Workout safety (stranger danger)

This is more of a rant about some of the dangerous stuff I've seen people do.

Do you make your workout maps public? I don't. I've noticed that some people do, though. And, some even let people follow their activity. I just don't think that it's a good idea to let random people know what streets and parks you use each day.

I've gone to the park and have seen full water containers and personal belongings in a certain area (but, I didn't see anyone at the park), and about 20 minutes later, a group of young women would come back and start drinking from the containers. :noway: Weren't we told in school to never leave drinks unattended? They were 100s of feet away in a completely different part of the park. There was no way for them to know if anyone had come into the park (you can't hear or see anything between the two areas) and slipped something in their drinks. It's separated by woods and water (that someone could have dumped their bodies in after they knocked them out with whatever they put in their drinks and did who knows what to them). I probably watch too much Criminal Minds, but it could happen. I mean, this happened two days in a row. And, when I got to the park, the sun had just come up and I was the only one there (besides them). So, anyone who had bad intentions could have figured out their habits and used that. I just thought it was stupid of them to do that.


  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    I probably watch too much Criminal Minds, but it could happen.

    Me too! But seriously, these are all really good points. I also think it's smart to run with only one earbud in when it's early in the AM or late at night. Helps me be aware of my surroundings.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I have a law enforcement background and come from extremely paranoid parents so I tend to over think things too - and the reality is these are all good points. Unfortunately, bad things can happen anytime. I think there is a fine line between being smart and being paranoid.

    That being said, if I was in a running group, I'd probably leave my water with the rest of them and not think about it.

    Edited for punctuation
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    There are things the media/news has fearmongered us into thinking are "dangerous" and then there is reality. Is anyone REALLY looking at your public workouts to stalk you? Not likely. Better question yet is has that EVER happened to anyone? And if so, was it a jilted ex (who would find you anyway) or a stranger? Now not wearing both earbuds while jogging THAT is sound advice. When I see anyone (young women especially) walking around completely unaware of their situation with both earbuds in and/or playing with their smartphones I know for criminals that person is a soft target. For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like the Ruger lcp. As far as leaving your drinks that is a whole new level of stupid. Best advice for women...if you see a group of sketchy guys or even one..LOOK at him. Don't stare. Just make eye contact briefly. Just keep your head up and let them know you know they are there. These guys are looking for easy prey that looks down or away or isnt paying attention.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I use Dailymile and I can't believe how many women make their routes public and if you read their profiles they pretty much tell you their schedules. One woman I'm friends with actually had a stalker who had picked up on her info from Dailymile. Scary stuff!

    I live in a rural area so I try to change up my routes and really watch the traffic. Lots of places there isn't even a house in sight so I try to only go out during normal daylight hours.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    The terrorists have won.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have a law enforcement background and come from extremely paranoid parents so I tend to over think things too - and the reality is these are all good points. Unfortunately, bad things can happen anytime. I think there is a fine line between being smart and being paranoid.

    That being said, if I was in a running group, I'd probably leave my water with the rest of them and not think about it.

    Edited for punctuation

    I come from a slightly similar place- but my dad is borderline paranoid- and it DEFINITELY rubbed off on me-I'm hyper aware of stuff I probably shouldn't be... I don't think I'd ever leave water in a public place out in the open unless it was mostly visible at all times.

    I've left my shirt and water behind something- tucked away... but I wouldn't ever leave it all out in the open and just leave it. nope- no way.

    I'd rather drink from a public fountain than do that.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    Whats a workout map?

    I work out in my basement. Come and get me
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    There are things the media/news has fearmongered us into thinking are "dangerous" and then there is reality. Is anyone REALLY looking at your public workouts to stalk you? Not likely. Better question yet is has that EVER happened to anyone? And if so, was it a jilted ex (who would find you anyway) or a stranger? Now not wearing both earbuds while jogging THAT is sound advice. When I see anyone (young women especially) walking around completely unaware of their situation with both earbuds in and/or playing with their smartphones I know for criminals that person is a soft target. For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like the Ruger lcp. As far as leaving your drinks that is a whole new level of stupid. Best advice for women...if you see a group of sketchy guys or even one..LOOK at him. Don't stare. Just make eye contact briefly. Just keep your head up and let them know you know they are there. These guys are looking for easy prey that looks down or away or isnt paying attention.

    This times 10,000. Take basic precautions but don't be overly afraid. The bottom line is the world isn't nearly as dangerous as the media has made it out to be.
  • suzeq22
    suzeq22 Posts: 17 Member
    I think those were excellent points. I wouldn't leave my drink or any of my stuff unattended. I get up and out at 5:00 a.m. every weekday but I have my 75 lb labrador with me. Granted, he's super friendly but I think if someone had bad intentions, I think he might go into protect mode. We have to look out for coyotes more than people here. I live in a large condo complex but we are surrounded by thick woods and we've seen them on occasion. So far they haven't bothered us but I'm always keeping an eye out for them. I also don't listen to my music too loud so I can hear cars, etc. It's been surprising to me to see just how many vehicles and people are out that early. My son goes to the junior high school right down the street (it's a dead end) and I was freaked out one morning when I saw a guy walking down that way but it turns out he's the maintenance guy at the school and walks to work every day. I also see the same two ladies walking my opposite route every day so I feel a little safer knowing there are people around.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    I have been known to be pretty paranoid (I prefer to say "aware") about issues like this, also. I agree that something bad can happen even if you take all precautions so you have to figure out where to draw the line.

    I personally wouldn't bring a gun with me when running, but I do think mace is a good idea. If it's dark, I don't listen to music at all. This is as much so that I can hear cars as it is for being able to hear another person. I also have a HUGE dog that I have started bringing on runs with me now that it's cool enough for him (he has a ton of fur). That makes me feel really safe because I doubt anyone would try to harm me with him there...unless they know him, in which case, they would know that he would probably just try to play with anyone who came up to attack me.

    Also, to the person who asks whether I know people who have been stalked based on information they have posted online: yes. It really does happen. And if nothing else, it's not smart to consistently post about when you won't be home. Even if someone doesn't want to hurt you, it makes it a lot easier for someone to break into your house.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
    I drop water all of the time. In a 16oz bottle that is UNOPENED. When i pick it up, i check the seal. Easy.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    If someone can FIND me...good luck. I'm always on the go.
    My cell phone keeps my family in the loop.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like my ruger lcp.

    Concealed weapons are not legal everywhere. And where the hell do you keep it?

    WTF....?? :huh:

    So I had to google this as I didn't have the faintest clue what a "Ruger LCP" was....

    Are you serious? You run with a gun???? :noway:
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    There are things the media/news has fearmongered us into thinking are "dangerous" and then there is reality. Is anyone REALLY looking at your public workouts to stalk you? Not likely. Better question yet is has that EVER happened to anyone? And if so, was it a jilted ex (who would find you anyway) or a stranger? Now not wearing both earbuds while jogging THAT is sound advice. When I see anyone (young women especially) walking around completely unaware of their situation with both earbuds in and/or playing with their smartphones I know for criminals that person is a soft target. For ANY woman who runs alone in I would strongly suggest taking a carry course and buying a little .380. They come in 9 oz lightweight versions like the Ruger lcp. As far as leaving your drinks that is a whole new level of stupid. Best advice for women...if you see a group of sketchy guys or even one..LOOK at him. Don't stare. Just make eye contact briefly. Just keep your head up and let them know you know they are there. These guys are looking for easy prey that looks down or away or isnt paying attention.

    While I agree on some points the fact is that one doesn't know if someone is looking at their public workout routes. Just like one doesn't know if someone is going onto sites like Facebook and stealing information like birthday, where you live and checking to see if you're making posts that say "OMG! I am on vacation and leaving the country for 3 weeks!" which in reality there are people out there who get robbed because there are people out there who make a living out of doing things like this.

    As for the likely hood of someone getting murdered or abducted while they're out on a jog? Do you listen to the news? It happens more often than you think and yes, by strangers. In fact quite a few years a go a woman jogging in a popular spot around a reservoir was murdered in broad day light.

    I think it's a great idea to be aware and maybe sometimes a little overcautious. Heck my husband gets worried when we are in a crowded area and I leave him to use the ladies room. He tells me to not get stolen in a joking manner but he's serious. If I'm out by myself and it's dark and I'm going to my car I'll do a quick check under the car as well as open the back door to make sure there isn't anyone in there.

    The creepiest thing that happened to me was the time I was coming out of the grocery store. It was dusk when I went in, dark when I came out and where I parked the light wasn't working properly. When I was done putting my stuff into my car a van pulled right up next to the drivers side. It was one of those typical sketchy looking vans. I stood there looking at it waiting for them to get out. No one did. I listened to my instincts and got into my car on the passengers side and immediately locked the door. Once I was in the side door opened and there were at least two guys in there, a guy in the passengers seat and a driver. Maybe I was being overly cautious and maybe not but the point is one just doesn't know what someone else is up to. Yes, there could be people who check out running routes to find targets. Yes there are people who peruse Facebook to find out who's going to be on vacation so they can rob them. Yes, there are people who will follow, stalk and murder in broad daylight.

    Being aware of ones surroundings is key but so is not living in a bubble with the "it can't happen to me" mentality.

    As for carrying a gun when you run like someone else said not all states have a concealed weapons law. I for one wouldn't want to have a holster hanging off my jogging pants because it's uncomfortable for one and heavy. Nor would I want one secured beneath a sweatshirt because it would make it difficult to access and useless.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    There are things the media/news has fearmongered us into thinking are "dangerous" and then there is reality. Is anyone REALLY looking at your public workouts to stalk you? Not likely. Better question yet is has that EVER happened to anyone? And if so, was it a jilted ex (who would find you anyway) or a stranger?

    I used to think the same way... add to that I live in a fairly small town, so it's always felt safe.

    Then this past summer a young woman was killed in a local park about 10 miles from my home. Come to find out, the man had seen her (didn't know her) running in the park 1 time, then another time, then started following her. He hung out at the park until he figured out her routine. One evening she didn't come home from her run, her finance reported her missing. It took several days before they found her. She had been raped repeatedly and then killed. Scary!

    I think there are several things that people should think about, first, don't advertise where you are going, always have a buddy you go with (especially if you run/jog in a wooded or secluded area), mix it up.... do NOT do the same thing on the same schedule week after week. If there is someone looking to take advantage, this makes it easy for them.

    Just be smart and aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    This is more of a rant about some of the dangerous stuff I've seen people do.

    Do you make your workout maps public? I don't. I've noticed that some people do, though. And, some even let people follow their activity. I just don't think that it's a good idea to let random people know what streets and parks you use each day.

    I've gone to the park and have seen full water containers and personal belongings in a certain area (but, I didn't see anyone at the park), and about 20 minutes later, a group of young women would come back and start drinking from the containers. :noway: Weren't we told in school to never leave drinks unattended? They were 100s of feet away in a completely different part of the park. There was no way for them to know if anyone had come into the park (you can't hear or see anything between the two areas) and slipped something in their drinks. It's separated by woods and water (that someone could have dumped their bodies in after they knocked them out with whatever they put in their drinks and did who knows what to them). I probably watch too much Criminal Minds, but it could happen. I mean, this happened two days in a row. And, when I got to the park, the sun had just come up and I was the only one there (besides them). So, anyone who had bad intentions could have figured out their habits and used that. I just thought it was stupid of them to do that.

    Well, if you were the only one there they don't have anything to worry about.

    Or do they????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Are you admitting something here without trying to admit it?
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I love how men are coming on here and making fun of women for being cautious, I know you guys don't have to worry about it, but surely you realize it's a bit different for us?