Positive comments

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
I've read a lot of posts with people that get negative comments from their friends and family about their weightloss. I would like to start one with positive comments of family and friends who might have not been as supportive before but now that you've lost weight have come to change to giving you positive comments. Just to let people know they can change their families and friends minds sometimes with hard work and perserverance. I'll start.

My mom who is awesome but has always seen me start things and never finish them never had much to say when I would start to try to lose weight, now that I have lost 22lbs and I am close to my goal, and she can see how hard I have worked, sent me a package in the mail the other day of a dress I had wanted in my size (now a small YAY!!) with a note that said how proud she and my dad were of me, how great I looked and that I deserved and earned the dress. with a big ole LOVE MOM!! I knew I was finally really doing it permanently when I saw that. Actually made me wanna cry a little.

Ok now you.....


  • MonolithTMA
    MonolithTMA Posts: 62 Member
    All of my family, friends, and co-workers have been very supportive! They have been great!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have had very few negative comments about my journey - and for that I am thankful!
  • BryboyGB
    BryboyGB Posts: 7 Member
    That`s a great story.....congratulations on reaching your goal.
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    People around me have been pretty good in general, but my sweet bf is always making comments about how good I look, and mauling me at every opportunity.:smooched:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am a big gal...I always have been, but when I say big, I don't mean 10 or 15 lbs overweight, but BIG. So even though I have lost 15 lbs, for me that's like barely 5% of my body weight, so I don't see any difference at all. I can tell a little in the clothes I wear, not so tight, and I feel better physically. I am grateful for every pound gone, but I know it will be a while until "I" notice the difference. Having said that, here is what happened the other day:

    Husband and I are getting ready to go to Petsmart for some doggy food for Jdog. He knows how much I have been working out, going to gym, counting calories, etc. He doesn't usually say a whole lot. He doesn't sabotage, but he doesn't necessarily provide lots of support, at least not verbally. So I'm walking out the door in front of him and he says "Have you lost weight?" I turn around (yep, he was getting the full back view when he said it) and I said, Yes, about 15 lbs. He looks at my *ahem* back view again and says, "Yea, I can tell". That was it, we went on to the store and in my head I'm like HELLS YES!

    He isn't one to placate either. My parents, God love them, have always been the best and most supportive in the world. So they'll tell me I look good or "have you lost weight" even as I'm stuffing a taco in my face or something like that. But the hubby, he tells it like it is Me: "Does this outfit make me look fat" Him: "It wouldn't be my first choice" :) So when he says he can tell after 15 lbs, you better believe I was steppin' a little lighter that day. ;)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I've read a lot of posts with people that get negative comments from their friends and family about their weightloss. I would like to start one with positive comments of family and friends who might have not been as supportive before but now that you've lost weight have come to change to giving you positive comments. Just to let people know they can change their families and friends minds sometimes with hard work and perserverance. I'll start.

    My mom who is awesome but has always seen me start things and never finish them never had much to say when I would start to try to lose weight, now that I have lost 22lbs and I am close to my goal, and she can see how hard I have worked, sent me a package in the mail the other day of a dress I had wanted in my size (now a small YAY!!) with a note that said how proud she and my dad were of me, how great I looked and that I deserved and earned the dress. with a big ole LOVE MOM!! I knew I was finally really doing it permanently when I saw that. Actually made me wanna cry a little.

    Ok now you.....

    Wow, that did make me cry ...
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    My friends have been more supportive of my weight loss than I'd imagine given that a couple of them struggle with keeping their own weight down. Nevertheless they have been truly wonderful, letting me know when I've shrunk a bit more and supporting me with my fitness pursuits (they'll come and see me at my half-marathon!!).

    When I started running and was running around 45-60 mins at a time, my friend said to me, "I cannot stand running. If I ever get fit, running will not be the way. I have so much respect for you to be able to do that." Me, a respectable runner!?

    Many of my friends are asking me how I managed it and may be treating my weight loss as inspiration for changes to their own lifestyle. This is probably the best NSV - setting an example for other people.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that have and will continue to support me through my weight loss journey.
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    When I was losing the pounds my family started telling me to stop, because my face was getting to small and I was getting to skinny. I told them I love them, but I know my body better than anyone else and now that I have my perfect weight, everybody is asking me for help now starting from my family and also my friends which were skeptic first and now they asking for my advice about exercise and food. So I did it and now I'm glad to help whoever was not supporting me and it feels greatttttttttttttttttttt :-) :-)

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  • I'm right at the begining of my journey, but so far my boyfriend has been a massive help even giving up some of his fav foods..

    just wanted to say well done for starting this post and for spreading the love, great minds eh!!
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    My boyfriend makes nice comments about things I never notice on myself. He pointed out some arm definition last night - What? Me? Arm muscles? Who knew. Yep, there it is. The arm muscles go along with the almost starting to show back muscles (yep, he noticed those too).

    I can't wait to see my best friend tomorrow (haven't seen her since Memorial Day), she is always positive and supportive, especially on the down days.
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    my husband doesn't think I need to lose any weight. I'm not comfortable with myself, I don't feel sexy with him, I'm not sure he understands that if I FEEL sexy, I'll act sexy. :wink: We'll see in a couple of weeks when I start to lose weight.
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    That's so great. My husband has been mauling me as well so I know I must be doing something right lol
  • Nexxy
    Nexxy Posts: 33
    thats so great! your mom is so sweet for doing that! love your story made my tear up :)
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    People around me have been pretty good in general, but my sweet bf is always making comments about how good I look, and mauling me at every opportunity.:smooched:

    LOVE THIS. :)

    The office manager stopped me the other day to tell me that she'd been "meaning to talk to me". I was scared at first, until she asked me to spin around and demanded to know what happened to my butt. She said "one day I came in and POOF! you were smaller!" It was so cute. (it helps that she's my mother's age and calls everyone darling. ;)
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    My friends and family ten to give me the eye rolls. I try not to talk about my weight loss or journey unless asked. My fiance however likes to tell me how cute he thinks I am and tell me all the time how proud he is of me and my running and dieting. This alone makes me want to work harder :)
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