Disappointed in MFP people



  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    I'm probably the person one of the critical posts was aimed at. A few days ago, I asked whether or not I should eat my exercise calories back. Yesterday, there was a post about how mad someone was about people asking that all the time.

    When I first read the post, it smarted some. I had no idea that that question got asked all the time, and I don't know why, but it never occurred to me to search it. Although I've been a member of MFP for over a year, I've only been on the forum part for a couple of weeks.

    My first impulse was to respond back, but then I decided that wouldn't help anyone.

    So I want apologize to anyone I frustrated. But I also want to ask everyone to try to be a little more patient with others in the future who ask dumb questions like me. We're all just trying to find our way.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Not quite sure how posting a message shouting at everyone about how rude they are is helping....
    This is a community. Just like in a real life community some people are more patient and will take timevto explain, others will be rude... and still others won't do either but just complain.

    I agree. And while i see some forum posts with really unhealthy advice sometimes, I RARELY see rude comments..

    I guess the forum is here to vent but it's not solution. My best advice would be if you don't like a topic, don't read it. I certainly hope that no one would leave MFP because of something they see here.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    You all probably consider me one of those "rude people".

    I'm just gonna say this:
    It's not the new people asking "stupid" questions that get a rude response from me.

    Its the people that already have decided they are going to do an unhealthy weightloss tactic, and just want to get support for doing something they already know is a bad idea.

    THEN, to top it off, after receiving too many people saying "Thats a terrible idea", they cherry pick the people that agree with them and do it anyhow.

    Those are the people that make me post rude comments.
  • People just take online forums WAY too seriously. They stick around in these things long enough and suddenly they think they rule these boards lol. It cracks me up when someone gets all butt hurt over multiple posts on a topic.

    some people really do think they rule this site.....In one topic people new to the site were being refered to as newbies and all the way through it was them this and they that...it was like 'they' were another species....sometimes i think its people who dont have a lot of confidence and have never really fit in anywhere that have let their online egos grow to big!
  • I'm probably the person one of the critical posts was aimed at. A few days ago, I asked whether or not I should eat my exercise calories back. Yesterday, there was a post about how mad someone was about people asking that all the time.

    When I first read the post, it smarted some. I had no idea that that question got asked all the time, and I don't know why, but it never occurred to me to search it. Although I've been a member of MFP for over a year, I've only been on the forum part for a couple of weeks.

    My first impulse was to respond back, but then I decided that wouldn't help anyone.

    So I want apologize to anyone I frustrated. But I also want to ask everyone to try to be a little more patient with others in the future who ask dumb questions like me. We're all just trying to find our way.

    So this is all your fault is it?? lol
    Just kidding, but you did cause quite a stir didnt you!
    i read the topic yesterday that was a reaction to you and i have to say i was quite disappointed, therefore pleased with this one. some might say that this is an equally as bas reaction but i think its a very fair point
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    I finally understood what NSV is... It was driving me crazy.. I might have started a topic for this.... LOL
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    wow, i've been checking this message board for about 3 weeks now on a mostly daily baisis and it makes me sick now courteous and nice everyone is?

    phew ... you want to get your feelings hurt try going to a football team messge board, freaking out of control mean.

    oh well ...
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    wow, i've been checking this message board for about 3 weeks now on a mostly daily baisis and it makes me sick now courteous and nice everyone is?

    phew ... you want to get your feelings hurt try going to a football team messge board, freaking out of control mean.

    oh well ...

    Or a gamer website. My god. Ask a question and 99% of the time you get "STFU NOOB"
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    You all probably consider me one of those "rude people".

    I'm just gonna say this:
    It's not the new people asking "stupid" questions that get a rude response from me.

    Its the people that already have decided they are going to do an unhealthy weightloss tactic, and just want to get support for doing something they already know is a bad idea.

    THEN, to top it off, after receiving too many people saying "Thats a terrible idea", they cherry pick the people that agree with them and do it anyhow.

    Those are the people that make me post rude comments.

    that is EXACTLY it. whether it's a food diary, a weight loss tactic, etc some people just FLIP when people don't agree with them, or,heaven forbid, when someone offers up their very own opinion!! calm down everyone!! I thought the point of this place was to gather all the different views, experiences, tips, etc.....
  • dcbella
    dcbella Posts: 45
    Agreed.... People in general tend to forget the reason we are all here ...to have support, be motivated etc etc....however all that NEGATIVITY ...needs to go.....we are all in this together and if you don't agree well deal with it but please the comments negative, rude comments are not necessary....sounds a bit like BULLYING TO ME.....just saying...
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    Well said!!

    Believe it or not, I find that when someone new asks an "age old" question, I can answer it and think "why am I hearing this again" But inevitably, someone will answer with a way to help that I hadn't heard before. Keeps me more open minded to new ideas and philosophies to health, fitness & weight loss.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm probably the person one of the critical posts was aimed at. A few days ago, I asked whether or not I should eat my exercise calories back. Yesterday, there was a post about how mad someone was about people asking that all the time.

    When I first read the post, it smarted some. I had no idea that that question got asked all the time, and I don't know why, but it never occurred to me to search it. Although I've been a member of MFP for over a year, I've only been on the forum part for a couple of weeks.

    My first impulse was to respond back, but then I decided that wouldn't help anyone.

    So I want apologize to anyone I frustrated. But I also want to ask everyone to try to be a little more patient with others in the future who ask dumb questions like me. We're all just trying to find our way.

    You would be only one of many, many people who asked that exact question. Don't take it personally If someone posted a direct response to your question. I would like to think that the person wasn't being intentionally mean, maybe just thoughtless. If they read that question 100 times then 99% of their anger and frustration was geared towards other people. :wink:

    I like to read the different answers to that question myself so thanks for asking it...again!
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    wow, i've been checking this message board for about 3 weeks now on a mostly daily baisis and it makes me sick now courteous and nice everyone is?

    phew ... you want to get your feelings hurt try going to a football team messge board, freaking out of control mean.

    oh well ...

    Or a gamer website. My god. Ask a question and 99% of the time you get "STFU NOOB"

    I third this. Go spend a day at somethingawful and come back and tell me these forums aren't loaded with treacle.

    How about everyone just stop being so sensi and remember that these r them internets.
  • i agree...although there is some helpful advice on here if you can skim over the rude postings
  • eneale
    eneale Posts: 12 Member
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    How about everyone just stop being so sensi and remember that these r them internets.

  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    Very good idea. I'm a noob, and I figured out the search thing, but I had no IDEA what NSV was! ;D

    Seriously.. "Going over on protein?" or "Is too much water bad?" or "Should I eat back my exercise calories?" :grumble:

    I don't even bother to repeat myself anymore..

    I vote for a flashing FAQ page link next to "New Topic". :drinker:

    EDIT: Not trying to sound rude or be mean -- Didn't mean for it to come off that way. I was just supporting the idea of the welcome message so that we can avoid the repeats that tend to tick people off. (I am one of those people, but I just don't view the thread OR respond to it -- Eliminating a chance of coming off nasty).
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    You all probably consider me one of those "rude people".

    I'm just gonna say this:
    It's not the new people asking "stupid" questions that get a rude response from me.

    Its the people that already have decided they are going to do an unhealthy weightloss tactic, and just want to get support for doing something they already know is a bad idea.

    THEN, to top it off, after receiving too many people saying "Thats a terrible idea", they cherry pick the people that agree with them and do it anyhow.

    Those are the people that make me post rude comments.
    I feel your pain.
  • BonLou76
    BonLou76 Posts: 36
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    This is a fantastic idea!! I think it would save alot of frustration for some people!
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    This is a fantastic idea!! I think it would save alot of frustration for some people!

    What makes you think that someone who can't even be bothered to type "what is bump" in a google search would actually read this email and/or FAQ?