4 Week Challenge 7/15-8/12 (CLOSED)

Hey all!
Glad you joined me, we have quite a group! Below is a list of the members that took the challenge

Basic rules:
Set a weight loss goal
Commit to working out 6 days per week
Commit to staying within your calorie goal every day
Create a non-food reward for meeting your goal

Challenge runs today to 8/12. Final Weigh In being 8/12. You can choose how often you want to weigh in and report back to the group, but make sure to report your final loss on 8/12 so we can celebrate with you!

Remember, you can do this! Next time you're tempted to not workout or to eat outside of your plan, because that is likely to happen in the next 4 weeks remember this:


Here is the list with some basic information/goals that were posted. Feel free to elaborate and introduce yourself to our team!
Trispire (Melissa): lose 10 lbs
Determined2bfit: Doing Insanity
Victorian131: C25K Lose 10 lbs
Rachypompa: Lose 7 lbs
Ironclad: P90X/Running, lose 8 lbs
Jennyocox: C25K, lose 7 lbs
KatyE213: Lose 7 lbs
Robinso5: Lose 10 lbs
Theseagull: lose 5kg (11 lbs) C25K
WymannN: lose 6 lbs
Sammy2672: lose 8 lbs
Sunshinemonkey: lose 10 lbs
Lcarter25: lose 10 lbs
Mom2nate08: lose 10 lbs C25K
Cookiegem: lose 14 lbs
Curlywurly88: lose 8 lbs
Slimmerme2012: lose 10 lbs
Dieselbugparrot: ?
Mtf11: lose 8 lbs
Robynham84: lose 8 lbs
Mmiiaa: lose 10 lbs

There are a couple people without weight loss goals but with these numbers, WHEN we meet our goals in 4 weeks we will have lost a combined total of 172 pounds!!!!


  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    Hey there. I'm going to buy me some Irregular Choice shoes as my reward!!!! What an incentive. Google them. You'll fall in love straight-away! :D
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Yeah! Thank you for starting the challenge!

    Here are my stats:

    SW - 190.5
    Goal for end of challenge: 180.5
    Reward - Oakley Dart sunglasses

    Good luck everyone and have a great workout!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    I am starting every thing again ( workouts )
    30 day shred
    yoga meltdown

    I will not name a reward now ( not sure ) my reward is to lose this 5kg!
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    We have quite a group :smile: I didnt say in my original post, but my reward will be some new clothes for my holidays, as I dont want to buy them anyway until I am hopefully down a dress size. Good luck everyone x
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey guys, spiceshirl (new member) posted right as I closed the group....she sent me a message and how can I say no?! :)

    Her goal is to lose 14 pounds...please welcome her to our awesome team!

    If you can, add us as friends so we can see each others feed too :)

    Well I'm off for workout number 2! Had a high calorie lunch and need to make up for it to keep within my numbers....can't fail on day 1...or ever! lol
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey :smile:
    I'm really looking forward to this, I'm waiting for my 30 day shred dvd to dispatch as i type! In the mean time I'm gonna stick with the gym and maybe give the c 2 5k app a go. Anyone had any experience with either of these? If I achieve my goal, I'm getting myself a dress for my holiday in september!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey curly! I haven't done the official C25K but have gone from hardly running to a 5K and then to a sprint triathlon :) There are several people in our group doing the C25K so hopefully you get some good advice!

    I have the 30DS DVD along with most of JM DVD's. It is a good workout but only 20-30 minutes I think?
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Hey :smile:
    I'm really looking forward to this, I'm waiting for my 30 day shred dvd to dispatch as i type! In the mean time I'm gonna stick with the gym and maybe give the c 2 5k app a go. Anyone had any experience with either of these? If I achieve my goal, I'm getting myself a dress for my holiday in september!
    I am in week 4 of C25K and I love it! I have the iPhone app and the Nike+ GPS app - LOVE them both. The C25K app tells me when to walk/run so I don't have to keep looking at a watch. Nike + has a really cool website that I can upload my runs to and see all of my stats (pace, distance, maps).

    I am also doing 30DS. I got almost done with level 1 and put exercise on the back burner for a couple of weeks. I tried level 2 tonight and have decided to go back to level one for at least a few days to build myself back up.

    As for me, I did 27 minutes of 30DS and went on a 5 mile bike ride while pulling my 3 year old in his trailer. I added the bike ride to offset the nachos that I ate for dinner!) If I can keep up this momentum for 4 weeks I will have no issue hitting my goal!
  • sunshinemonkey
    so happy to be part of this group!!!
    gonna do my best to add you all as friends.
    I love that phrase trispire ' don't give up what you want most for what you want in a moment'. I'm going remember that throughout my entire weight loss journey!!

    godd luck everyone!!

    SW - 163lbs
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hiya all

    Thank you Melissa (Trispire) for setting up the challenge. It's a good one, and just what I need as I have been munching too much! How was your sprint triathlon? I do triathlons in the summer (it's winter here in New Zealand now), sprint is my preferred distance, but I do hate swimming with everyone swimming so close …

    I forgot to weigh in this morning, so will do that tomorrow! I was up early for bootcamp, and just forgot until now. I just have to get up and go to bootcamp, 'cause if I think about it too much my bed feels too snuggly!!

    Anyway … that was the last bootcamp (usually do that every tue, thur and sat) for a couple of weeks, so I need to plan ahead and make sure I have exercise sorted for the next couple of weeks!

    Sunday: Bike (30km)
    Monday: Run (10km)
    Tuesday: Max fit (6pm)
    Wednesday: Swim (2km)
    Thursday: Spinning class (6am)
    Friday: REST
    Saturday: Boxing fit (9.30am)

    Jenny - those shoes look mad!! Do you know which ones you're going to get?

    Mumtonate - Good on you getting out on your bike with your three year old in tow. I have a three year old too, but find her too bossy on the back of the bike "Too fast Mummy", "Not on the road Mummy", "Go that way Mummy, NOOOOOOOO GO THAT WAY!!" etc. … and then to top it all off she falls asleep! She can pedal her bike now, but can't set off without me holding her steady so taking her out on her bike involves me doing a lot of running!

    Anyway, happy healthy Saturday everyone!
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    This is great! Thank you for letting me be part of it!
    I'll weigh in bi-weekly every Tuesday and Friday.
    I've also just bought a bike so will be adding bike rides to all that running! Lets see if that gives the boost I need!
    Congrats to everyone who decided to join in this challenge and good luck reaching your goals!
    Vic x
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey all! Did Turbofire this morning, I love that workout! I love that we added each other to keep each other accountable and comment on our feeds! That's awesome! Have a productive day :)
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    It was raining so I did zumba, but my house mate is baking chocolate cake so Im going to do another half an hour of it I think just incase I get tempted!! Hope everyone is doing well!
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I weighed in this morning and gained 1lb.............. so it looks like my target is now 8lbs and not 7. I'd be gutted but I know exactly what caused it. A big pig-out on Monday. I worked hard the rest of the week in the hopes of undo-ing the damage but it didn't work (either that or I was set to gain a whole lot more!)

    Anyway, rather than sulk about it. I'm moving on. 8lb target it is................ here I go. I've already completed 100mins walking today and I hope to do some pilates this evening too. :D
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Don't let it set you back Jenny! I've heard weight fluctuates up to 3 pounds on any given day, so only count your weight one consistent day per week. I weigh myself almost every day but try not to take too much stock in any fluctuations up or down!
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Yeah I weigh at least once a day but only track it on here once, maybe twice a week to save my sanity! In a morning I can be one weight and after lunch I can sometimes be up to 5lbs more! If I wasnt so inacurate with a tapemeasure I would use one as well to show my progress but I have learnt to lothe thm as it was all I used to go off when trying to lose weight before!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Just checking in with my start weight ...

    SW: 168lb
    GW: 161lb

    I usually only weigh once a week, but last week I gained 4lbs, and it really got me down that I hadn't weighed myself other than that one time, anyway after totally pigging out because of my birthday last week I've lost 3lb ... so clearly the 4lb gain was a random blip. I like the sound of bi-weekly weighing ... I might try that.
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    Thanks for that. I weight in weekly. I go to my sister's house to do it because I don't have a scale at home (which is completely intentional).
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    How is everyone doing? Today is my rest/off day. Lazy Sunday! :) I miss TF but my calves are killing me so I need the rest, but at the same time can't wait for the morning to workout! :)
  • sunshinemonkey
    Sunday was my rest day too. Had a drink on friday night so I didnt make my exercise challenges on the saturday but i still gave it a good go! I also ate a few naughty things this weekend....scales are saying 2lbs up which means back to square one :-(
    trying not to take as definite though. Will just have to work my *kitten* off this week!! Hopefully it's just a fluctuation.

    5 days of fresh fruit, salad and veg for me then!! I really don't wan't to fall at the first hurdle because if i do i'll feel like giving up straight away! I figure if 10lbs is my goal then i need at least 2.5 off p/w....that would mean 4.5 by friday! PAAA!! that's like 1lb a day! ok maybe i'll have to share that 2lbs over the 4 weeks...so 3 lbs by friday....maybe i could do it if i was a frigging angel!!!

    sorry for the rant guys...just a little disappointed in myself..and who better to moan to than you guys right??

    Good luck with the rest of your first week!!