

  • hey there! I am just at the begining of my journey, but we have exactly the same goals! I am also 5'7" and want to lose 30-35 lbs. Although I currently weigh 162lbs. I lost 14lbs last year and got down to 148lbs, and i still wasn't a uk size 10! Thats why I am aiming for around 135lbs. I may stop before that depending on…
  • this is definitely the best advice I could give to stop smoking. this book works. it worked for me, my man and several friends. allen carr also does books on stopping drinking, worrying and losing weight! definitly worth a read. he explains things in such a brilliant way. he basicly undoes all of the brainwashing we have…
  • morning ladies! Yesterday, after being really sick of my own misery, I decided to write things down, make some lists, and organise my life a little. In this organising I decided I would plan my meals for a week and make things that my man would enjoy too so that he would feel less need to eat crap around meals, which would…
  • hi everyone...sorry i missed fridays weigh in....had a horrible weekend. Friday I weighed the same, so i maintained. But then saturday and sunday happened and I made very bad food choices along with a bottle of wine, and gained 2lbs :sad: I am sooooooooooo disapointed in myself. I havent been to the gym since last…
  • i think you already got the answer to your question btu i just wanted to point out something that actually is a myth. when you first start working out you don't gain that much muscle. It takes body builders quite a few weeks before they put on weight through gaining muscle. what actually happens is that as you start to use…
  • :laugh: and the 3rd - what does bump mean? people write bump in a thread when they haven't got a comment but want the thread to get a lot of views and appear at the top of the topic list. or if they think it is a useful thread and they want it to appear in their topic list :smile: Welcome to MFP!!
  • LOL this is one of my no scales long as the celulite has gone i'll be ok. I'm 5'6/5'7 and my primary goal was to get to 140....i got to 148 last year and felt i needed a little more. I am medium build. I think I recently changed my goal to 130 after reading some success stories. but like everyone has already…
  • Hi guys! Well done on all the losses. Think we seem to have half of our group missing now! Anyway, just wanted to tell somebody (because no-one at home thinks its a big deal!) that I never gained any weight this weekend!!! YEY!! AND.....I had a drink on friday night! This means that I am finally going to start seeing…
  • I've been battling with the whole net calories and eating exercise calories this week and decided to go for eating them. Of course people are going to lose weight not eating them (this will usually mean starvation mode, and your body eventually holding on to fat causing a plateau). But it works for some people. I have been…
  • Good morning fellow challengers! TFI friday!! sooo.......... SW - 163 lbs W1 - 162 lbs Not what i needed to reach my 10lb goal in the challenge, but its a loss so i'm happy! I'll have to work extra hard to try and lose 3lbs each week now :ohwell: I'm going to try extra hard to not drink alcohol this weekend...I feel like…
  • Hey everyone! great to see we are all still commiting! keep up the good work! I'm a bit nervous about weighing in tomorrow......I don't think the loss is going to be as big as i'd like...usually when I start trying to lose weight, i drop a fair few lbs in the first couple of weeks, but this time its not happening that way.…
  • Hey! I think I'm on track again now..those 2lbs that came on have gone again -1 (phew) so hopefully by the end of the week I'll have a good loss :) Haven't been managing all of the sit ups that I set myself though....I think 100 was a little too optimistic! lol! although I have managed 80 on alternate days (My abs ached…
  • thanks banks!
  • I am having the same dilema at the moment. After much debate I think I am going to try to eat my exercise cals but not sweat it too much if i can't manage them all....which i usually cant! I've just recently starting tracking everything on here 10 days ago. In the first week I lost the 2lbs mfp suggested and…
  • 500 cals with a hangover??? EXTREMELY PROUD!!! I always find treadmills easier too....but I wouldn't go near one with a hangover!! And a size 10!! that really is great vic, very pleased for you hun. I'm still dreaming of the 12's! I weighed again...(yes i do have a scales addiction!) and one of those lbs has gone...just…
  • I am so glad that you posted this! After all the negativity surronding questions on this topic I haven't dared ask! I've been reading as much as I can about it and I think I have a pretty good idea now but I have been burning around 800 cals per day and I really struggle to eat them all! So my thoughts were....'should I…
  • I agree with the OP, the only way is to make life long healthier choices and to exercise. But I like the last comment. At the end of the day people who need to lose weight have been making bad choices for a while and those habbits are hard to break. getting to that optimum health stage in a persons life is a journey of…
  • hey i'm from hull in yorkshire! please feel free to add me. I lack people in my time zone too! would be nice to find more people in the north east too!
  • Sunday was my rest day too. Had a drink on friday night so I didnt make my exercise challenges on the saturday but i still gave it a good go! I also ate a few naughty things this weekend....scales are saying 2lbs up which means back to square one :-( trying not to take as definite though. Will just have to work my *kitten*…
  • so happy to be part of this group!!! gonna do my best to add you all as friends. I love that phrase trispire ' don't give up what you want most for what you want in a moment'. I'm going remember that throughout my entire weight loss journey!! godd luck everyone!! SW - 163lbs
  • YEY!! I have been dying to catch a challenge to start! I too will start today.. Goals - Lose 10lbs Crosstrainer for 60mins p/d (6 days) 100 sit ups per day Like Vic I would like to get me some new smaller clothes including new gym gear! SW - 163lbs Good luck everyone!
  • not sure if this is the same for everyone but i think its exciting when you post something and get a response.......especially if you are new
  • not sure if this is the same for everyone but i think its exciting when you post something and get a response.......especially if you are new
  • totally agree with this. if your man is not going to diet then the only way you will lose weight is if you change what YOU eat.
  • I'm right at the begining of my journey, but so far my boyfriend has been a massive help even giving up some of his fav foods.. just wanted to say well done for starting this post and for spreading the love, great minds eh!!
  • So this is all your fault is it?? lol Just kidding, but you did cause quite a stir didnt you! i read the topic yesterday that was a reaction to you and i have to say i was quite disappointed, therefore pleased with this one. some might say that this is an equally as bas reaction but i think its a very fair point
  • some people really do think they rule this site.....In one topic people new to the site were being refered to as newbies and all the way through it was them this and they was like 'they' were another species....sometimes i think its people who dont have a lot of confidence and have never really fit in anywhere…