Losing weight in my buttox? NOT GOOD



  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    Ahh this is my ultimate fear. I love my booty and do not want to lose it.

    Also, cardio is not a waste of time. Gosh..
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    The same thing happened to me as well. I got her back though through some serious weight lifting. I have one day designated specifically to work the gluteus maximus. Cut back just a little on your cardio and add some squats, deadlifts, lunges, reverse lunges, elevated lunges, step ups, goblet squats, and most importantly the bridge hip thrusts. Up your protein a bit as well and she'll come back:wink:
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    Squat like it's your job honey! My *kitten* was so small for a black girl, and now I am quite pleased with it.

    This is SO my favorite post in this thread
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    You might want to check out the book Strong Curves. The author knows his stuff and gives solid, sensible advice on developing that area. The book has programs for just the lower body as well as full-body programs. All of them focus on the glutes.

    Squats/DLs etc. are great but HIP THRUSTERS are the one exercise that made a difference to my butt. I just finished strong curves advanced program and highly recommend it. At very least have a look through some of the stuff on this website http://bretcontreras.com/. Bret is known as "the glute guy" for a reason. He knows his s#!t
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Squat like it's your job honey! My *kitten* was so small for a black girl, and now I am quite pleased with it.

    ^ I like you.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Squats, lunges and dead lifts!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Squats with weights in high heels.
    um no.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Squats with weights in high heels.

    Omg no. Clearly has no idea what a squat is.

  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I would like to reinforce this point with a remix of sorts

    If you not happy with your badunk ladies & gentlemen
    Get ready to get swole up
    Let's do it, Ha Ha
    You know what
    Lil Jon
    All of the squataholics
    Where you at
    Let's go

    When I walk in the gym
    All eyes on me
    I'm with the party rock crew
    All sets are free
    We like to squat
    We love to get low
    We came to barbell squat
    Everybody it's on

    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats

    The guys love us
    When we do squats
    They need an excuse
    To stare at our badunks
    We came to get crunk
    How 'bout you?
    Barbells up
    Let's go for set two
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats

  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Squats with weights in high heels.

    Please don't do this nonsense ever. Ok thanks bye.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Cue the obligatory squat squat squat responses…when squats don't give maximal glute activation. But I'll concede…one should be squatting for many other benefits, not just aesthetics…but I digress….

    There's no such thing as toning or getting toned. That's just a marketing word for building muscle and losing fat. The problem is that it's nearly impossible to do both at the same unless you're just starting out…especially for a female. And you can do all the various squats and lunges and this or that but it won't make a hill of beans if you're not eating properly. If you want to shape or build a different *kitten* yore simply talking about adding muscle and that takes a caloric surplus. Your body is not going to take fat and make it into muscle. It's impossible, it doesn't have the nutritional profile to do so. So if you're still interested in cardio, for some reason, you have to make your mind up as to what you want to do. You ready to gain some weight? You're officially a body builder now. (Frankly you've been one) You need to change your eating over to how a bodybuilder eats if you're planning on making any difference. High protein and do real work like previously suggested. Cardio sucks and you can replace that with more intense and heavier glute work. Also see the conundrum….women oftentimes don't want to bulk up or add muscle, but they are marketed to to think there's something different a girl needs to do. Negative. You're trying to add bulk to your *kitten* now if you're talking bout shaping or toning, that's what you're asking for…just a smaller amount than "some big body builder chick/dude" But physiologically it's the same reaction, just smaller. And this is part of how the industry and it's bullishly has confused people.

    It's always funny to me how everyone has a special exercise recommendation but no one understands that all you're going to be doing is "running in place" and breaking your muscle down to repair itself over and over again and not make much of a difference unless you eat differently. Most goals are 99% dietary intake in my book. You can contract and relax a muscle under load a million different ways but the intake is what makes the difference.
  • EmmaNilsson77
    EmmaNilsson77 Posts: 38 Member
    I would like to reinforce this point with a remix of sorts

    If you not happy with your badunk ladies & gentlemen
    Get ready to get swole up
    Let's do it, Ha Ha
    You know what
    Lil Jon
    All of the squataholics
    Where you at
    Let's go

    When I walk in the gym
    All eyes on me
    I'm with the party rock crew
    All sets are free
    We like to squat
    We love to get low
    We came to barbell squat
    Everybody it's on

    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats

    The guys love us
    When we do squats
    They need an excuse
    To stare at our badunks
    We came to get crunk
    How 'bout you?
    Barbells up
    Let's go for set two
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats
    Squats Squats Squats Squats Squats


    Best thing I've seen all day.
    Thanks for that, ryry.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Squats, deadlifts, hip thrusters, lunges … all that.

    And you have to eat right. That might mean maintenance (SLOW), or a slight surplus to build the muscle.
  • No butt no good!! Go get the butt bible dvd !!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Squats (goblet, barbell, split), deadlifts, hill sprints, hip thrusts, glute bridges. In the 8 - 12 rep range.

    Check out http://bretcontreras.com/category/glute-training/
  • Cycling has been my butt saver! And its still a great cardio burn, working well for me so far
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.
    I know exactly how you feel. I feel the same way with pilates yuppies. Low intensity bastardized yoga, marketed for women because women's body respond differently to metabolic and neuromuscular stressors, right?

    Pilates will "tone" your whatever because it's loaded muscle. Why not achieve your goal ten times faster by adding ten times more intensity and eat accordingly to ones goals.

    Stamina? For what jogging? Do some front squats, glute bridges, dead lifts, box jumps… That will build real stamina that blows a typical mile or two jog out of the water, not just stamina to move an elliptical or jog. Plus the metabolism is potentially further increased where as lame cardio for endurance has been shown to lower metabolic rate. PLUS, ANOTHER PLUS, is that you're still working the targeted area and creating change faster, if eating is appropriate.

    And again, Pilates or cardio will do nothing if the systems aren't fed properly.

    People feel some kind of way about "weightlifting" when it's proven time and time again. What it boils down to is females wanted to tell other females some weak sauce or lazier way to make something happen. And as long as you all repeat it, the people that research this stuff for a living are going to criticize the nonsense advice as it should be criticized especially when the rationale is scientifically incorrect.

    20 years experience as a trainer and dietary consultant.
  • You will get lots of recommendations to do squats and lunges which is good. However, when I used to speed skate I had huge glutes. Both speed skaters and figure skaters have big glutes. I would suggest doing some of your cardio in the form of roller blading.

    Agree!! Im a figure skater and it saved my butt (literally) when I was losing weight! Even when I lost 25lbs my butt stayed, all because of skating and squats. So yeah like everyone else is saying, squats and lunges, but doing any kind of skating (ice or roller) is great way to get cardio as well.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.
