4 Week Challenge 7/15-8/12 (CLOSED)



  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Well day 3 of eating most of my exercise calories back and I am down just under half a lb! Im going to try and make that over half a lb and as close to a whole one as I can get.
    Day2 of Week3 of c25k today and I'm going to find some new woods to run in, spice things up a bit haha.
    Have a good Thursday everyone!
    Vic x
  • dieselbugparrot
    Today was Insanity Pure Cardio.
  • sunshinemonkey
    Good morning fellow challengers!

    TFI friday!!

    SW - 163 lbs
    W1 - 162 lbs

    Not what i needed to reach my 10lb goal in the challenge, but its a loss so i'm happy!
    I'll have to work extra hard to try and lose 3lbs each week now :ohwell:
    I'm going to try extra hard to not drink alcohol this weekend...I feel like this will set me back to square one.

    Can't wait to see what you all lost! Hope you did well!

  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Good Morning! Well, I am happy to report that I did indeed lose weight this week. Not what I had hoped, but I ate really terribly last night. I had a very busy day at work and appointments all evening, so I didn't get a chance to eat until 8:00 pm last night. I was starving and we opted for Mexican food. BAD IDEA! I am a sucker for chips and salsa, even more so when I haven't eaten all day. On top of that, I didn't get a workout in so the scale just wasn't as nice to me as I had hoped. But today is a new day and I am starting clean. I will count yesterday as my exercise rest day this week and get back on it!

    I hope you all had many successes this week!

    Challenge SW: 190.5
    CW: 188.5
    Challenge total: -2 pounds
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member

    I am dreading my weigh in ( gonna do it next tuesday as I was a little late starting this week) - very confused about the whole net calories vs total calories consumed. I thought I was eating enough but I'm averaging around 900 net calories a day after generic exercise. Does this mean my body is in starvation mode? I'm gutted if I am - I'm just not that hungry!

    So glad to see ervyones successes so far!
  • sunshinemonkey
    I've been battling with the whole net calories and eating exercise calories this week and decided to go for eating them. Of course people are going to lose weight not eating them (this will usually mean starvation mode, and your body eventually holding on to fat causing a plateau). But it works for some people. I have been eating them (or as much of them as I can anyway) and I still seem to be losing little by little. hopefully this will mean permanant weight loss no plateaus and I can eat A LOT!! Good luck with your weigh in!

    congrats on your loss mom2nate!!
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Yeah congrats :)
    I forgot to bring my scales home with me so havent been able to weigh in since wednesday so my wednesday weight was 154.6 (lost 2.5lbs this week but only because I put 2 of those on over night it seems!)
    My epic bike ride was great today, I am dreading tomorrow and how stiff I will be, I may have it as my day off and do c25k the next day after rest!
    I had to try and eat over 3,000 calories to compensate so we went out to Wagamamas, it was amazing!!! And could be really healthy and filling if you picked the right things (which is most of the menu)!
    Anyway, hope everyone is doing well! Just thought I would check in!
    Vic x
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I've lost 2lb! Yay and that was with Tom due tommorrow, so with a bit of luck I can hit the 2 again next week! I also ran for 20mins for the first time ever today and was so 'active' I burned over 1400 calories!!!!!! (That's like, my WHOLE allowance) Rocking it!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    I've lost 2lb! Yay and that was with Tom due tommorrow, so with a bit of luck I can hit the 2 again next week! I also ran for 20mins for the first time ever today and was so 'active' I burned over 1400 calories!!!!!! (That's like, my WHOLE allowance) Rocking it!
    That's awesome! Congrats on running 20 minutes! That is enough to make you feel so strong, and I think that is the point where you really start to see yourself as a runner. Way to go!
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    I agree, thats great! I can't imagine myself getting to that stage, can't wait to be that active!
    I did have an NSV today though, one of my main goals was to go on an all day hike and although it wasn't a really long way, its the longest Ive managed and pushed myself to. My calorie burn was in the 1,000s too even after I accounted for BMR, very happy with it. Its small but a good start :) today was 12k, next time I'm going to go for 15 or 20 and keep stepping it up :smile:
    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
    Vic x
  • sunshinemonkey
    Hi guys! Well done on all the losses. Think we seem to have half of our group missing now!

    Anyway, just wanted to tell somebody (because no-one at home thinks its a big deal!) that I never gained any weight this weekend!!! YEY!! AND.....I had a drink on friday night! This means that I am finally going to start seeing numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in a ......oooooo....about 6 months!

    Have a nice week!
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Thats definitely a big deal :) and such an awesome motivator to know what you're doing is working and can be done :) well done! x
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Heya everyone,

    Thought I'd just check in, I managed to lose 3 pounds since my last weigh in! I'm so chuffed, especially as i was so confused about net calories etc. I can't believe how active you guys are - I'm really struggling to get in my exercise due to work commitments. I started the 30 day shred on wednesday, only to be unable to do it since (I'm giving it another go tonight) I guess whenever I can is better than nothing.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Great job on the weight loss! That is huge!

    And don't give up on 30DS. It does get easier. I started it in July. Unfortunately, I experienced that whole life in the way thing too. But when I was doing the DVD, by day 4 or 5 I could definitely tell a difference, especially in the jumping jacks. I am going to start it again after I get back from vacation on the 8th of August.

    Good luck!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey guys! I'm back! I am not 100% better but good enough for now :) I was able to finally do a TurboFire workout this morning! I stuck to 45 minutes. I do need a swift kick in the butt on food though! I didn't eat much when I was sick but now that Im better my body wants to make up for it with lots of bad carbs! So I need to say no! Today wasn't good food wise but I was able to work out and I'm hoping with how it was when I was sick it won't set me back. :)
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    Boo so far 1lb lost! Feeling a little demotivated a is should be 2lbs lighter by now but have stayed the same! I will be lucky if I have lost 3lbs let alone 10!
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    1lb still beats 0, it will all add up!!!! Keep going. I managed to put on 1lb the minute I signed up to this challenge but I stuck with it and motored on and then lost 2lb so there's still a very possible chance of reaching target!!:happy:
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    I weighed today and Im back to 155. I've upped my calories and have a projected loss of 1lb a week now, maybe I was asking too much before? I really hope stress doesn't affect weight loss toooo much as while Ive managed to stay away from the comfort eating, the next 2 months will be the most stressful and challenging of my life so far so I hope it doesn't undo all my hard work :S
    Well done on the losses everyone!! I hope I can match up at some point and get back in the game!
    Vic x
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Alright guys, I'm going to start checking in here everyday! I started this challenge for accountability and I need someone to kick my butt! If I check in everyday and then stop a day or two someone is likely to notice lol. Only 2 1/2 weeks left! 2nd WI on Friday!
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I have lost no weight -:(