what is the worst thing you have done for money?



  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    Work at Walmart.

    Yep, this! Thank god just to make ends meet in college.
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    Sold ponchos at an outdoor shop on the side of the road....In Mexico. Dead serious.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Knocked on people's doors and told them they had to get out because the bank owns their house now. Threatened to come back with the sheriff and a locksmith if they didn't.

    this is the winning post so far for me...mostly because you recognize that it is the worst thing you have done for cash

    Oh, I hated it. It's not what I was hired to do, but somehow it got fobbed off on me. I used to pray when I was walking up to the house that no one would be home so I could just tape a notice to the door and leave. Sometimes I would even just tape up the notice without knocking so I wouldn't have to talk to them, and then I'd lie about it to my boss and say no one was home. lol
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Call center.

    I've sold credit cards (yes, I called you at supper time, I don't set the hours and I don't dial), taken car rental reservations (which attracts a surprising amount of perverts, second only to hotel reservation call centers) but the worst was doing technical support for MSN.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    delivering 800 phone books to residential addresses. It gave me a newfound respect for delivery drivers and postal carriers, that's for sure.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Work at Walmart.

    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I currently wipe butts for a living, and keep femoral arteries from bleeding out by holding pressure, which happens to be right in the groin area. :smile: Of course there's much more than that to my job, and I do love it...most of the time. :wink:
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    I sold my blood. Or technically my "plasma".

    Imagine this..being run like cattle..no privacy..beds all stacked next to each other. A few techs running around hooking GIANT needles to you. The whole process takes about 1 hour. At the end they pump FREEZING fluid back in you. They fill you with 68 degree fluid. Which makes your mouth actually TASTE metal. Its creepy as hell and you end up freezing. They do make warmers for those fluids...they were just too cheap.

    Plus they ALWAYS find a way to screw you in payment. Its supposed to be like $15 the first time per week then $30 the second time and they always found a loophole or an excuse not to pay right.

    It was so demeaning. Sitting there next to a group of desperate people. Gross.

    Oh, and Im SURE they sold that crap for hundreds of dollars.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I used to work in the box office at a theater - not a movie theater, but a playhouse. It was summer stock that grew into year round productions in a very organic way. I made almost nothing working there despite managing during performances and helping the concessionaires.

    One night at intermission an older man came to the window - I assumed he was a season ticket holder because most patrons over 50 were. He had lots of small knobby black skin tags, sort of like moles. The had a black cane with sort of a pistol grip at the top and chrome or silver trim. He offered me money to do things to him.

    I earned the money.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    I used to work in the box office at a theater - not a movie theater, but a playhouse. It was summer stock that grew into year round productions in a very organic way. I made almost nothing working there despite managing during performances and helping the concessionaires.

    One night at intermission an older man came to the window - I assumed he was a season ticket holder because most patrons over 50 were. He had lots of small knobby black skin tags, sort of like moles. The had a black cane with sort of a pistol grip at the top and chrome or silver trim. He offered me money to do things to him.

    I earned the money.

    How do you remove black skin tags then?
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I used to work in the box office at a theater - not a movie theater, but a playhouse. It was summer stock that grew into year round productions in a very organic way. I made almost nothing working there despite managing during performances and helping the concessionaires.

    One night at intermission an older man came to the window - I assumed he was a season ticket holder because most patrons over 50 were. He had lots of small knobby black skin tags, sort of like moles. The had a black cane with sort of a pistol grip at the top and chrome or silver trim. He offered me money to do things to him.

    I earned the money.

    OMG!!! Winner!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .....wait, you were kidding, right? Lolol.
  • In college, I worked for one of those companies that harassed people in the mall to sign up for a portrait session. I quit after a week.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I was hitchhiking. Must have been 1973. I was 19. I was in the Marines and had missed my ride from Camp Pendleton and had to hitchhike to OC. Older gal picked me up. About 40. Nice car, Had money. I was young and in good shape and she started asking me why I was hitchhiking. Told her Football practice was late and I missed my ride. Started telling me how sore she was and that when she was in college, her and her friends used to give each other massages after Tennis practice.

    She eventually got around to asking me if I would be interested in stiopping at her house to giver her a massage and then she would give me a ride all the way into Orange County. She would also give me $20. I said yes.

    Started getting a little nervous after we got to her house. I was a naive 19 year old. Asked if I could use her bathroom first. I went into the bathroom with the intention of climbing out the window and splitting. No window in the bathroom, When I came out, she was on the floor, on a sheet, unclothed. Turns out she wanted morre than a massage.

    When it was all over, she paid me, gave me a ridde the rest of the way. Then, as she let me out, she gave me her number and suggested that she had several girlfriends that might benefit from a "massage".

    I never called her back. Too naive. How come that stuff never happens now.
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    Made an elderly widow happy....
  • brazilnut05
    brazilnut05 Posts: 40 Member
    In college I was so desperate, I cleaned an entire frat house for $80. Don't ask...
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Every word of my story was true.

    Except taking him up on it. In reality I said no. But every other word was true.
  • brazilnut05
    brazilnut05 Posts: 40 Member
    ^^Hahaha. SO WRONG!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I used to work at a Call Center that was doing outbound bill collections for a credit card company. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, I was connected with the next of kin of a debt holder who died in the attacks. Apparently this person didn't take out that optional insurance policy on the account that prevented your next of kin from being held liable for your debts in the event that you die (which most people do since it's a pretty small fee). Both the mother and father died in the attacks and the "next of kin" who I had to harass to collect the debt was a barely 18 year old girl who had just started her senior year of high school.

    I started talking to her like I was supposed to, but as I was talking to her, I read through the account notes from previous calls and saw that we had been calling her multiple times a day, every day, for the past few weeks. I felt like I wanted to vomit on my own words and I couldn't finish the call.

    I was already being kept on a short leash, because my employer had recently instituted a minimum quota of dollars collected per hours worked which I couldn't meet because my speech problems led to longer phonecalls and a lot of hangups. This phonecall was the straw that broke the camel's back and got me fired from that job. I don't regret losing it. There were other similar incidents I had to deal with at that job, but that was the worst.

    The thing was, when I was initially hired, I was hired for a completely different department/job where my speech problems wouldn't be an issue. I was hired for the mail room. Then they instituted a policy where everyone was required to work overtime hours in the call center, and they didn't feel that my speech problems were reason enough to make me an exception.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Ummm.... I'm a nurse ... I have worked in a hospital , nursing homes and a couple of prisons.... nuff said :wink:
  • 1989lukemyers
    1989lukemyers Posts: 158 Member
    Everyone and I mean everyone has there price... Everyone will do anything for money that's the sad truth