind myself that each day is a new day. It can be such a hard challenge not to get too depressed about the mistakes I have made with my health, but I am trying to move on and let it go. Please feel to add me as a friend if you need extra support!
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    how did you get to a point where you made it a lifestyle instead of just a temporary change? That is what I am still struggling with.

    Like I said, one day (or hour...or meal...) at a time. If you keep doing that, someday you'll look around and realize that you've been doing this for two weeks...then it's a month...then it's six months. THen a year. Eventually you don't even think about it so intensely. You automatically reach for a salad instead of a cheeseburger, and iced tea instead of Coke. You miss the exercise if you don't get your workout in for the day for some reason. THAT's when you realize that it's become a lifestyle--YOUR lifestyle.

    I don't think we can honestly say to ourselves: "Self, this is our new life now. Deal with it!" It's too big and overwhelming. Take it one obstacle at a time. Most of us can say "It's just breakfast. I can eat a healthy breakfast" and then follow through. Then later say "It's just lunch. I can do a salad" and so on. Eventually it becomes a habit. Habit = lifestyle.

    You can do this!