Workout safety (stranger danger)



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Wow, I'm surprised that there are people who think that predator's don't exist. Women have in fact been abducted on hikes, this happened fairly recently and I thought made national news. People do watch others to figure out their patterns. An admittedly distant acquaintance of mine was murdered because he was a business owner and people watched his habits and realized he didn't always go to the bank with his cash receipts every night.

    I'm not saying you should live scared, but you should definitely live aware.

    Not a single person has suggested that predators do not exist. Most people are just pointing out the paranoia behind thinking it is so widespread. As another pointed out, you have a better chance of being ran over while jogging than being attacked. Anecdotes about someone being abducted are scary, but not the general rule.

    this is why i carry a gun when i go jogging and shoot at every driver in my vicinity. one can never be too careful, right?

    Not surprised, you live in LB. Par for the course!

    Dang, Redondo Beach...not as funny now. :/

    you assumed LB because....PROFILING!!! I was going to live in Long Beach but no one leaves their water bottles unattended there. how am I going to get a date that way?
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It's this simple: If someone wants to get you and cause you harm, they WILL. It doesn't matter if you switch your schedule, post your workout routine or not.

    This is why I always post the workout routine I'm NOT going to do.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Before this thread I had no idea people left water unattended.

    I always thought I was blessed in finding free water all the time. :ohwell:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    It's this simple: If someone wants to get you and cause you harm, they WILL. It doesn't matter if you switch your schedule, post your workout routine or not.

    This is why I always post the workout routine I'm NOT going to do.

    I always post the workout routine I'm not doing too but that's just so people think I'm getting fit when I'm really just sitting in front of my TV eating all the foodz.
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?
    Wait....Is that a real question? It's a gun. You put it in a holster. Then you run. Duh...:noway: It's no worse than the people who run with those little belts full of water bottles.

    Did you just compare running with water to running with a gun on your hip? Is this seriously a thing?

    yes. people run with guns. there are special holsters and even lightweight guns that one can use so that they don't affect your running. it's not just for city dwellers worried about muggers, but lots of folks run in the wilderness and there are bears and mountain lions and coyotes to contend with. all of these animals will attack humans on occasion, and some female joggers have been "taken" by mountain lions while running trails in california and other western states in recent years.

    i personally don't find anything strange or odd about it. if you get into trouble on a trail, calling for "help" is not the solution.

    Any handgun your going to want to run with isn't going to do anything against a bear!

    You know what's more dangerous than a bear? Moose. Unless your a trained biathlete, your not going to stop a charging moose with a 380 ACP or a 9mm!

    Actually, Rick Perry stopped a coyote with his LCP while on a walk...
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    and I thought made national news..

    Which is a good indicator of just how rare it is, although there is reporting bias, particularly if the subject is female and ideally pretty...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?

    They're not even a particularly good idea unless one is trained in how to use them as part of a defensive activity, and spend a considerable amount of time maintaining currency. Otherwise it's just handy that you brought your own, saves your attacker bringing one...
    Hang on, Mr. Mugger, let me just get my gun out of my back pack so I can fight you off...

    So much ignorance of how this process works.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately), not the place to address it...

    ...and honestly, I'm not vested enough in addressing random strangers' misunderstanding to even bother anyhow.

    ETA: What's the over/under on the lock now? 2p CDT?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?

    WTF....?? :huh:

    So I had to google this as I didn't have the faintest clue what a "Ruger LCP" was....

    Are you serious? You run with a gun???? :noway:

    It's moments like this make you feel very very happy that you live in the UK, isn't it? :-)

    I wish I lived in the UK...

    ...where there are no violent crimes.
  • ktcomplicated
    ktcomplicated Posts: 16 Member

    On average, one in six women will be sexually assaulted in their life time. And we're taught that if we do, it's our fault for not being vigilant enough. It's not a ****ing joke.
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    I'd LOVE to see the source on "youre more likely to be hit by a car WHEN JOGGING than get attacked". Sounds like complete bull to me. Source please.....
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?

    WTF....?? :huh:

    So I had to google this as I didn't have the faintest clue what a "Ruger LCP" was....

    Are you serious? You run with a gun???? :noway:

    It's moments like this make you feel very very happy that you live in the UK, isn't it? :-)

    I wish I lived in the UK...

    ...where there are no violent crimes.

    Only a very informed person will understand your sarcasm here...which there appear not to be many of those people on this thread.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    So much ignorance of how this process works.

    Personally I prefer carrying my pistol on the front of my body armour, accepting the risk that one shouldn't really clutter the front of the rig with kit.

    And ideally 4 spare magazines for the pistol, the Bergen is for more spare ammo and area defensive munitions to secure the mid run harbour area...

  • CharbyOttawa
    CharbyOttawa Posts: 49 Member
    "For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380"

    And jogging with a holstered weapon in Canada will certainly get you shot by the local cops. NOBODY except police officers and a select few high-level bodyguards are allowed to carry weapons. That is why the murder rate per capita for Canada is a fraction of what it is in the US.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    That is why the murder rate per capita for Canada is a fraction of what it is in the US.

    No, the answer is MOAR GUNZZZ
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    "For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380"

    And jogging with a holstered weapon in Canada will certainly get you shot by the local cops. NOBODY except police officers and a select few high-level bodyguards are allowed to carry weapons. That is why the murder rate per capita for Canada is a fraction of what it is in the US.

    So access to guns causes murder? So if you had a gun you would murder? much fail here.

    I can tell you our CDC just did a study directed by President Obama... our Center for Diesease Control estimates guns are used for SELF DEFENSE up to 8,200 times a day in the United States.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I'd LOVE to see the source on "youre more likely to be hit by a car WHEN JOGGING than get attacked". Sounds like complete bull to me. Source please.....
  • One way to feel a little safer is to look for apps like this . After you set it up all you have to do is turn it on at the start of your run and it will text the people you want it to. Those people can track you on a map and also get an alert if you have been still for 5 minutes. Not a perfect system, but it's an aid to being observant and cautious.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    On average, one in six women will be sexually assaulted in their life time.

    With the vast majority of perpetrators being known to the victim.

    Of course you might wish to clarify which geography that one in six applies to as the underlying data differs; domestic violence, familial violence or sexual violence, known associate sexual violence etc.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?

    WTF....?? :huh:

    So I had to google this as I didn't have the faintest clue what a "Ruger LCP" was....

    Are you serious? You run with a gun???? :noway:

    It's moments like this make you feel very very happy that you live in the UK, isn't it? :-)

    I wish I lived in the UK...

    ...where there are no violent crimes.

    Only a very informed person will understand your sarcasm here...which there appear not to be many of those people on this thread.

    They should probably try banning knives there too.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm not paranoid to go out and run but I an wary. As I said before I have a friend who is a triathlete. She would post all her training and races on Dailymile. Of course a lot of her runs and rides started from home and she had some normal routes that she followed. Some guy became fascinated with her at a race and started following her by using her Dailymile page to track her runs. He knew where she lived, he knew where she went. He didn't ever do anything but pop up here and there or sit in his car across from her house but it was downright creepy.

    I've also been out on a back road running and had a truck with tinted windows drive by really slowly, turn around, pass me again, turn around again. I'm not some hot young girl so it really made me wonder about his intellect but I could see a house ahead a bit so I made for their driveway and walked to the house like I belonged there and the truck drove off.

    You don't have to cower in your house with the shades drawn but there are people out there who are always looking for a victim. It never hurts to be aware of your surroundings and have an emergency plan in mind.