4 Week Challenge 7/15-8/12 (CLOSED)



  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Just weighed in now and no change - but could still go up in the next few days.
  • sunshinemonkey
    hi everyone...sorry i missed fridays weigh in....had a horrible weekend.

    Friday I weighed the same, so i maintained. But then saturday and sunday happened and I made very bad food choices along with a bottle of wine, and gained 2lbs :sad:

    I am sooooooooooo disapointed in myself. I havent been to the gym since last wednesday either. I just don't feel myself. I feel overly emotional and and a little bit lost.

    I am moving to Istanbul in September and I think this has a lot to do with it. I am scared, anxious and I am going to miss a lot of people. who I seem to be distancing myself from. And my poor man who does everything for me is getting the brunt of this outburst. :cry:

    Sorry guys, I haven't done much good on this challenge. in fact I'm back to square one. I will keep going but I don't think I will reach my goal :blushing:

    SM xxx
  • sunshinemonkey
    morning ladies!

    Yesterday, after being really sick of my own misery, I decided to write things down, make some lists, and organise my life a little. In this organising I decided I would plan my meals for a week and make things that my man would enjoy too so that he would feel less need to eat crap around meals, which would then lead me to eat crap. Anywho, I came across my old Slimming world recipes which are all low cal, low fat meals. Then I came across my old weigh in book. I started slimming world on the 22nd July last year. so round about the time I logged on here again. Except, last year by now, in those first 2 weeks, I had lost 7.5lbs. :grumble:

    So, I decided that I am going to follow the slimming world plan again and combine it with my calorie intake on here. The food won't be that different anyway, but I feel like if this worked before it has to work again and if it doesnt then theres got to be something else. I just don't think 1-3lbs in 3-4 weeks is very much progress. AND...I drank 2 nights a week with slimming world. (after reading this back I realised that I cant expect to lose anything if i have a blow out weekend!)

    Anyway, yesterdays food was based on the SW plan and I woke up minus the 2lbs I gained at the weekend. Not that its down to the plan, they probably would have gone anyway, but I lost 5lbs the first week I did SW so hopefully I could lose 1 more by this weeks weigh in.

    Rant over
    SM xx
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    Good on you Sunshinemonkey! The most important thing you can learn is picking yourself up and carrying on. Well done! I'm starting to become convinced that challenges have the opposite affect on me than I planned. I'm not too worried about the weight goal now though because I FEEL good and that should be all that matters! :happy:
  • Victorian131
    Thats such an enviable attitude to have :) I could do with a boost tbh!
    I'm still at 155lbs and expecting to go up. I'm not going to log completely for a few weeks. Postgrad dissertation is pretty much my only focus atm, its making me so stressed and not eating emotionally is making my mood horrendous, not to mention my sleep pattern. I always put on weight when I stress regardless of food choices so until September 19th Im pretty much doomed. I refuse to give up and pig out but I'm struggling to find the time to log everything and my workouts have dropped to 3/4 times a week...and no wii as I have no TV where I am.
    I reckon as long as I'm not gaining I'm ok and can deal with that but being so anal about food and figures etc has to go on the back burner for a while.
    Obviously Im living off coffee so Ive trained myself to have it without milk as that can so quickly add up once you have upwards of 3/4 cups.
    But yes, sorry to have been so rubbish in this challenge and sorry in advance for my quietness.
    This is my 30th day of logging and I have lost a total of 2lbs in the 1st week and 3 weeks of stand still...maybe I have been paying too much attention to figures. I'm going to put my uni work first and see what happens...even if I gain at least I know my scales aren't broken!
    Well done everyone for all your efforts and thanks for the great motivation along the way!
    I wish you all the best,
    Vic x
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Uni work is never fun - I usually get so stressed that I get ill and have migraines. I think you're right in not logging for a few weeks - uni should always come first! And the relief of getting your dissertation completed will make you feel a lot happier. The last thing I want to do when I'm feeling moody or down is count calories. Good luck with your dissertation, I hope you feel better soon!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    Uuuugh ... It seems that I'll not lose even a half of the goal I stated here ... my goal us to lose 5 kg but I lost 1.4 until now ..!
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Almost there! 1 lb to go for this 4 week challenge - only my weigh in on friday will tell.

    How is everyone doing, this group has really quietened down over the past week or two.
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just want to say - 4 week challenge goal achieved! (only just - scales just tipped in the right direction this morning). 8lbs lost!!

    How did everyone else do?
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I'm going to post because I said I would. I'm exactly the same weight now as I was when I started. I lost 2lb the first week then stayed the same then gained 1 then gained 1. Funny part is, I stayed under calorie goal and upped my exercise by almost double. So I'm disappointed to say the least. I have however, insisted on tracking my measurements which ARE going down and I FEEL well so that's all good. I'll write off this challenge.
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm going to post because I said I would. I'm exactly the same weight now as I was when I started. I lost 2lb the first week then stayed the same then gained 1 then gained 1. Funny part is, I stayed under calorie goal and upped my exercise by almost double. So I'm disappointed to say the least. I have however, insisted on tracking my measurements which ARE going down and I FEEL well so that's all good. I'll write off this challenge.

    If you're excercising more it could be that you've entered starvation mode or gaining muscle :)
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    Hey curly wurly. I've been eating my exercise calories, so I'm definitely not going into starvation mode. Muscle is a possibility alright. I think I might be struggling with the water element as I'm finding it difficult to drink my water allowance for the day since upping my exercise. Weird, I know! Congratulations on reaching your goal btw! I hope you have a nice treat for yourself lined up (of the non-food variety!)