4 Week Challenge 7/15-8/12 (CLOSED)



  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Hi guys, weigh day tomorrow and I'm up 2lbs too :( this may be water and may be easier to get off as I didnt drink much water yesterday and was under my calorie goal by about 600 calories (hate seeing the little red writing of impending doom!) Im finding it really hard to eat all my calories without going over on sugar or protein (Im guessing fibre isnt the worst one to go over on) Im still burning over 500 calories a day, even on a hangover, are you proud?
    I did c25k on a treadmill due to the weather yesterday and found it so much easier than on ground, whats with that? Not complaining.

    This story does have a happy ending though :)
    I achieved a fairly major NSV today (which is just as well as the scales are not in my good books)
    I got into my first pair of size 10 jeans :D they were just from Tesco so bigger of the size 10s but I still view this as an achievement as I started this site with the goal of getting into size 12s!

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend and has a great Monday! :smile:
    Vic x
  • sunshinemonkey
    500 cals with a hangover??? EXTREMELY PROUD!!!

    I always find treadmills easier too....but I wouldn't go near one with a hangover!!

    And a size 10!! that really is great vic, very pleased for you hun. I'm still dreaming of the 12's!

    I weighed again...(yes i do have a scales addiction!) and one of those lbs has gone...just goes to show eh!?
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Thanks :)
    Yeah the worst part was the actual stretching/warm up tbh, bending down with a throbbing head and less than settled stomach was definitely questionable! But we soldier on! haha.

    I've decided I need to eat more regularly and more natural foods so I went and binge bought the whole-foods section of a supermarket today where normally I would just by cous cous and feel healthier for havig it in the trolley. I got loads of seeds and fresh nuts I haven't tried before to spice meals up. My favourite nuts are pine nuts but at 6.99 per 500g I think not!

    So I guess, my question is, has anyone else discovered any really good meal ideas/interesting ingredients whilst on their journey? And what is everyone having for dinner?
    Vic x
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    I think zuchini is good in everything lol. I add it to pasta sauce, I stir fry it, I shred it and add it to ground turkey, etc. It's almost tasteless but adds a healthy vegetable/filling food to bulk up your meals without the calories....
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    C25K on a treadmill......... Don't shoot me but.......
    Apparently it's easier because the treadmill assists by adding some pull to your feet. In order to make it the equivalent to running on the road you should set the treadmill to a 2 incline to compare.

    Try it. Let me know what you think?

    I run it on the road, but the first half is uphill and i come back the same way, so I don't really know where that leaves me! :D
  • dieselbugparrot
    Hi everyone. Today is day 6 of Insanity for us. In a little bit we will be doing Plyometric Cardio Circuit. So glad tomorrow is our rest day, my thighs need a break from squats, jumping and everything else we do. Maybe I'll do one of the P90X arm workouts tomorrow. I really want to do Turbo Fire Greatest HIITs(love that workout) but my legs need a break.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    So I have a confession, I'm addicted to TurboFire! I love it! I can't wait to get up tommorow morning to do it! lol
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    So I have a confession, I'm addicted to TurboFire! I love it! I can't wait to get up tommorow morning to do it! lol

    I have heard it is quite addicting! I have a friend that is a Beach Body coach, and she swears by that and their other programs. I was always tempted to invest in Turbo Jam but never took the plunge. Maybe it is time to invest in TurboFire!

    After my rest day on Sunday I got back to it yesterday. I did 30 minutes on my Treadclimber because it was just too hot and humid to exercise outside. The heat kept me from eating dinner as well, too hot to eat - imagine that! So instead of "food", I had a meal replacement smoothie. I have to admit, it hit the spot!

    I think tonight may be 30 Day Shred night. Oh how I dread that. :sad:
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    It is awesome and I like it better than Turbojam so if you're going to get one I'd get Turbofire, the HIIT workouts are so fun! I see changes in my body already after just a couple weeks! Highly reccomend!

    So how is everyone doing?! It's Tuesday so we are about 1/2 week in. Everyone on track? I'm looking forward to my WI on Friday. I hope it's a good one! TOM is visiting so I can never tell! :)
  • sunshinemonkey
    I think I'm on track again now..those 2lbs that came on have gone again -1 (phew) so hopefully by the end of the week I'll have a good loss :)
    Haven't been managing all of the sit ups that I set myself though....I think 100 was a little too optimistic! lol!
    although I have managed 80 on alternate days (My abs ached like hell after the first day!)

    I set off to the gym on my bike earlier and had to do a U turn because the heavens opened and unleashed big fat drops for a good 30 mins. I tried to take shelter under a tree but had no chance. the gym staff would not have let me on the equipment....i was dripping!!

    So i'm back home with no way of exercising :( i am actually really gutted. I have no work out dvd's or games consoles.....maybe i'll have to use today as this weeks rest day. Open to suggestions!!??
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey Sunshine -

    You could take a rest day or YouTube has a ton of exercise videos for free. I have done Tracy Anderson's, which are toning or dancing and are awesome!

    Or you could make a workout doing the following:

    Jumping Jacks
    Mountain Climbers
    Squats (Sumo, Standard, Close feet, etc)
    Lunges (Forward, Backward, Side, Diagonal)
    Running in Place
    Jumping in place
    Basketball shoots (touch the ground and jump up putting your arms in the air like shooting a basket ball)
    Ab Work

  • slimmerme2012
    So far so good. Im really hoping I can get 10 pounds gone by the 4 weeks is over like I planned.
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Hi :) Things have been going fairly well. I dropped the 2lbs I added so back to 155 now. I have been advised to start eating more (had a free consultation with one of the trianers at my gym) Im going to try eating all of my exercise calories for a week to see what happens. If I gain then so be it I guess, at least I will know! Will reassess when friday weigh in comes around!
    I did week3 day1 of c25k this morning, was worried as it was quite a step up but was loads better than I thought!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I'm going to see my parents on Thursday so lets hope I can resist mums cooking!!
    Have a great week everyone! And keep it all up!!
    Vic x
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Another good day! I am excited to see what the scale brings on Friday. I think I may have recovered from my weekend gain plus some. In order to meet my 10 pound goal I need to be down 2.5 this week. I opted for the Treadclimber again for my workout - I sweat buckets and really feel like I put in a good workout.

    I am going on vacation the first week of August so I am a little nervous about weight loss that week. The good thing is that we are going camping so no restaurant food and I should have plenty of opportunity to exercise. We will be taking our bikes and kayaks, so as long as the weather cooperates I will get my workouts in. Then all I will have to worry about is meals and not indulging in too many s'mores!
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I'm on track now. I've been doing my C25K every second day and a workout video every other. Yoga or Pilates (I know they are not high calorie burners but I wanted to do them to increase my muscle strength for the C25K), on the workout video days I try and get a 40min walk in on my lunch break too. I'm due to run for 20mins for the first time in my LIFT on Saturday and I'm kinda looking forward toit. Oh, and I've been sticking to my calorie limit, so with a bit of luck the scales will go down and not up this week!

    Couple of questions though........ Does it affect a weigh in if you workout just before? I'm due to do my 20min run on Saturday and weigh in after. (not straight after but round 11, I'll be running about 8)

    Also, does anyone else get cranky on weigh-in day. I'm really ratty until the deed is done. I don't weigh until 11 because the scales are in my sister's house and I drive to get there (I won't keep scales at home), I bring my son into scouts at the same time. Going early means starting the whole rest of the day early and it is Saturday after all. I don't eat before I weigh, so maybe that contributes to my crankyness although I always feel better as soon as the deed is done, even if i gain/stay the same.
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    That was supposed to be first time in my LIFE, not LIFT, duh!
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Well done getting so far on c25k, I just started week 3 and while Im finding it a challenge, I would never have thought I would be able to do what Im doing, really proud of myself :) it felt good to be back running in the woods now the weather is a bit better!
    I just got chance to take my new bike out for a spin round the woods too and was suprised to burn over 400 calories, apparently off road biking is really hard! About the same calorie burn as for running with me! Mental, especially since Im still due to do my zumba class today. Can anyone say jelly legs!? haha
    Ive done well eating more today, I dont think Ill have crazy calories left tonight when it comes to evening meal. Nuts are a healthy godsend haha :D
    Hope everyone is doing well!
    Vic x
    EDIT: BTW Im still 155, at least I havent gained!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi all

    I'm doing good, mostly, had a bad day yesterday as my exercise plans (taking kids for a bike ride) didn't burn what I'd hoped they would AND I received a late birthday parcel full of lollies and chocolate, I didn't eat anything like what the old me would have had, but 12 jelly beans were 240 calories, who woiuld have thought something so tiny could contain so much energy!!! And two yummy fancy chocolates were 140 calories ... and then I was over with no time to recover!!! I usually whip out my skipping rope on such occassions ... but for some reason I didn't ... ah well ...

    Anyway I was well under my calories earlier in the week, so hopefully I'll still produce a loss. I've been to spinning this morning, which was hard! I have got dinner out tonight too, Indian, which will be a challenge ...

    Yay to all you runners. I run, usually 10km, but still dislike it whilst I'm doing it! I love how I feel afterwards, which I suppose is why I still run, but to me the hardest thing about running is putting your trainers on and heading out of the door!
  • sunshinemonkey
    Hey everyone!

    great to see we are all still commiting! keep up the good work!

    I'm a bit nervous about weighing in tomorrow......I don't think the loss is going to be as big as i'd like...usually when I start trying to lose weight, i drop a fair few lbs in the first couple of weeks, but this time its not happening that way. I'm still trying to figure out what calorie deficit is right for me and whether i should eat my exercise cals or not...i also think i am losing fat but gaining muscle since i've just started working out again. scales aren't budging much but my body feels different.

    that said, all i can do is keep going i guess!

    looking forward to seeing all of your losses tomorrow!

  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    Yay to all you runners. I run, usually 10km, but still dislike it whilst I'm doing it! I love how I feel afterwards, which I suppose is why I still run, but to me the hardest thing about running is putting your trainers on and heading out of the door!

    For me the hardest part is the three seconds between the 5 min warmup walk and the launch into the first few running steps. I always find that I get a split second moment of '*kitten*, what was I thinking' just at that point. :O Feels great afterwards though, it's true! I ran 8mins straight for the first time ever in my LIFE today!