shanaber Member


  • @chris_in_cal - awesome that you had blue skies and nice temps! Cloudy, windy and chilly up this way. We did have rain overnight but none this morning. Supposed to start around 3pm and rain for 3-4 days...
  • So many great runs and nice long runs and rain runs today! Welcome back @TheMrWobbly! Aren't you in the London area? That is were @tarun_yadavA is from as well. @chris_in_cal - I listen to the Sanjay Gupta podcast, Chasing Life, on occasion and he recently had one about the new weight loss drugs that are really old…
  • I will catch up on posts later but wanted to share this article about Matt Fitzgerald. I had no idea he had long Covid and was no longer able to run. Made me think of @polskagirl01! It is a gift article so you all should be able to access without hitting a paywall.
  • Love the shoe porn @Laurz9191! I have a couple of pairs with more than 600 miles on them but I wear minimal shoes and it doesn't seem to be a problem for me with those shoes. Others that I have with more cushioning I don't push much past 400 miles or whenever my knee starts to complain. I also rotate through 2-3 pairs so…
  • I'm going for another nominal goal of 25 miles. I hope to do more but the weather forecast doesn't look particularly positive. I also don't know yet what kind of treatment is in store for me, if any during February.
  • So much great running this month with all the crazy weather so whether you made your goal or not you are successful just getting out when you could or running on that dreaded treadmill. @Mari33a - I am so glad you are safe but so sad that you fell trying to get away from them. Were you able to get a police report in?…
  • Beautiful quilts @polskagirl01! I love the original design appliqué quilt. They are all beautiful but the color and design of that one speak to me. Years ago we made several trips to the Amish country in PA and were fortunate to become friends with a couple there who had a daughter the same age as our daughter. Over the…
  • Love the cake @Laurz9191!! So cute! The ice cream cake looks delicious @ContraryMaryMary! @Scott6255 - I think you mean @Avidkeo? @polskagirl01 also makes cakes I think. So many talented bakers! I am not one so I am always amazed at how great they all look! @quilteryoyo - I know how hard it is to wait for those biopsy…
  • @ContraryMaryMary - welcome back! Hope you kick that cough soon and feel well enough to get out for a run. @tarun_yadavA - so happy to see your son wanting to get out to run again with you. Hope you told him we all have times with a stitch and sometimes you just have to walk it out and sip some water. @emptydog - what is…
  • We are loving Zion as I knew we would. It is cold but so beautiful. Very relaxing. I did try to do a small (very small) little hike down a trail with carved steps and realized I was getting myself into a bad place. I really wanted to go down but after maybe a quarter way down I was feeling so unsteady I had to pocket my…
  • @swenson19d - love the apartment it looks like a great comfortable place! I think you are doing great with the Nina training. Mental stimulation, with games or defined exercise (think Rally Obedience or Agility) is good too. You might consider a snuffle mat to hide some kibble in. I used to use it for Hobbes until he…
  • @tarun_yadavA - I hope your son will realize it does get easier the more he does it! I love fried chicken but only have it once in a while from a 'southern' take out place here called Gus's World famous fried chicken. Like you, if I go to a sit-down restaurant, depending on the restaurant I want a steak. @martaindale -…
  • @SummerSkier - I used to see a guy on our trail who ran with just very skimpy shorts.Then he rolled the top down and the legs up. My first thought was always wondering who he was trying to impress. He was also very tan so maybe he was working on that? @Laurz9191 - I am guessing since you ran 10 miles that you are ok after…
  • Awww @swenson19d I am so sorry he is being this way. I am sure the pups are feeling the instability and anger and reacting accordingly. As a therapist I can't imagine him being this way but I guess he just doesn't see that he, himself, is being so petty. Also FWiW I know you are no liar or cheat. Please take care of…
  • @daria0919 - I hope your granddaughter has a mild case. Strep can be so bad. Even when I was perfectly healthy I had to be careful not to get it because I had rheumatic fever as a kid after too many bouts with strep throat. I hope you and your husband can avoid getting it too! I love that you put all your race medals on…
  • Thanks all... since my numbers didn't change significantly they are having me do the final treatment on Monday. I can do this! 11 so far, what's one more. However, they are now referring me to a radiation oncologist since my tumor markers are stuck at a pretty high level. The CT was clear but there must be something hiding…
  • @Laurz9191 - I would always choose trails (dirt, paved, whatever) over running on sidewalks or pavement. However, I would be really dubious running through 6" of puddle not because of getting wet, just the concern of what is in that water 😂 @yirara - Can you post a link to the Dutch study? I would be interested in reading…
  • I agree with this but will add that it takes time for your body to adjust to the changes you make. So make a (small) macro change, try it for a couple of weeks, if you still feel tired or hungry then adjust a bit. I typically did 40, 40, 20 to get in the lower fat to keep the cholesterol numbers in line. I also always made…
  • Thanks @quilteryoyo - I use my Apple Watch and starve but they don't give me miles like that. Well the Apple Watch does give it for the day overall but not by activity unless I specify a walk or run. The appointments this week will determine what happens next. Because my WBC is so low and unless it has magically rebounded…
  • I also joined @SummerSkier's Run the Year team 😊 with an initial yearly goal of 1000 run/walk miles.
  • Argh... lost the post I was typing so will try to recreate it. 🤪 @swenson19d - I am so sorry DH is being so awful. I know it has been bumpy/rocky for a while now but I honestly thought he would come around and at least try to be a partner. Like @quilteryoyo I am sorry to see your marriage end but sometimes it is the best…
  • Welcome to all the newbies! Jump right in, ask questions, start new topics - we have great discussions! Welcome back @katharmonic! I am so glad to see you back here. Do you think you will be doing some mud runs again once you are all healed? You, @polskagirl01 and I are all in recovery mode trying to get back to running!…
  • So many accomplishments and great running for everyone this year! You all are terrific!! @AlphaHowls - Yea for negative test and feeling better! @SummerSkier and @quilteryoyo - The ships in the Panama Canal are actually lifted using water from a man made fresh water lake that pulls water from the local river, so the…
  • I am still trying to determine a goal for January as well as for the year overall. January may end up being a get out and do as much as I am able with no specific mileage goal. I also joined Run the Year - 2024 but haven't figured out my goal there yet either. May await to hear what my doctors think I will be able to do.…
  • January 2024
  • December 2023
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you have a wonderful holiday surrounded by family and friends! We are sticking close to home. We were supposed to have Christmas dinner with our SIL and our nieces but decided to play it safe and go for a visit only. One of our nieces lives in DC and we haven't seen…
  • Oh no! @kgirlhart and @AlphaHowls - I hope you have mild cases! @AlphaHowls is there anyone else who could come in and help out with your mom? I am definitely in the count all your walking miles group - goodness you certainly do enough to get credit for all of it. Also I love your sunrise pictures! The colors are…
  • @quilteryoyo - I love that picture of you too! You are definitely streaking across the finish line! @swenson19d - The Dobies are gorgeous and look like sweet girls! I hope Kevin's knee is better soon and heals well. Do you still have all the kitties too? How do they get on with all the big pups? I hope the lump is nothing…