SteveStedge1 Member


  • If everyone is ignoring you congratulations-you now what what its like to be a married man!
  • Reminds me of the guy who was arrested for tasering his girlfriend's infant repeatedly . He was "training" the baby to be a cage fighter. That extreme example "dirty" store milk I assume that buying organic store bought whole milk will solve your concerns? Children need the fats in whole milk for brain…
  • Reminds of the old meme... Patient: "The problem doctor, is that obesity runs in our family." Doctor: "No, the problem is that no one runs in your family."
  • As you are just 19 you wont see it yet...but if it makes you feel better I promise you nearly all those people who bullied you and were popular "peaked" in high school and their lives wont amount to ****. I'm 38 and through the wonders of facebook I've got to see all the "popular" kids find out that life doesn't let you…
  • Congrats on quitting smoking!! You body and your wallet will thank you!
  • are you just letting us know or was there a question in that post?
  • That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on this site. Usually they just call me an @sshole if I use my brutally honest caveman style of response. Thank you. Really.
  • Sorry if I misread that OP. Your picture just showed up. You don't need to be taking any bull from any man. Guys are a dime a dozen.
  • Are you calling me rude? I suppose I've been called worse.
  • First..anytime a female complains publicly about her mate on this forum, the hens start clucking collectively "KICK HIM TO THE CURB". Its always the same even for the most minor infraction. First off, dont lie to us, don't lie to yourself. Telling us you are busy with school as an excuse not to eat right and workout? I…
  • God people have no balls here and refuse to answer the question. It was asked, I will answer. Overwhelmingly men prefer hourglass shaped women. If you have a body shape other than that its not like you can change your shape other than being the fittest you that you wish to/want to/care to be. Every guy likes different…
  • So...would you ask a guy in a wheelchair what he need to walk for? Those of us with poor vision cannot function without corrective lenses. Back on opticals often you can get complete rx goggles for less than 100 bux.Quick google search yeilds SPEEDO brand rx goggles for 20 bux without lenses.
  • OK, I apologize I'm going to break this into pounds so I can understand. 79.1=174.4lbs 75kg=165.3lbs 174.4X40.4=70.46lbs fat 165.3X38.9=64.3lbs fat so you lost 9.1 lbs, and 6.16lbs was fat. So you lost about 2/3 fat and 1/3 lean mass. Thats pretty reasonable. I would say those numbers are fairly accurate. When we run a…
  • I sold my blood. Or technically my "plasma". Imagine this..being run like privacy..beds all stacked next to each other. A few techs running around hooking GIANT needles to you. The whole process takes about 1 hour. At the end they pump FREEZING fluid back in you. They fill you with 68 degree fluid. Which makes…
  • Seriously...I turn into a major crab when on a diet. As many people on the board are also. That really should explain a lot.
  • Your first actually ARE required to stick around. It's called MARRIAGE. It something that a successful, civilized society pushes for. Marriage benefits the woman by making a contractual bind so the man can't just decide one day he wants out and leave her responsible for a child. Which happens when people…
  • So exactly WHO is judging a man's value NOT by his looks? That would be women...who are judging a man by his wallet size. In response-as soon as women start judging a man not by his bank account men will judge women not by their looks. It aint gonna happen sister. Humans judge the opposite sex in ways they have no control…
  • " I would either like to replace my small extra fat percentage with muscle tone, or gain weight and have visible muscle" my brain now hurts from misinformation. So much bad information and incorrect assumptions on the post...please someone with some patience respond.
  • [/quote] don't rationalize someone being thoughtless by thinking it's 'typical.' [/quote] I was thinking the same thing. Painting all men as thoughtless? What sort of sexist, ignorant, bigoted, misandrous garbage is that? Or is it ok to stereotype some groups and not others?
  • As a male I can't stress this enough "NEVER touch his stuff". I know where every tool, nut,bolt, doodad I own is. I can't remember what I had for breakfast, but I know where every item I own is. And if something is missing (especially when I need it) I know either the wife of child was messing with it. Moving his stuff…
  • This is SO my favorite post in this thread
  • Cardio is a waste of time since you can lift weights in such a way you keep your heart rate up to get the cardio benefit and the muscle mass benefit. People like doing cardio because its easy and brainless. Its a great way to unwind. Its not the most beneficial use of your gym time if youre looking for maximum results…
  • if youre shaky, its time to eat.
  • The OP's post..and "conclusions" are the very definition of "anecdotal evidence". About the thin woman...let me tell you a little secret..some thin people downplay how much they actually watch their calories and really DO work hard on their weight because of the "you dont need to lose weight" comments and other bull****…
  • Sugar causes type 2 diabetes. Fat does not.
  • That's not really helpful. Those are all deaths by all pedestrians, not people working out. I agree, cars are dangerous. Lets not quote make-believe statistics....or apply actual statics in a dishonest manner. I'm pretty sure the chances of getting hit by a car running in your local park is pretty slim. But yes, for…
  • So access to guns causes murder? So if you had a gun you would murder? much fail here. I can tell you our CDC just did a study directed by President Obama... our Center for Diesease Control estimates guns are used for SELF DEFENSE up to 8,200 times a day in the United States.
  • Only a very informed person will understand your sarcasm here...which there appear not to be many of those people on this thread.