Does/did anyone have about 30-35 lbs to lose?

I have around about that much to lose until I am in the middle of the healthy weight range. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who had a similar target.

I would love to get to my target for November this year-if I average 2lbs a week that should do it.

Has anyone achieve this target from a similar starting point. I would love any tips and hints you have to offer (I can’t exercise apart from walking-currently rocking a knee injury from a charity skydive). I have also been reading up on the carbs vs fats debate and thinking of cutting back on carbs to under 100 per day-or is this all a load of rubbish?

I am 5’7”, carry all my weight on tummy, hips and thighs and dream of being a size 10 (UK).



  • sunshinemonkey
    hey there!

    I am just at the begining of my journey, but we have exactly the same goals!
    I am also 5'7" and want to lose 30-35 lbs. Although I currently weigh 162lbs.
    I lost 14lbs last year and got down to 148lbs, and i still wasn't a uk size 10! Thats why I am aiming for around 135lbs. I may stop before that depending on how i feel when i get there.
    I also carry all of my weight in the middle part of my body. tummy, hips, thighs. would love to have you as a friend for support and motivation! feel free to add me!

  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    *raises hand* Me! I had a goal of losing 30 pounds. Almost there.

    2 lbs per week is generally not a healthy rate of loss for someone so close to their normal weight range. People with much more weight to lose can drop the pounds that fast in the beginning, but as you get closer to your healthy range it needs to come off a bit slower in order to be healthy and sustainable. I have averaged just over a pound a week to get to this point, and it was faster in the beginning -- I think I was losing just over 1.5 per week for the first couple of months. (I know my profile says I joined in December, but I didn't actually start until mid-January. I signed up before my vacation.)

    I don't believe in cutting carbs, because again, that's not sustainable. When you go back to eating normally you'll put the weight back on. What I do recommend is making sure that you're getting enough protein. I found that I was eating almost solely carbs with very little protein before I started here, and that's why I always felt run-down and hungry.

    You absolutely CAN exercise with a knee injury, it's just different stuff. If you Google "seated exercises" or "chair exercises" you'll find lots of good tips. My biggest recommendation for you is to work on some measure of strength training, whether you use free weights or just bodyweight exercises like pushups, pullups, crunches, etc. Building the muscle will help you burn that fat. On days that you exercise, you should eat more (search the forums for "eating exercise calories" if you want to know more about the reasoning).

    Good luck!
  • Pleasedaspunch
    Hey there my ulitmate goal is to lose 35 lbs. I'm 5'2.
    I carry all my weight on my bum, thighs, hips and tummy.
    I'm just starting out but feel free to add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • fj78
    fj78 Posts: 17
    Hi Gemmie, I started this after Easter (creme eggs! how I both love and despise you!) at 172lbs, as of today I'm just in the "healthy" BMI range at 153lbs. (I'm 5"6") That was my original goal but I'm amazed I can do this so I'm going to lose a few more.
    Charity skydive - OUCH! I've been doing the 30 day shred workout and in that they say that if you have lower body injuries you can burn calories doing punches, I don't know if that would work for you.
    I've found that completely cutting out certain foods is unrealistic for me but moderation and portion control are the key.
    I don't think I've ever been a size 10 (maybe when I was 11 or something???) although that would be nice! I live in Italy (the sizes here are crazy small, ugh) but next week I'm going back to Scotland to visit my family and I'm quite excited about going shopping and seeing what I can get into!
    You've done so well so far, I'm sure you'll achieve your goals!
  • hannahcf
    hannahcf Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I worked out I had 27lbs to lose to get to the top of my healthy weight range. I lost 11lbs before I started MFP and I set my goal as 20lbs because it was a nice round number! I have lost a further 4lbs since then. When I get to my goal, I will evaluate, and work out how much I want to lose after that. I am 5'8" and I started at 13st 9 lbs (= 191lbs) and am now at 12st 8 (=176). I wouldn't cut back too far on the carbs, just make sure they are complex carbs. Good luck!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hello!! I'm 5'9" and currently weighing in at goal weight is 130lbs...although I'm heading for 140lbs and seeing what happens. I've got quite a small frame and judging by previous weight, hitting my goal I should be in a UK 10. My weight is predominantly around my middle sections...I'm a size 12/14 on top but I have to buy 16 trousers at the moment due to my hips and *kitten* <sigh> although my legs and waist should be a 14.

    Anyhoo...I'm hoping to shed these last pounds this year but I've come to realise that my goal of 2lbs a week probably isn't doable for me any more so as long as I'm losing something I'm happy :-))

    Feel free to add me as a friend...always good to have people around with similar goals!! x