4 Week Challenge 7/15-8/12 (CLOSED)



  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    I have lost no weight -:(

  • dieselbugparrot
    Unfortunately I have let myself down and now I am no longer part of this challenge. For 4 days I over indulged on food. So much so that I didn't enter anything for the last 2 or 3 days because it would be too hard to figure out everything I ate. And I have not worked out the last 3 days. :0( We went for a 2 mile walk this morning. It's amazing how being bad for 4 days has made my body feel like crap. I just felt really stiff and didn't walk as fast as I normally do. Good thing I'm getting back on track today, I don't like feeling like this.

    Anyway. Good luck everyone. I hope everyone else finishes this and any challenge you are currently do!
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    I have lost no weight -:(

    How often are you weighing in? Your body fluctuates +/- around 2.2 lbs a day. try weighing once a week at the same time. And remember to account for certain 'monthly cycles' - as water retention could be a reason :smile:
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    dieselbugparrot............ don't give up!
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I dont know why i've lost no weight

    I weight the same this week as I did last week not tom

    some people have said maybe im not eating enough
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    I hear ya! I haven't lost anything either, I don't think Im eating enough so have been trying eating more...now its about tom time so its all an uphill struggle at the moment!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hmm. There was a time I was working out like crazy and eating about 1400 calories a day. I wasn't losing weight, maybe 1/2 a pound a week but I was burning 5k calories a week exercising plus having the food deficit. I went to see a nutritionist and she said I needed to eat more to fuel the amount of workouts I was doing and she wanted me to be at 16-1800 calories a day.

    It could be you should eat more, if you are working out A LOT and eating under 1400 calories a day. If you are working out moderately and eating 1200-1500 calories a day, I would think that woudln't be the problem.

    Really look at what you're eating, are you logging everything you put in your mouth? Are you eating a lot of high sodium foods? I can usually find error in my food when I am not losing as expected. Otherwise, I have had a week or two that I lose nothing and then drop 5 pounds the next week. So it could just be that. It depends on how long this has been going on for, how honest you're being with your calories in vs. calories out, etc.
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    Well I am good at tracking my food and usually have cals left over so even if I am not too accurate I should still be ok

    Exercise calories i go by what the site says when I enter the info, I go to zumba which burns 250 cals adn walk for 30 mins at a time which burs 120 apaprently

    I do eat all my net but not all burnt just in case info is incorrect
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi all

    I've been off track for the last week or so ... had some friends to stay, ate out, drank too much alcohol, had a great time, but now need to get back on track! So here I am ... will weigh in tomorrow, but it's not going to be pretty!!

    Dieselbugparrot - don't go, we all have bad days, weeks whatever. The point is to support eachother and aim to stay on track as much as possible, no-one is perfect, we just have to be good more often than we're not, and not let getting off track become our normal way of being!!

    Will be back tomorrow to weigh in.
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    I lost the total of 0.7 kg out if 5kg I stated as a goal ! I lose weight too slow! Oooh !

    I had TOM which blowting me this week. Plus I did bad in the last week. Hope Hope Hope to cover this slowness by the 12th of August !
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Well, I know its not Friday yet but I've been eating more for about a week now and today I weighed myself and had lost half a lb, not much for some but its amazing to see the scale finally move in the right direction again, especially since an unexpected visit from TOM has left me feeling crap. I don't know what it will be tomorrow but Ill check in and let you all know!
    I don't think anyone should give up, even if its slow, a decrease in weight is significant no matter how small :D I think everyone on here is doing really great and should be proud of themselves.
    Have a great Thursday...its nearly the weekend!
    Vic x
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Unfortunately I have let myself down and now I am no longer part of this challenge. For 4 days I over indulged on food. So much so that I didn't enter anything for the last 2 or 3 days because it would be too hard to figure out everything I ate. And I have not worked out the last 3 days. :0( We went for a 2 mile walk this morning. It's amazing how being bad for 4 days has made my body feel like crap. I just felt really stiff and didn't walk as fast as I normally do. Good thing I'm getting back on track today, I don't like feeling like this.

    Anyway. Good luck everyone. I hope everyone else finishes this and any challenge you are currently do!

    It sounds like a lot of us struggled this last week either with eating, exercise, or overall health. You are not alone! I think we all need to chalk this week up as a lesson learned, accept our weight for what it is, and kick butt over the next week! We can do this together! If we all get back on track I'm sure we will all see big scale movement next week!

    Good luck and I will post my weight (probably a small gain) tomorrow!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    So ... Most have a bad week haha. I'm not alone he he heee. I'll bite you all hahahahahaaai.
    [ devil eyes ]
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    We have struggled, but you know what, we are still here! We are talking through our struggles. We can do this, lets just make good choices moving forward. Don't give up! Believe me, I have no problem telling myself I can give up and providing endless excuses why I should give up but then I remember how unhappy I am never meeting this one dang goal! I excel at most things but not my weight and it's time to become a success story!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member

    Weighing in at 171lb (3lb gain!)

    But I'm back on track now, and next week is going to be a good one.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I'd like to invite you all to join our TEAM August Challenge. Great daily exercise challenge, weekly eating challenges and team challenges. Lots of fun, support and motivation. Here is our forum post.


    Message me if you'd like to be on a team!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey all! Woah, sorry about the gain but you have the right attitude, make this week awesome!!

    I got up and did my Turbofire this morning...gosh I love that! I'm going camping but packed healthy snacks. I'm planning to keep on track and quite honestly, in the past I've found when I want to find a way to control my calories, I do! So there is always a way!

    I won't be able to check in tommorow but I will on Sunday. Make GOOD CHOICES!! :)
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Hey all! Woah, sorry about the gain but you have the right attitude, make this week awesome!!

    I got up and did my Turbofire this morning...gosh I love that! I'm going camping but packed healthy snacks. I'm planning to keep on track and quite honestly, in the past I've found when I want to find a way to control my calories, I do! So there is always a way!

    I won't be able to check in tommorow but I will on Sunday. Make GOOD CHOICES!! :)

    I am in the process of packing for camping right now! We are leaving inthe morning and will be gone for a week. I am planning on limiting my junk intake and getting a LOT of exercise! I am hoping to lose a very big chunk this week.
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I stuck to the plan like it was a new religon last week and I gained on my weigh-in (+1lb) :( I was out last night. Would being hungover make any difference I wonder?

    Also, due to the same hangover, I'm under my calories today and I'm not sure if I should be eating something 'just because' to make up the difference?
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Gah, may have gone off the wagon a bit today, went to an indian restaurant with the other half and my mother. Not sure if its all been logged properly in my food diary - pretty sure it was way more. Came to just under 1400 calories for a veggie korma, pilau rice, naan and some poppadoms!!! :noway: :noway: I literally didnt eat anything else today, and went for a walk along the clifftops, so I *think* I still came under my calorie goal, not my greatest moment though. No 30 day shred today either for me, as today is my only day off work for the next 3 weeks ( I'm a student with 2 jobs, and a lot of the time the rotas leave me with no day off.) Very bad day today all in all :cry: