4 Week Challenge starts today!! (7/15/11)

Hey all,

I'm looking for motivated challengers to join me on a 4 week challenge that begins today.

The plan is to bootcamp our butts for the next 4 weeks. Stay within your calorie range and workout 6 days a week! This challenge will run to August 12th (Friday). That Friday will be our final weigh in!

Track what you eat everyday - every bite!
Workout 6 days a week (whatever you like - I'm doing Turbofire!)
Check in for accountability
Create a goal and a non-food reward for reaching it in the 4 weeks.

I want everyone to be able to tailor this to what will challenge them, so that is all! I could say we will start tommorow or Monday or some other day in the future, but why not start right now?! It's only 4 weeks! You can make this week for 4 weeks. I have plans out of town and all sorts of "barriers" but you can still track calories when you're out of town and you can always go for a walk if there is no other feasible workout, so come on, let's do this!

My goal is to lose 10 pounds.

Who is with me?!


  • determined2bfit
    determined2bfit Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in and it helps that I am doing the "Insanity" workout which is 6 days a week anyways...
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    I'm with you :smile:
    I'm doing c25k at the moment, but for the next 4 weeks I'm going to push myself and do at least 45 minutes of exercise on the days I'm not running.
    Thanks for the challenge!
    I would love to lose 10lbs too, I'm in a mini plateau at the moment so hopefully this is the kick start I need!

    so I'm going for: c25k - 3/pw
    zumba - 45mins 3/pw
    strength and toning - minimium 15 minutes every day

    Ive done my c25k this morning so I'm starting today :smile: like you said, no better time!
    Good luck with your journey too, I'll check in every week or so to see how everyone is doing!
    Vic x

    I forgot to add my reward...losing 10lbs will be a reward enough for me! haha erm I think I will buy myself a dress if Im a size 10, if not I'll get some new pretty working out clothes :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I'm in.

    I'd like to lose 7lbs by the 12th August ... do you need my weight today? it's 10pm here, so I'll weigh in in the morning if that's OK.

    And I'll have a think about a non food reward, I just had my birthday this week, so there's not much I feel like I need ...
  • IroncladBRX
    IroncladBRX Posts: 12 Member
    Count me in! I'm down to 183.6 today (8lbs lost so far)

    Starting a new routine of P90X/Running

    Goal is another 8lbs in the next 4 weeks.

    Reward- trip to the beach for a week of rest (but not over eating :P )

    - IroncladBRX
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    Count me in!

    My goal is to lose 7lb
    I'm going to do my C25K every second day and workout at home the other days.

    Bring it on!!!
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I'm in!! Would love to lose 7lbs over the next four weeks (and then another 7 the following four weeks) which would put me at goal! My weight this morning is 144 lbs, always weigh in on a Friday morning anyhow. This will be good to keep me accountable. I am doing 30DS as well as gym 3-4 times a week and lots of walking. Good luck everyone! :smile:
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Okay im in and IM going to be ALL I CAN BE for these next 4 weeks! I want to lose 10pounds also by August 12! My NSV is to get me a pair of Black Diamond hoops that I really want! (they are only $99 but i dont want to buy them just because!

    CW is 239
    GW 229 by 8/12/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YAY me! my biggest challenge is to get all that water in me! I try but sometimes i fall short! but that doesnt stop me i just keep trying, Its not a failure until you stop trying!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you for this flixable challange.

    I'm in :

    MY goal is to lose 5 kg ( 11 lbs ) in these 4 weeks.

    I'll start 30ds again today ( I'm doing it weeks ago but not daily so I'll fix my self to do it daily now )
    Doing c25k daily
    elliptical about 4 times a week ( 30 m )

  • WymanN
    WymanN Posts: 6
    Great! I'm im. I lost 14 lbs recently during a challenge among some work associates and friends. I have started to slide on diet and exercise and have gained back about four lbs, so I will get back on track with this challenge. My goal is 6 lbs down by Aug 12. Thanks for the motivation!
  • sammy2672
    sammy2672 Posts: 15
    I'm in, I would like to lose 8lbs and be ready abd trimmer for my holiday in mid August.

    I am going to buy myself a new outfit if I reach my goal :)

    CW 144

    I'v got to admit though I do struggle to get my exercise in, my day is full of work and then running around after my 2 children and it rarely leaves much time for anything else - but i'm going to stay postitve and give it my best shot..:bigsmile:
  • sunshinemonkey
    YEY!! I have been dying to catch a challenge to start!

    I too will start today..

    Goals - Lose 10lbs
    Crosstrainer for 60mins p/d (6 days)
    100 sit ups per day

    Like Vic I would like to get me some new smaller clothes including new gym gear!

    SW - 163lbs

    Good luck everyone!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Yay! Glad to have you all join me!

    I just did 45 minutes of Turbofire! Tonight I plan to go to the gym to do a short run and some weights. My starting weight is 173.6 so that makes my goal 163.6 :)

    I'll keep the challenge open a couple more hours and then close it so everyone in the challenge is committing for the entire 4 weeks! Sound good?
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I am with you!!

    I am 163 my aim is 153!!

    My birthday is on 17th of August so it would be a really good treat.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Count me in! I would love to lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks! I missed my start of summer goal so I am ready to start now!

    I will be doing C25K 3 days per week. (I am in the middle so I will be almost finished with that program by the end of the challenge!)

    The other 3 days I will be doing 30DS or another workout DVD.

    If I hit my goal I am going to get myself the Oakley's I have been admiring!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    I am 132 now
    My goal is to me in 121
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    Count me in too. I registered on this a few days ago but i would love some motivation and encouragement and this sounds perfect.
    Im 167 and my goal is 147
    I have 5 weeks till my holiday and if i could lose 14lbs in 4 weeks that would be awesome.

  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm in!

    My goal is to lose at least 14 pounds by September 10th, so this will be a great kick start!! I've never done a challenge before so I'm gonna aim to lose 8 pounds in 4 weeks. Won't weigh in until tomorrow due to time constraints though :) Trainin g6 days a week is going to be hard!!
  • slimmerme2012
    I'm in! Im going to go ahead and say my goal is to lose 10lbs! Also, go all this 4 weeks without eating fast food! I do a few different workout videos and I also do the elliptical and play some active wii games. Along with taking care of my 2 kids and cleaning our house!

    Just got done doing 25 minutes on the elliptical!
  • dieselbugparrot
    I'm in! Generally pretty good about working out but eating out and too much is where I need accountability. Just started mfp yesterday. We alternate our workout program every 2 weeks between Insanity, Supreme 90 day, Turbo Fire and P90X. When I succeed at this challenge I will reward myself with a new outfit or whatever catches my eye at the time.
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    I'm in!! I'll say 8 lbs off by Aug 12 would be amazing!!