lebowski8 Member


  • i am experimenting with ground chia and oil, but i haven't created a recipe worth sharing yet. a couple tablespoons of cream cheese wrapped in thin sliced deli salami is a good fatty snack. lately, i've been dipping avocado into sour cream or melted butter. also very fatty. i recently discovered mascarpone cheese. if…
  • my wife doesn't like vegetables. i make an easy 5 minute keto cheese sauce to cover them: on medium-low heat in a small pot: melt 1 tablespoon butter (2 minutes). add a dash of salt, pepper to taste. add 1/4 cup heavy cream, heat for 2 minutes. slowly add 2 ounces by weight your favorite grated cheese. stir for one minute…
  • I make giant batches of barbecue on my pit barrel cooker. last week i smoked 2 whole chickens and a boston butt -- 20 pounds of food in one go! I divided everything into single servings, put it into freezer ziplocs.
  • Personally i don't track it. I find it difficult to keep my CFP ratios in range and that causes me a degree of frustration when i am far out of line. I pretty much try to get 1/2 tsp. Lite salt daily in addition to my normal salting.
  • i don't use a lot of gadgets. I use a variety of pots, pans, and knives for most tasks. I prefer my enamel dutch oven to a crock pot, because I can brown the meats to get much more complex flavors. A good quality kitchen scale and instant read digital thermometers are two items I use all the time now that I never used when…
  • congrats! that is an accomplishment!
  • I think grit has been whats been keeping me on this track for a long time. I didn't start with keto, I had started with a South Beach-styled diet in late 2011. However I plan on keeping up with a LCHF diet for the rest of my life, unless there's some significant science that leads me to change. For me, my accomplishment is…
  • I have gained recently and i've been doing keto for 10 months. it is frustrating at times. but i'll admit, since september i haven't been watching portions at all, and i'm getting less exercise. i use fitnesspal to track my positives-- but not my negatives. this post at eating academy that shows an up-and-down weight graph…
  • Drinking alcohol regularly never interfered with my keto stix readings. However, it greatly reduced my weight loss down to 1 lb/ month. When I finally figured this out and committed to being booze free, my weight loss improved to around 5 lb/ month. Now I do planned drinking occasions - about once a month
  • I can say confidently, after 2 months since posting, i'm still sure it was the booze causing the slow-as-molasses weight loss. I have added back around one diet pop a day and a serving of full fat yogurt 3 times a week. Feb 4: 227 May 10: 226. During these 3 months I was averaging around 1 drink a day, usually low carb…
  • The new link works! Thanks!!
  • I'm still experimenting to find the best one. So far the best has been: 1 stick of butter, 8 tablespoons coconut oil, 35 g cocoa, 4 tbs peanut butter, 1/2 tsp of liquid stevia. I tried a batch made with the above plus 6 tbs ground flaxseed. the flaxy flavor was weird. next batch will be minus flax, and subbing coconut…
  • all the time. this is why i came to keto boards to talk about diet. it's easier than justifying, re-explaining, and defending. this diet requires that you read, research, learn, analyse information and ultimately come to your own conclusions and feel secure in your judgment. otherwise, I'd still be following the herds,…
  • In regards to carb cravings, i don't experience them in the way that when I'm hungry, I suddenly want carbs. When I'm hungry, I just want to eat, something. At lunch, I often find myself craving e a Rib Eye with a small side of stir fry vegetables. Which isn't available anywhere close to my office. So I often end up with a…
  • well, there was an entry for meat removed. so I could count the wings. close enough!
  • steak salad and the coconut soups are my go to meals at thai places.
  • If you scroll down this page halfway: http://eatingacademy.com/weight-loss/got-grit there's a chart showing a patient's progress on a keto diet over a period of 7 months. You can see the fluctuations, as well as the downward trend. The patient averaged 69 grams of fat loss daily.
  • I am feeling frustrated myself today! Again! This is so frustrating!! Argh! When will this plateau end?? 228-232 is my weight range. The scale doesn't move. I have 70 pounds to go! At least the keto strips are ok. Calories set at 1600. My BMR is 1945. Keeping protein under 25%, net carbs under 25g. I am in keto, for sure.…
  • I have been generally following the Linus Pauling Institute's recommendations for supplements for more than a decade. You can get the info here: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/lpirx2.html
  • i am wondering if dairy is my enemy too?? I've upped my fats and I am still in a plateau. I started keto around September 25. But I need to figure out a plan to replace the fat without the dairy. At this point, I've got so much dairy in the fridge it will be 2014 when it's all gone. Then I'm cutting it out for a month,…
  • The most difficult thing for me when eating out is to get an idea of portions (and i have to eat out a lot because of work). If eating at a chain restaurant, that info is published on the company website. But I rarely eat at chains, so I still struggle with figuring out the approximations. And then the questions: Is that 3…
  • a couple more tips: -- keto flu is very real. and quickly remedied with electrolytes. sometimes i have bouillon, but sometimes i just use 1/4 tsp of salt in a shot glass of warm water. -- avocados or guacamole are a favorite addition to many meals.
  • plateaus suck. I hear your frustration. you want to see results for all your effort, and nothing is happening. it's hard to accept! i read that 60 grams per day of fat loss is average on a keto diet. however, your body can retain 1000 to 3000 grams of water. And that bathroom scale isn't well calibrated, so you can weigh…
  • personally, i would ignore it. however, if you had to know, you could weigh the pills on a scale in grams. the maximum grams of carbohydrate, if they were made of pure sugar (which they aren't), would be equal to that. so for example, i just weighed 10 big vitamins. they came to 8 g. So, I know each tablet is less than 1 g…
  • So day 1 went fine. My dinner was nice, a bit of onions fried with a cream & cream cheese sauce, with a little spice. I felt the same energy as I do on all other days. I felt satiated. The food is so dense with calories, yet it looks so little on my plate. That was the only tricky part. Day 2 was fine until I realized I…
  • 2 years ?!? That's real determination and grit. I think my carbs were too high the first 2 weeks. I've since relaxed since posted my ranty frustration. I realized my expectations were set too high. Also I got a lot of great tips from the folks on the keto message boards. Glad to hear your diet adjustments are working…
  • The scale hasn't been too kind either! But once I could see real-life data put into a chart, and I could see those periodic climbs, i found myself relaxing about my keto plan for the first time in 7 weeks.
  • Another MFP person, arcadia1983 reminded me of this. some links for information about it: http://www.carbsmart.com/fatfast.html http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/fat-fast-for-a-few-days-to-induce-weight-loss/1189
  • ok, so do i!