Disappointed in MFP people



  • bwilcox30
    bwilcox30 Posts: 30 Member
    I am fairly new and I try to be positive and kind in all of my posts. I like to share what I know or have experienced as well as learn from others. Some people need to remember that they are/were in the same boat as the rest of us and at one time they had stupid questions that someone kindly answered. If you feel like you are too good for the rest of us then by all means leave MFP.
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    Very good idea. I'm a noob, and I figured out the search thing, but I had no IDEA what NSV was! ;D
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Not quite sure how posting a message shouting at everyone about how rude they are is helping....
    This is a community. Just like in a real life community some people are more patient and will take timevto explain, others will be rude... and still others won't do either but just complain.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    Very good idea. I'm a noob, and I figured out the search thing, but I had no IDEA what NSV was! ;D

    And you aren't alone. It's one of THE most commonly (and repeatedly) asked questions :) See how easy that was to 'demystify'? LOL! Oh, and welcome to MFP! :O)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    that would be a great idea because i have no idea how to post pics lol and I see a lot of other people having trouble with this also!! You should bring it up to a moderator!!

    Now you know how to post a pic (going to test it out for us?) :) And I will see if I can figure out how to suggest that to a mod. I don't imagine it would be all that difficult to do ... but I am also about as far from a computer programmer as you get! ;o)
  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    The good and bad thing about MFP is that it is a community, and like all communities it is a mixed bag of people. It brings a refreshing variety, but you have to able to close your mind to things that upset you, just as you do in real life. It would be so bland if everybody walked around with huge grins and a permanent thumbs up. I'd bet one day you'll be in a bad mood and someone's snarky comment will actually make you laugh a little. MFP is going to have negative people, because it's a reflection of reality. Be strong and just ignore it.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    You are so right.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Here here, I totally agree with you
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    I'm sorry you have met with such a mean response. I agree with some other replies though. It's a community and some people on here are rude, silly and mean. Others are just lovely. I rarely post on this forum, but instead ask my 'friends' to comment by putting my question in my status. This means I get helpful responses. I LOVE the wonderful people who support me!!
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    I agree... I think we should all be supportive and motivating others. So what if someone posts a duplicate question?? Are we really that rushed that we can't read it and offer support or advice? This place is about friendship, support, and motivation. Personally, I don't think much of people that belittle others. It's a shame.:noway:
  • jstrohs1
    jstrohs1 Posts: 66
    Actually I haven't run into many rude people.....but again I've only been here for a little over a month.
    The people I pick for friends are :
    *Guy's that are in the same boat as me and struggle through the weekend of BBQ's and friends partying too much! I want my six pack abs back!!
    *New people that really need support. They want a new life life and I would really be happy for them to have it...I'm there for them!
    What I have seen here are people who are transforming from what they are to whom they want be be......it starts with the body.
    I give a lot of you credit for losing sooooo much weight. I'm sorry that you met such rude people. Maybe the stress and struggle of losing weight can get them uptight and emotional .......who knows :)

    If any of you need my support or want my friendship.....add me
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    You are right, there are a lot of impatient people who have the 'know it all' attitude. But there are also a lot of helpful, kind people as well. I have been on here for a year and a half, and probably still ask stupid questions...but I have only lost 5 pounds in a year and a half too, so...I am obviously still doing something wrong and needing help. You just have to find the ones who want to take the time to explain things, and ignore the ones who are nothing but sarcastic and cruel.
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE OR POSITIVE TO SAY (edit) don't say anything at all!!

    Yes there are negaitive people on this site, and largely positive people who are sometimes given to making negative comments. It reflects our society, with all the good and bad which that implies, but on the whole I've found the members of this site to be kind and helpful.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    ive been here since jan, and i havent really come across any rude people. Maybe some blunt, but i dont consider it rude. Like any other site, your going to have positive and negatives...a post about how rude ppl are isnt going to stop anybody from saying whats on their mind, just like a post about stop asking about eating back your calories isnt going to stop ppl from asking that question. catch my drift?
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Anyone got a new irony meter? The needle on mine just bent round the stop.

    Exactly what NICE or POSITIVE thing are you trying to say here?

    Yes there are negaitive people on this site, and largely positive people who are sometimes given to making negative comments. It reflects our society, with all the good and bad which that implies, but on the whole I've found the members of this site to be kind and helpful.
    i love your response to that, seriously...
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    This is an awesome idea!!! Some of it is posted in the newbie posts at the tops of the forums... but you definitely have some great points!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Totally agree. I get a bit annoyed seeing some of the same questions asked over and over, however, sometimes when I search something in the message boards it brings up so many searches and is a bit cumbersome to find the answer to my question. So as a new person, I'd do the same thing. In fact, I'm sure I did and still do on occasion!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Agreed. At one pointwe were all new to this site.
  • elmobabie84
    elmobabie84 Posts: 112
    very well said!!! i'm thankful when i joined and asked questions that have been answered over and over that i didnt get any rude people responding otherwise i probably would have left.