Workout safety (stranger danger)



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    Of course we have nothing to worry about. No man has ever been sexually assaulted, raped, attacked, or murdered.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    Of course we have nothing to worry about. No man has ever been sexually assaulted, raped, attacked, or murdered.

    So I don't really want to get involved in an online argument because I feel like that is like the lamest thing in the world; however, I do think this series of posts is a bit insensitive. Men are certainly targeted as victims of violent crimes and no one is saying that they're not.

    No one on here is saying that they are paranoid or are hiding in their homes because of fear, but it is important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings. That applies to men and women. As a man, however, it can be really hard to understand what it feels like to be physically intimidated by another person. You may have never experienced the utterly helpless feeling of knowing that you are matched up against a person who has greater physical strength than you. The fact is, we live in a world where some people will use their physical attributes to make another person feel weak or intimidated. I have personally experienced it, and there is literally no worse feeling. I don't think a lot of men can say that they understand how this feels.

    Also, your points would probably be taken more graciously if you didn't feel the need to make them in such a snarky manner.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    There is nothing wrong with being cautious or just sensible (and I agree that some caution with apps like "Map my Run" etc are sensible if you start runs from your home location etc), but going for a jog with a gun down your pants is beyond a joke. :noway:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    You don't where I live, where I'm from, or what dangers I've had to learn to avoid over my lifetime. No one is saying not to take precaution and to be aware of your surroundings. But everyone is not trying to harm you every second of your life. I know that every time I turn on my television after 9pm I see horrible things happening to women on every single network show, but the world isn't comprised entirely of serial killers.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    Of course we have nothing to worry about. No man has ever been sexually assaulted, raped, attacked, or murdered.

    So I don't really want to get involved in an online argument because I feel like that is like the lamest thing in the world; however, I do think this series of posts is a bit insensitive. Men are certainly targeted as victims of violent crimes and no one is saying that they're not.

    No one on here is saying that they are paranoid or are hiding in their homes because of fear, but it is important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings. That applies to men and women. As a man, however, it can be really hard to understand what it feels like to be physically intimidated by another person. You may have never experienced the utterly helpless feeling of knowing that you are matched up against a person who has greater physical strength than you. The fact is, we live in a world where some people will use their physical attributes to make another person feel weak or intimidated. I have personally experienced it, and there is literally no worse feeling. I don't think a lot of men can say that they understand how this feels.

    Also, your points would probably be taken more graciously if you didn't feel the need to make them in such a snarky manner.

    Thanks, you pretty well summed up what I was thinking but wasn't going to bother saying, because I too think that internet arguments are useless haha
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I think it's a legitimate fear that can only be understood if you have been in a scary situation before. Seven months deployed in the desert made my situational awareness what it is today, and it's not always a concern for rape/molestation. When I'm running outside, I'm not just looking for random people lurking in the shadows. I'm looking for stray dogs that could attack, too. When I'm in a restaurant, I always am in the seat that faces the rest of the people seated instead of a wall. I also look for emergency exits in public buildings. In an airplane, I always get the aisle seat. I think it's less of a paranoia and more of a preparedness for anything that could happen.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?

    Oh DEFINITLEY encourage people to carry a gun. Without a doubt, best thing you can do. I just love the idea of jittery paranoid joggers armed. Get a grip.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    You don't where I live, where I'm from, or what dangers I've had to learn to avoid over my lifetime. No one is saying not to take precaution and to be aware of your surroundings. But everyone is not trying to harm you every second of your life. I know that every time I turn on my television after 9pm I see horrible things happening to women on every single network show, but the world isn't comprised entirely of serial killers.

    ^This. I take plenty of precautions but they fact of the matter is I live in a big city and take the metro everyday. If I were to think about someone having a gun or bomb everyday, I wouldn't be able to leave my house. I can't afford to be paranoid each day - that's not a way to live. Smart, yes, paranoid, no. In the end, you can't prevent everything.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    Of course we have nothing to worry about. No man has ever been sexually assaulted, raped, attacked, or murdered.

    Thank heavens!

    Could you imagine if the possibility of something like that happening even existed? The horror! The abject terror! I. can't. even.....
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    SURPRISE. people are being really over the top here. running with a concealed gun... I'm pretty sure you must be kidding.

    as someone who has been a victim of a crime, believe me, you guys are really paranoid. be aware of your surroundings, I guess don't publicly post your running routes, carry pepper spray if it makes you feel better. anything further is just taking it WAY too far.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    Of course we have nothing to worry about. No man has ever been sexually assaulted, raped, attacked, or murdered.

    So I don't really want to get involved in an online argument because I feel like that is like the lamest thing in the world;
    But I'm going to anyway
    however, I do think this series of posts is a bit insensitive. Men are certainly targeted as victims of violent crimes and no one is saying that they're not.

    No one on here is saying that they are paranoid or are hiding in their homes because of fear, but it is important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings. That applies to men and women. As a man, however, it can be really hard to understand what it feels like to be physically intimidated by another person. You may have never experienced the utterly helpless feeling of knowing that you are matched up against a person who has greater physical strength than you. The fact is, we live in a world where some people will use their physical attributes to make another person feel weak or intimidated. I have personally experienced it, and there is literally no worse feeling. I don't think a lot of men can say that they understand how this feels.

    Also, your points would probably be taken more graciously if you didn't feel the need to make them in such a snarky manner.

    TIL all men are equally strong and men haven't been faced with larger or stronger people. I'll let Gary Coleman know that he should have no problem with The Rock.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    It's separated by woods and water (that someone could have dumped their bodies in after they knocked them out with whatever they put in their drinks and did who knows what to them). I probably watch too much Criminal Minds, but it could happen.

    you're right, you watch way too much Criminal Minds. please look up the statistics on serial murder. you will feel much better. you're welcome.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    not true. Men can be victims of violent crime as well, even rape. To think that it's just something that only affects women is naive. A male friend of mine was murdered aged 17, a tragic waste of life (this was a couple of decades ago now) so don't think that this kind of safety advice only applies to women. Some kinds of violent crime are more likely to happen to men than women. And while rape more commonly happens to women, it happens to men too.

    that said, I do think there is such a thing as being overly paranoid, and it's not healthy. Take sensible precautions for your safety, but don't obsess about it or think that every other person is out to get you. and yes i know what it's like to be extremely paranoid (i.e. hypervigilance due to having PTSD) and really, sensible precautions plus not stressing/obsessing about it is far more healthy. the vast majority of people out there are good people. Don't be naive as bad people do exist, but don't be paranoid either, because you can waste your entire life being terrified of the world for no actual increase in how safe you are in reality.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    Of course we have nothing to worry about. No man has ever been sexually assaulted, raped, attacked, or murdered.

    So I don't really want to get involved in an online argument because I feel like that is like the lamest thing in the world;
    But I'm going to anyway
    however, I do think this series of posts is a bit insensitive. Men are certainly targeted as victims of violent crimes and no one is saying that they're not.

    No one on here is saying that they are paranoid or are hiding in their homes because of fear, but it is important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings. That applies to men and women. As a man, however, it can be really hard to understand what it feels like to be physically intimidated by another person. You may have never experienced the utterly helpless feeling of knowing that you are matched up against a person who has greater physical strength than you. The fact is, we live in a world where some people will use their physical attributes to make another person feel weak or intimidated. I have personally experienced it, and there is literally no worse feeling. I don't think a lot of men can say that they understand how this feels.

    Also, your points would probably be taken more graciously if you didn't feel the need to make them in such a snarky manner.

    TIL all men are equally strong and men haven't been faced with larger or stronger people. I'll let Gary Coleman know that he should have no problem with The Rock.

    It would be kind of hard to let Gary Coleman know anything at this point...also, I see what you're saying and I agree to some extent. I shouldn't have made generalizations, but I think there are certain legitimate differences that you can say apply more frequently to women than to men (not saying always). I also think that you're taking a lot of people's valid points to an extreme that they were not intended.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?

    Nobody is saying not to take precaution...but their is precaution and then there is downright paranoia and pretty much being afraid of your own shadow. I mean some of these posts (and the do come up relatively frequently) make me wonder how many people even manage to step outside of their own front door. A great many people are overly paranoid and just think the boogie man is around every corner waiting to pounce on them and that's just not reality. Overwhelming fear of everything consumes the lives of many it would seem...

    The fact of the matter is that you have a far greater likelihood of getting hit by a motor vehicle while you're out on your jog than you do being physically attacked by another human being...guess it's best just to lock yourself in your own house then....
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Two words:

    Stun gun.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    SURPRISE. people are being really over the top here. running with a concealed gun... I'm pretty sure you must be kidding.

    I do sometimes...but usually only when I'm running out in the sticks where there are big dogs roaming free and they will run after you and attack.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Two words:

    Stun gun.


    no joke, I hope to one day own one of those. not for protection against wackos, but to live out my dream of being more like veronica mars.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Two words:

    Stun gun.


    no joke, I hope to one day own one of those. not for protection against wackos, but to live out my dream of being more like veronica mars.

    I'll get you one!! I just changed my profile pic!!