Losing weight in my buttox? NOT GOOD



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Lift heavy!
    You´ll never get a toned body by wasting your time doing cardio:angry:

  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Hip thust. Start with body weight if you want. I did and actually found it challenging but the strength gains came fast.

  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Not everyone likes heavy lifting, but if you want a smaller waist and a bigger butt, without some kind of surgery, it's your only option. That doesn't mean you can't do other kinds of exercise too.
  • Not everyone likes heavy lifting, but if you want a smaller waist and a bigger butt, without some kind of surgery, it's your only option.

  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Not everyone likes heavy lifting, but if you want a smaller waist and a bigger butt, without some kind of surgery, it's your only option.


    That's for a smaller waist and the same butt. It looks nice though.
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    Since the glutes are one of the largest muscle groups in the body, it would be wise to apply exercise modes that will minimize loss of lean "*kitten*" mass if you wish to preserve its shape and fullness while dieting. Certain cardio workouts can be included as auxiliary exercises but progressive weight training should be the bread and butter. Commence Operation "Save the Mass in My *kitten*," soldier.

    LOL @ "*kitten* mass"
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    "I like big butts and I cannot lie!!! " Sorry that song just came to mind LOL!!!

    Can't remember the rest of the lyrics!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.

    You people need to stop telling everyone tthat only lifting weights will get you to your goal when in fact not everyone wants/needs to.:)

    Sorry friend....When somebody says I want to be skinny/thin/other adjective....I agree weights is not required for everyone

    When someone specifically asks how to increase the size of a muscle...yes progressively overloading that muscle to force adaptation and eating for such goals is the answer

    Well that is just crazy talk.

    Right. We're not even talking about a complex side of this stuff. Anybody wanting to shape,tone,lift,tighten, tuck, whatever, is describing a change in skeletal muscle, and that requires intense muscular load and eating to support it. ///

    I mean just go do sprints right. Ever seen a sprinter that didn't have glutes? Same reason people are talking about skating. It's a ton of gluteal extension. Now find a high level sprinter or skater that eats at a deficit. Don't hold your breath. They eat to support the added mass(sculpting or toning, this is what you're doing, adding mass to the muscle) The problem is that how practical is it for a person to incorporate sprinting or skating or biking into their life?

    More people bike the world over than weight lift. But never mind that, your last sentence is the fulcrum - the practical solution is to add the activity that is practical and allows for consistent practice and is aligned to your overall total goals. If one enjoys practicing a specific sport or activity - without detracting from it, weight lifting does not substitute the learned neurological adaptation of practicing the movements of that activity.
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.
    I know exactly how you feel. I feel the same way with pilates yuppies. Low intensity bastardized yoga, marketed for women because women's body respond differently to metabolic and neuromuscular stressors, right?

    Pilates will "tone" your whatever because it's loaded muscle. Why not achieve your goal ten times faster by adding ten times more intensity and eat accordingly to ones goals.

    Stamina? For what jogging? Do some front squats, glute bridges, dead lifts, box jumps… That will build real stamina that blows a typical mile or two jog out of the water, not just stamina to move an elliptical or jog. Plus the metabolism is potentially further increased where as lame cardio for endurance has been shown to lower metabolic rate. PLUS, ANOTHER PLUS, is that you're still working the targeted area and creating change faster, if eating is appropriate.

    And again, Pilates or cardio will do nothing if the systems aren't fed properly.

    People feel some kind of way about "weightlifting" when it's proven time and time again. What it boils down to is females wanted to tell other females some weak sauce or lazier way to make something happen. And as long as you all repeat it, the people that research this stuff for a living are going to criticize the nonsense advice as it should be criticized especially when the rationale is scientifically incorrect.

    20 years experience as a misogynist trainer and dietary consultant.

    FIFY - 1/10 would not hire.

    Glad to see you got your ire out but it's insulting to the women here that are working hard and not about being "weaksauce" or looking for a "lazier way".

    Goal-oriented activity and selection of activity that drives consistency are just as important as the exercise itself.
    Sure, I believe that squats, glute bridges, etc (and the associated diet) are the most efficient ways of working for a nice butt, however there is absolutely nothing wrong with a program based on other activity if that is your pleasure.

    Inline skating, track cycling, mountain biking, stair climbers are all cardio based activity that drive glute use. And while they might not be the most efficient program for butt growth, the most efficient program is the one you do regularly.

    So when people here provide different options, rather than belittling them it might be more useful to try to balance between theoretical effectiveness and what people actually do. I personally loath pilates and even if was the worlds best exercise would not do it. The same preferences can be attached to any program...

    Your monobloc thinking is monobloc.

    Misogynist ???? I take great offense to that even though it is laughable. So you tell me what I said that is misogynist? Go ahead tell me. You can call me a lot of things but misogynist is not one of them. Did you not read? My point is that the female physiological response is basically the same as a male, and to make them think otherwise has caused mass confusion.

    The female has been belittled enough in this industry. They are equal. Stop trying to coddle females when it comes to fitness and their work and goals. People like you are the reason why the industry is the way it is. That's what one of my points are. You want to say what people want to hear, I want to say what is important for the goal. We're not talking about what women can do to get in shape, we're talking about building or shaping the *kitten*! Sure more people bike. The OP was asking for alternatives to cardio, and you all are yapping about this or that. If she's doing cardio already and not overweight, what is biking going to do to shape her *kitten* especially if she doesn't grasp the importance of dietary intake and hypertrophy?

    This is the crap people have to deal with in this industry when speaking about the nonsense. You can talk about something that I said or stated, like being a weight lifting yuppy. But don't call me a false title based on your shortcomings of understandings. That crossed the line of a personal attack in my book. Now I either want an apology or a retraction of your misogynist statement. You tell me what I said that is misogynist.

    You come here guns firing and telling everyone that its about females telling females about some "weaksauce" or "lazier" method -- so if you are offended you only have your generalizations to blame. It's there in bold, your words.

    As to your point on "female physiology" being basically the same is truly so spacious I could park a damn 747 in there. I won't belittle your knowledge by explaining a variety of physiological responses that vary from pain sensation to the obvious testosterone or even osteoporosis risk factors which are all gender influenced. I imagine that you mean something rather basic like "women/men should exercise and that exercise should include some sort of progressive strength training" or did you have something else in mind?

    As to "people like me" - I really don't know what you are talking about or think I am selling? I actually simply believe that individuals (not male or female) have a variety of sports/fitness goals and are best served by considering how weight training fits into them and that it is not the same end-all-be-all-for-all. I truly don't see the issue there but feel free to explain who "people like me" are - I am always looking for me peers.

    The OP was NOT asking for cardio alternatives. She wasn't asking to STOP. She might very much enjoy it. The only place that this equation is ONLY one or the other is in your head. You started the arguments around "wasting her time". She was asking about how to reduce the effects of weight loss specifically in a muscle group and while I agree that weight training is the most efficient method, it's not the only one nor necessarily the most accessible for ALL individuals. At the risk of bringing in personla info, one of my daughters dislikes weight training very much - she practices fencing, climbing and circus acrobatics to an extent that places her where she want to be with her body. Tell her "but you must do weighted squats in the gym" would be stupid. Goals, attitude and personal preference have a role.

    As to what the OP grasps or not - boy, do you come across as arrogant. It isn't my fault that what you post is constructed as poor generalizations. "People like me, the industry, women" and so on. I am sorry that your blaze-in-the-face position, with such overt arrogance to the the OP "wasting her time with cardio" or "lazy" women results in an attitude which can be correctly labelled as less than egalitarian. Are you like this in real life? I don't know nor do I in anyway suggest that is the case, I do underline that your words and attitude in your post you come across as such. Good luck.

    TL;DR? No insult is intended, you damn yourself by the words you use to describe women doing cardio/pilates/whatever as promoters of "weak sauce or lazier way".

    Responding as one of women who, according to the self proclaimed misogynistic trainer, is apparently not weak or lazy as I lift and do no cardio, Evgeni's advice is spot on. He also is far more encouraging to women (and men) than someone who posts condescending, generalized and insulting diatribes aimed at women.

    Resistance training is important for a variety of reasons, but lifting heavy arsed weights is not the only way to reap benefits, and often will not yield the benefits at all, for example, if someone does not like doing it.

    Talk about going from the ridiculous to the sublime. You have some person, with an obvious chip on their shoulder saying that they are annoyed with weightlifting yuppies, and then you have an equally extreme response that is pretty silly (and patronizing) as it does not take into account context...at all.

    It really is not that complicated and I have no idea why it is so polarizing.

    - incorporate resistance training, whatever that type be, based on your preferences and resources
    - if you want to gain mass in a specific area, you need to providing stimulus by way of progressive loading and weight lifting training is generally the most effective/efficient, but not the only, way of doing that.
    - if you want to do cardio...do it.
    - if you like pilates/zumba/yoga/pilloxing/prancersize...do it (well, maybe not the last two)

    I hate to throw a cliche out there...but the phrase 'the best exercise is the one you will do' is pretty much one that needs to be considered.

    This is completely false. Sorry. It is. I will do a video and post it back into the forums later. And before TLDR takes over the weak sauce and lazy brains of SOME, not all males and females read this: THe simple solution to any of the internet forum wannabe super trainers is simple. Write her a program! Do it. It will only take a minute. Go ask any person with two brain cells to read her question and write her a program. Write her a program and post it up!

    "everyone doesn't like lifting heavy" You're right. Therefore everyone won't build or add size to a given area or group without doing 1000 reps like a male full of testosterone and that's a freak, like Herschel Walker. Sure you can add some size through high Time Under Tension…and if you're female it's going to be even harder due to hormonal restrictions, but the mechanisms by which change occurs are the same for male or female. I don't care if you're male or female. And this goes to evegni or whoever else who believes this. Unfortunately I've had way more important stuff to do and didn't get to reply. But to anyone still hanging around this nonsense part of the post, I will be doing a video reply and I will be sharing it soon, not just for this forum but for the planet.

    A chip on my shoulder or whatever you want to say. I know it's hard to know how someone is saying something on an internet forum or whatever, but if you're not sure, or if you think you're sure, then you still have an option to ask for clarification or double check before throwing a word out that is supremely hateful.

    Now what if the best workout that a person can do is stairclimber or 5 lb kickbacks or even body weight squats . Then without regard to to dietary intake….? I'm about truth and effectiveness and not trying to get internet hugs and smiley faces. Stop throwing out nonsense to people. You don't have to workout with your maximum weight or 80 or 90 percent of it. But you find me someone that says you can add muscle mass of any noticeable amount by working out and doing "whatever you can stick to" without regard to macronutrient intake, which was my original interjection, and I'll laugh at that and tell anyone who agrees with it that you simply don't understand even the basics of physiology. Sorry, if you can't do the work it takes to achieve a certain goal, then understand that. There's no judgment in that, that's fine. But understand what you're trying to accomplish and know what it takes to make that happen then set your workout and intake accordingly. Or just lose weight and see if your butt loos better to you. People try to eat and a achieve a goal that is IMPOSSIBLE based on their intake, and IMPOSSIBLE based o their workout. Male or female, adding mass of any quality occurs one way. Try to circumvent that and fall into the pile of people who waste time and fail. Thats totally ok, too, but just don't wonder why.

    Now write that program! You know what mine will be, it will fall inline with all the OTHER people that said the truth, minus the extra entertainment that I added.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Not everyone likes heavy lifting, but if you want a smaller waist and a bigger butt, without some kind of surgery, it's your only option. That doesn't mean you can't do other kinds of exercise too.

    No no it's not your only option. You can do whatever you have time to do and whatever you like as long as you stick to it….says some super trainers around here. Wish I knew how that worked!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.

    You people need to stop telling everyone tthat only lifting weights will get you to your goal when in fact not everyone wants/needs to.:)

    Sorry friend....When somebody says I want to be skinny/thin/other adjective....I agree weights is not required for everyone

    When someone specifically asks how to increase the size of a muscle...yes progressively overloading that muscle to force adaptation and eating for such goals is the answer

    Well that is just crazy talk.

    Right. We're not even talking about a complex side of this stuff. Anybody wanting to shape,tone,lift,tighten, tuck, whatever, is describing a change in skeletal muscle, and that requires intense muscular load and eating to support it. ///

    I mean just go do sprints right. Ever seen a sprinter that didn't have glutes? Same reason people are talking about skating. It's a ton of gluteal extension. Now find a high level sprinter or skater that eats at a deficit. Don't hold your breath. They eat to support the added mass(sculpting or toning, this is what you're doing, adding mass to the muscle) The problem is that how practical is it for a person to incorporate sprinting or skating or biking into their life?

    More people bike the world over than weight lift. But never mind that, your last sentence is the fulcrum - the practical solution is to add the activity that is practical and allows for consistent practice and is aligned to your overall total goals. If one enjoys practicing a specific sport or activity - without detracting from it, weight lifting does not substitute the learned neurological adaptation of practicing the movements of that activity.
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.
    I know exactly how you feel. I feel the same way with pilates yuppies. Low intensity bastardized yoga, marketed for women because women's body respond differently to metabolic and neuromuscular stressors, right?

    Pilates will "tone" your whatever because it's loaded muscle. Why not achieve your goal ten times faster by adding ten times more intensity and eat accordingly to ones goals.

    Stamina? For what jogging? Do some front squats, glute bridges, dead lifts, box jumps… That will build real stamina that blows a typical mile or two jog out of the water, not just stamina to move an elliptical or jog. Plus the metabolism is potentially further increased where as lame cardio for endurance has been shown to lower metabolic rate. PLUS, ANOTHER PLUS, is that you're still working the targeted area and creating change faster, if eating is appropriate.

    And again, Pilates or cardio will do nothing if the systems aren't fed properly.

    People feel some kind of way about "weightlifting" when it's proven time and time again. What it boils down to is females wanted to tell other females some weak sauce or lazier way to make something happen. And as long as you all repeat it, the people that research this stuff for a living are going to criticize the nonsense advice as it should be criticized especially when the rationale is scientifically incorrect.

    20 years experience as a misogynist trainer and dietary consultant.

    FIFY - 1/10 would not hire.

    Glad to see you got your ire out but it's insulting to the women here that are working hard and not about being "weaksauce" or looking for a "lazier way".

    Goal-oriented activity and selection of activity that drives consistency are just as important as the exercise itself.
    Sure, I believe that squats, glute bridges, etc (and the associated diet) are the most efficient ways of working for a nice butt, however there is absolutely nothing wrong with a program based on other activity if that is your pleasure.

    Inline skating, track cycling, mountain biking, stair climbers are all cardio based activity that drive glute use. And while they might not be the most efficient program for butt growth, the most efficient program is the one you do regularly.

    So when people here provide different options, rather than belittling them it might be more useful to try to balance between theoretical effectiveness and what people actually do. I personally loath pilates and even if was the worlds best exercise would not do it. The same preferences can be attached to any program...

    Your monobloc thinking is monobloc.

    Misogynist ???? I take great offense to that even though it is laughable. So you tell me what I said that is misogynist? Go ahead tell me. You can call me a lot of things but misogynist is not one of them. Did you not read? My point is that the female physiological response is basically the same as a male, and to make them think otherwise has caused mass confusion.

    The female has been belittled enough in this industry. They are equal. Stop trying to coddle females when it comes to fitness and their work and goals. People like you are the reason why the industry is the way it is. That's what one of my points are. You want to say what people want to hear, I want to say what is important for the goal. We're not talking about what women can do to get in shape, we're talking about building or shaping the *kitten*! Sure more people bike. The OP was asking for alternatives to cardio, and you all are yapping about this or that. If she's doing cardio already and not overweight, what is biking going to do to shape her *kitten* especially if she doesn't grasp the importance of dietary intake and hypertrophy?

    This is the crap people have to deal with in this industry when speaking about the nonsense. You can talk about something that I said or stated, like being a weight lifting yuppy. But don't call me a false title based on your shortcomings of understandings. That crossed the line of a personal attack in my book. Now I either want an apology or a retraction of your misogynist statement. You tell me what I said that is misogynist.

    You come here guns firing and telling everyone that its about females telling females about some "weaksauce" or "lazier" method -- so if you are offended you only have your generalizations to blame. It's there in bold, your words.

    As to your point on "female physiology" being basically the same is truly so spacious I could park a damn 747 in there. I won't belittle your knowledge by explaining a variety of physiological responses that vary from pain sensation to the obvious testosterone or even osteoporosis risk factors which are all gender influenced. I imagine that you mean something rather basic like "women/men should exercise and that exercise should include some sort of progressive strength training" or did you have something else in mind?

    As to "people like me" - I really don't know what you are talking about or think I am selling? I actually simply believe that individuals (not male or female) have a variety of sports/fitness goals and are best served by considering how weight training fits into them and that it is not the same end-all-be-all-for-all. I truly don't see the issue there but feel free to explain who "people like me" are - I am always looking for me peers.

    The OP was NOT asking for cardio alternatives. She wasn't asking to STOP. She might very much enjoy it. The only place that this equation is ONLY one or the other is in your head. You started the arguments around "wasting her time". She was asking about how to reduce the effects of weight loss specifically in a muscle group and while I agree that weight training is the most efficient method, it's not the only one nor necessarily the most accessible for ALL individuals. At the risk of bringing in personla info, one of my daughters dislikes weight training very much - she practices fencing, climbing and circus acrobatics to an extent that places her where she want to be with her body. Tell her "but you must do weighted squats in the gym" would be stupid. Goals, attitude and personal preference have a role.

    As to what the OP grasps or not - boy, do you come across as arrogant. It isn't my fault that what you post is constructed as poor generalizations. "People like me, the industry, women" and so on. I am sorry that your blaze-in-the-face position, with such overt arrogance to the the OP "wasting her time with cardio" or "lazy" women results in an attitude which can be correctly labelled as less than egalitarian. Are you like this in real life? I don't know nor do I in anyway suggest that is the case, I do underline that your words and attitude in your post you come across as such. Good luck.

    TL;DR? No insult is intended, you damn yourself by the words you use to describe women doing cardio/pilates/whatever as promoters of "weak sauce or lazier way".

    Responding as one of women who, according to the self proclaimed misogynistic trainer, is apparently not weak or lazy as I lift and do no cardio, Evgeni's advice is spot on. He also is far more encouraging to women (and men) than someone who posts condescending, generalized and insulting diatribes aimed at women.

    Resistance training is important for a variety of reasons, but lifting heavy arsed weights is not the only way to reap benefits, and often will not yield the benefits at all, for example, if someone does not like doing it.

    Talk about going from the ridiculous to the sublime. You have some person, with an obvious chip on their shoulder saying that they are annoyed with weightlifting yuppies, and then you have an equally extreme response that is pretty silly (and patronizing) as it does not take into account context...at all.

    It really is not that complicated and I have no idea why it is so polarizing.

    - incorporate resistance training, whatever that type be, based on your preferences and resources
    - if you want to gain mass in a specific area, you need to providing stimulus by way of progressive loading and weight lifting training is generally the most effective/efficient, but not the only, way of doing that.
    - if you want to do cardio...do it.
    - if you like pilates/zumba/yoga/pilloxing/prancersize...do it (well, maybe not the last two)

    I hate to throw a cliche out there...but the phrase 'the best exercise is the one you will do' is pretty much one that needs to be considered.

    This is completely false. Sorry. It is. I will do a video and post it back into the forums later. And before TLDR takes over the weak sauce and lazy brains of SOME, not all males and females read this: THe simple solution to any of the internet forum wannabe super trainers is simple. Write her a program! Do it. It will only take a minute. Go ask any person with two brain cells to read her question and write her a program. Write her a program and post it up!

    "everyone doesn't like lifting heavy" You're right. Therefore everyone won't build or add size to a given area or group without doing 1000 reps like a male full of testosterone and that's a freak, like Herschel Walker. Sure you can add some size through high Time Under Tension…and if you're female it's going to be even harder due to hormonal restrictions, but the mechanisms by which change occurs are the same for male or female. I don't care if you're male or female. And this goes to evegni or whoever else who believes this. Unfortunately I've had way more important stuff to do and didn't get to reply. But to anyone still hanging around this nonsense part of the post, I will be doing a video reply and I will be sharing it soon, not just for this forum but for the planet.

    A chip on my shoulder or whatever you want to say. I know it's hard to know how someone is saying something on an internet forum or whatever, but if you're not sure, or if you think you're sure, then you still have an option to ask for clarification or double check before throwing a word out that is supremely hateful.

    Now what if the best workout that a person can do is stairclimber or 5 lb kickbacks or even body weight squats . Then without regard to to dietary intake….? I'm about truth and effectiveness and not trying to get internet hugs and smiley faces. Stop throwing out nonsense to people. You don't have to workout with your maximum weight or 80 or 90 percent of it. But you find me someone that says you can add muscle mass of any noticeable amount by working out and doing "whatever you can stick to" without regard to macronutrient intake, which was my original interjection, and I'll laugh at that and tell anyone who agrees with it that you simply don't understand even the basics of physiology. Sorry, if you can't do the work it takes to achieve a certain goal, then understand that. There's no judgment in that, that's fine. But understand what you're trying to accomplish and know what it takes to make that happen then set your workout and intake accordingly. Or just lose weight and see if your butt loos better to you. People try to eat and a achieve a goal that is IMPOSSIBLE based on their intake, and IMPOSSIBLE based o their workout. Male or female, adding mass of any quality occurs one way. Try to circumvent that and fall into the pile of people who waste time and fail. Thats totally ok, too, but just don't wonder why.

    Now write that program! You know what mine will be, it will fall inline with all the OTHER people that said the truth, minus the extra entertainment that I added.

    What specifically are you disagreeing with?
  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
    Squats, squats, squats.

    My favourite jeans don't fit properly now because my *kitten* is twice the muscle it used to be from squats
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.

    You people need to stop telling everyone tthat only lifting weights will get you to your goal when in fact not everyone wants/needs to.:)

    Sorry friend....When somebody says I want to be skinny/thin/other adjective....I agree weights is not required for everyone

    When someone specifically asks how to increase the size of a muscle...yes progressively overloading that muscle to force adaptation and eating for such goals is the answer

    Well that is just crazy talk.

    Right. We're not even talking about a complex side of this stuff. Anybody wanting to shape,tone,lift,tighten, tuck, whatever, is describing a change in skeletal muscle, and that requires intense muscular load and eating to support it. ///

    I mean just go do sprints right. Ever seen a sprinter that didn't have glutes? Same reason people are talking about skating. It's a ton of gluteal extension. Now find a high level sprinter or skater that eats at a deficit. Don't hold your breath. They eat to support the added mass(sculpting or toning, this is what you're doing, adding mass to the muscle) The problem is that how practical is it for a person to incorporate sprinting or skating or biking into their life?

    More people bike the world over than weight lift. But never mind that, your last sentence is the fulcrum - the practical solution is to add the activity that is practical and allows for consistent practice and is aligned to your overall total goals. If one enjoys practicing a specific sport or activity - without detracting from it, weight lifting does not substitute the learned neurological adaptation of practicing the movements of that activity.
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.
    I know exactly how you feel. I feel the same way with pilates yuppies. Low intensity bastardized yoga, marketed for women because women's body respond differently to metabolic and neuromuscular stressors, right?

    Pilates will "tone" your whatever because it's loaded muscle. Why not achieve your goal ten times faster by adding ten times more intensity and eat accordingly to ones goals.

    Stamina? For what jogging? Do some front squats, glute bridges, dead lifts, box jumps… That will build real stamina that blows a typical mile or two jog out of the water, not just stamina to move an elliptical or jog. Plus the metabolism is potentially further increased where as lame cardio for endurance has been shown to lower metabolic rate. PLUS, ANOTHER PLUS, is that you're still working the targeted area and creating change faster, if eating is appropriate.

    And again, Pilates or cardio will do nothing if the systems aren't fed properly.

    People feel some kind of way about "weightlifting" when it's proven time and time again. What it boils down to is females wanted to tell other females some weak sauce or lazier way to make something happen. And as long as you all repeat it, the people that research this stuff for a living are going to criticize the nonsense advice as it should be criticized especially when the rationale is scientifically incorrect.

    20 years experience as a misogynist trainer and dietary consultant.

    FIFY - 1/10 would not hire.

    Glad to see you got your ire out but it's insulting to the women here that are working hard and not about being "weaksauce" or looking for a "lazier way".

    Goal-oriented activity and selection of activity that drives consistency are just as important as the exercise itself.
    Sure, I believe that squats, glute bridges, etc (and the associated diet) are the most efficient ways of working for a nice butt, however there is absolutely nothing wrong with a program based on other activity if that is your pleasure.

    Inline skating, track cycling, mountain biking, stair climbers are all cardio based activity that drive glute use. And while they might not be the most efficient program for butt growth, the most efficient program is the one you do regularly.

    So when people here provide different options, rather than belittling them it might be more useful to try to balance between theoretical effectiveness and what people actually do. I personally loath pilates and even if was the worlds best exercise would not do it. The same preferences can be attached to any program...

    Your monobloc thinking is monobloc.

    Misogynist ???? I take great offense to that even though it is laughable. So you tell me what I said that is misogynist? Go ahead tell me. You can call me a lot of things but misogynist is not one of them. Did you not read? My point is that the female physiological response is basically the same as a male, and to make them think otherwise has caused mass confusion.

    The female has been belittled enough in this industry. They are equal. Stop trying to coddle females when it comes to fitness and their work and goals. People like you are the reason why the industry is the way it is. That's what one of my points are. You want to say what people want to hear, I want to say what is important for the goal. We're not talking about what women can do to get in shape, we're talking about building or shaping the *kitten*! Sure more people bike. The OP was asking for alternatives to cardio, and you all are yapping about this or that. If she's doing cardio already and not overweight, what is biking going to do to shape her *kitten* especially if she doesn't grasp the importance of dietary intake and hypertrophy?

    This is the crap people have to deal with in this industry when speaking about the nonsense. You can talk about something that I said or stated, like being a weight lifting yuppy. But don't call me a false title based on your shortcomings of understandings. That crossed the line of a personal attack in my book. Now I either want an apology or a retraction of your misogynist statement. You tell me what I said that is misogynist.

    You come here guns firing and telling everyone that its about females telling females about some "weaksauce" or "lazier" method -- so if you are offended you only have your generalizations to blame. It's there in bold, your words.

    As to your point on "female physiology" being basically the same is truly so spacious I could park a damn 747 in there. I won't belittle your knowledge by explaining a variety of physiological responses that vary from pain sensation to the obvious testosterone or even osteoporosis risk factors which are all gender influenced. I imagine that you mean something rather basic like "women/men should exercise and that exercise should include some sort of progressive strength training" or did you have something else in mind?

    As to "people like me" - I really don't know what you are talking about or think I am selling? I actually simply believe that individuals (not male or female) have a variety of sports/fitness goals and are best served by considering how weight training fits into them and that it is not the same end-all-be-all-for-all. I truly don't see the issue there but feel free to explain who "people like me" are - I am always looking for me peers.

    The OP was NOT asking for cardio alternatives. She wasn't asking to STOP. She might very much enjoy it. The only place that this equation is ONLY one or the other is in your head. You started the arguments around "wasting her time". She was asking about how to reduce the effects of weight loss specifically in a muscle group and while I agree that weight training is the most efficient method, it's not the only one nor necessarily the most accessible for ALL individuals. At the risk of bringing in personla info, one of my daughters dislikes weight training very much - she practices fencing, climbing and circus acrobatics to an extent that places her where she want to be with her body. Tell her "but you must do weighted squats in the gym" would be stupid. Goals, attitude and personal preference have a role.

    As to what the OP grasps or not - boy, do you come across as arrogant. It isn't my fault that what you post is constructed as poor generalizations. "People like me, the industry, women" and so on. I am sorry that your blaze-in-the-face position, with such overt arrogance to the the OP "wasting her time with cardio" or "lazy" women results in an attitude which can be correctly labelled as less than egalitarian. Are you like this in real life? I don't know nor do I in anyway suggest that is the case, I do underline that your words and attitude in your post you come across as such. Good luck.

    TL;DR? No insult is intended, you damn yourself by the words you use to describe women doing cardio/pilates/whatever as promoters of "weak sauce or lazier way".

    Responding as one of women who, according to the self proclaimed misogynistic trainer, is apparently not weak or lazy as I lift and do no cardio, Evgeni's advice is spot on. He also is far more encouraging to women (and men) than someone who posts condescending, generalized and insulting diatribes aimed at women.

    Resistance training is important for a variety of reasons, but lifting heavy arsed weights is not the only way to reap benefits, and often will not yield the benefits at all, for example, if someone does not like doing it.

    Talk about going from the ridiculous to the sublime. You have some person, with an obvious chip on their shoulder saying that they are annoyed with weightlifting yuppies, and then you have an equally extreme response that is pretty silly (and patronizing) as it does not take into account context...at all.

    It really is not that complicated and I have no idea why it is so polarizing.

    - incorporate resistance training, whatever that type be, based on your preferences and resources
    - if you want to gain mass in a specific area, you need to providing stimulus by way of progressive loading and weight lifting training is generally the most effective/efficient, but not the only, way of doing that.

    - if you want to do cardio...do it.
    - if you like pilates/zumba/yoga/pilloxing/prancersize...do it (well, maybe not the last two)

    I hate to throw a cliche out there...but the phrase 'the best exercise is the one you will do' is pretty much one that needs to be considered.

    This is completely false. Sorry. It is. I will do a video and post it back into the forums later. And before TLDR takes over the weak sauce and lazy brains of SOME, not all males and females read this: THe simple solution to any of the internet forum wannabe super trainers is simple. Write her a program! Do it. It will only take a minute. Go ask any person with two brain cells to read her question and write her a program. Write her a program and post it up!

    "everyone doesn't like lifting heavy" You're right. Therefore everyone won't build or add size to a given area or group without doing 1000 reps like a male full of testosterone and that's a freak, like Herschel Walker. Sure you can add some size through high Time Under Tension…and if you're female it's going to be even harder due to hormonal restrictions, but the mechanisms by which change occurs are the same for male or female. I don't care if you're male or female. And this goes to evegni or whoever else who believes this. Unfortunately I've had way more important stuff to do and didn't get to reply. But to anyone still hanging around this nonsense part of the post, I will be doing a video reply and I will be sharing it soon, not just for this forum but for the planet.

    A chip on my shoulder or whatever you want to say. I know it's hard to know how someone is saying something on an internet forum or whatever, but if you're not sure, or if you think you're sure, then you still have an option to ask for clarification or double check before throwing a word out that is supremely hateful.

    Now what if the best workout that a person can do is stairclimber or 5 lb kickbacks or even body weight squats . Then without regard to to dietary intake….? I'm about truth and effectiveness and not trying to get internet hugs and smiley faces. Stop throwing out nonsense to people. You don't have to workout with your maximum weight or 80 or 90 percent of it. But you find me someone that says you can add muscle mass of any noticeable amount by working out and doing "whatever you can stick to" without regard to macronutrient intake, which was my original interjection, and I'll laugh at that and tell anyone who agrees with it that you simply don't understand even the basics of physiology. Sorry, if you can't do the work it takes to achieve a certain goal, then understand that. There's no judgment in that, that's fine. But understand what you're trying to accomplish and know what it takes to make that happen then set your workout and intake accordingly. Or just lose weight and see if your butt loos better to you. People try to eat and a achieve a goal that is IMPOSSIBLE based on their intake, and IMPOSSIBLE based o their workout. Male or female, adding mass of any quality occurs one way. Try to circumvent that and fall into the pile of people who waste time and fail. Thats totally ok, too, but just don't wonder why.

    Now write that program! You know what mine will be, it will fall inline with all the OTHER people that said the truth, minus the extra entertainment that I added.

    Lovely diatribe...now what exactly is your issue, except for lacking any context whatsoever? Also, reread what I wrote (hint...the chip on your shoulder was not aimed at you). I also highlighted the point I made - the one you seem to have a bug up your butt about - what exactly do you disagree with? You are so eager to argue, posture and spout rhetoric that you actually misread what I wrote. Ironic heh?
  • markink81
    markink81 Posts: 73 Member
    Cue the obligatory squat squat squat responses…when squats don't give maximal glute activation. But I'll concede…one should be squatting for many other benefits, not just aesthetics…but I digress….

    There's no such thing as toning or getting toned. That's just a marketing word for building muscle and losing fat. The problem is that it's nearly impossible to do both at the same unless you're just starting out…especially for a female. And you can do all the various squats and lunges and this or that but it won't make a hill of beans if you're not eating properly. If you want to shape or build a different *kitten* yore simply talking about adding muscle and that takes a caloric surplus. Your body is not going to take fat and make it into muscle. It's impossible, it doesn't have the nutritional profile to do so. So if you're still interested in cardio, for some reason, you have to make your mind up as to what you want to do. You ready to gain some weight? You're officially a body builder now. (Frankly you've been one) You need to change your eating over to how a bodybuilder eats if you're planning on making any difference. High protein and do real work like previously suggested. Cardio sucks and you can replace that with more intense and heavier glute work. Also see the conundrum….women oftentimes don't want to bulk up or add muscle, but they are marketed to to think there's something different a girl needs to do. Negative. You're trying to add bulk to your *kitten* now if you're talking bout shaping or toning, that's what you're asking for…just a smaller amount than "some big body builder chick/dude" But physiologically it's the same reaction, just smaller. And this is part of how the industry and it's bullishly has confused people.

    It's always funny to me how everyone has a special exercise recommendation but no one understands that all you're going to be doing is "running in place" and breaking your muscle down to repair itself over and over again and not make much of a difference unless you eat differently. Most goals are 99% dietary intake in my book. You can contract and relax a muscle under load a million different ways but the intake is what makes the difference.

    This. But I wouldn't say 99% dietary intake perhaps 80% would be more like it.
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    In my personal experience squats tend to be more quadriceps-biased. They do work the glutes, but they are predominantly quadriceps. The best way to hit the glutes hard (again, just personal experience) is adding explosive force to whatever you're doing to work your lower body. This increases glute and hamstring activation.

    If you do back barbell squats correctly, they are most definitely a glute/hamstring exercise. The key is to keep your weight on your heels and sit back and down. If you go straight down your knees may go over your toes at any rate it will put a lot more pressure on your quads and knees. Another thing, go deep, hips either parallel to the knees or below. You'll feel that in your glutes if the weight is heavy. :drinker:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    In my personal experience squats tend to be more quadriceps-biased. They do work the glutes, but they are predominantly quadriceps. The best way to hit the glutes hard (again, just personal experience) is adding explosive force to whatever you're doing to work your lower body. This increases glute and hamstring activation.

    If you do back barbell squats correctly, they are most definitely a glute/hamstring exercise. The key is to keep your weight on your heels and sit back and down. If you go straight down your knees may go over your toes at any rate it will put a lot more pressure on your quads and knees. Another thing, go deep, hips either parallel to the knees or below. You'll feel that in your glutes if the weight is heavy. :drinker:

    In addition to keeping your weight on your heels and sitting back and down, squeeze your glutes like your life depends on it, and focus on using your glutes to perform the squat. But don't skip glute bridges, hip thrusts, dead lifts, and the quadruped-butt-blasting exercise just because you do squats.
  • amylynnadelman
    I am having the EXACT problem ! I cut weight and I am happy with my abs and definition in my arms but I have also lost my butt! Everything I read tells me to add STRENGTH TRAINING and additional Weights to my current routine to get lean muscle mass. I would like to be back up with about 2-3lbs of lean muscle. I have created a new strength training regimen for glutes that is seemingly effective : http://amylynncircuittraining.blogspot.com/2013/11/circuit-training-workout-76-killer.html - - It seems that in addition to full body workouts you can train your glutes 2-3 times a week. My question is
    Do I stay in maintenance mode with my calories and try to eat more protein? Or do I need to add more calories to get the muscle mass?
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Or do I need to add more calories to get the muscle mass?

    You need this and a programme with a focus on your glutes - Brett Contreras is your guy for that.

    To be far to that Fitness Tutor guy who was previously posting on this thread he had a good point (although his delivery was a little poor I must say.)

    If you are dieting then you are in a calorie deficit and your body will lose fat from your body in a genetically pre determined pattern. You can attempt to minimise the ratio of fat to muscle you lose across the whole of your body by certain things (weight training and good diet in the main.) However there is little you can do if your genetic make up dictates that fat loss will favour your butt before your biceps of whatever. In addition, given it is not likely that you can increase muscle mass to any significant degree whilst dieting advising people to squuuuuuuuat isn't really going to solve the problem.

    So what to do? Well, you have lost the fat that was previously in your butt which gave it the shape or fullness you desire. You don't want to replace it with fat as this will mean an increase in fat in other places in your body which you do not desire.

    So what to replace it with? Muscle.

    How do you build muscle there? Calorie surplus and a programme with a specific focus on the glutes...
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm so annoyed with these weightlifting yuppies.
    If you don't want stamina for **** go ahead ..
    Otherwise do Pilates and stick with some cardio(it's amazing how well it tones your body).

    =experience/track runner.

    Huh. I ran track, too, and we did squats, leg curls, and leg extensions. But yeah, weights totally don't have any place in running, let alone helping someone get a butt.

    OP: Squats. Lunges. Hip thrusts. Glute bridges.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I want to tone my legs and *kitten* but I feel like my *kitten* is disappearing from all the cardio I'm doing……. I've cut back because I still want to slim my waist, etc…. Help?

    You cannot control where your body loses weight from .... anyone else tired of the same questions everyday
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Also, use the stairs instead of elevators/escalators