

  • I was actually shocked at some of the things my kids will eat when I offered it to them. Mine love bell peppers sliced up (especially when I give them a variety of colors, carrot sticks (especially the mini baby carrots and matchstick carrots), sliced cucumbers, lettuce/spinach dipped in "ranch" (someone already mentioned…
  • When I use my HRM, I burn about the same amount of calories that MFP calculates under circuit training. I'm usually around 200 for level I, 220 for level II and 200 for level III.
  • You technically can but it's a pain in the butt. I've had to do this for me and Ry. Type in the recipe and get all the nutrition info. Then retype the recipe and all the nutrition info in as one of your foods (just like you would a bag of doritos). Like I said, it's tedious but it's the only way I've found to make it work.…
  • The thing that strikes me the most in these pictures if my facial expression. I HATED the camera in the first shot but was more than happy to pose for the second! The first picture was taken Jan 2009 (180 lbs) and the second was March 2010 (135 lbs). I've kept most of the weight off but am currently working to take of…
  • That's kinda what I was getting at (the reference to body compositions wasn't referring just to fat percentage/height/etc). For the record, I always eat mine back...
  • THIS ^^^^ Just experiment and do what works best for YOUR body. Different body compositions react differently to eating vs. not eating the calories back.
  • My favorite: It does have a little dairy in it but I have made it without and it is still good (if you trying to make it all "green").
  • LOVE 30 day shred. I bought a couple of her other videos but I can't even tell you which ones because I don't use them. I keep going back to the 30DS.
  • I'm 5'7" and honestly I didn't notice and neither did anyone else for the first 25 pounds (about 3 months). However when I took of the next 10 pounds (total 35) EVERYONE noticed! Every person's body is different though....
  • I love this! Do you mind if I repost this on my weight loss blog?
  • Great question. I've been wondering the same thing. Thanks for the info all!
  • WOW! Huge difference in the pictures! You're doing awesome!
  • I love this! I hate making breakfast because I am not a morning person. But to make the night before....BRILLIANT!
  • Awesome! Thanks!
  • Seriously!? Crap! I knew I never should have joined...
  • I don't know how long ago you were on WW but I've heard the new program doesn't work anywhere near as well as the old program did. I did WW on the old program but have since switched to MFP and have totally LOVED it!
  • The rudest weight related thing that was said to me was actually after I lost weight. Someone asked me if I had lost so much weight because I had cancer! Seriously?!
  • We always leave out a plate but rather than eat them, we toss them and then take the garbage out to the outside garbage!
  • I am right about the same pace as you and HATE that I am so slow but can't seem to get much faster. I did get just under 40 min at a 5K but that was totally pushing myself. I am with you though. I "ran" (no walking) my first 5K ever this summer (and my time was acually worse than my walk/run time) but I was SOOOO excited…
  • I had the same problem and tried EVERYTHING...lactation consultants, pumping extra, natural/herbal remedies, prescription from my doctor, eating more, drinking more, etc.... I've now had five kids and finally realized that it is just something with my body that I just don't produce after a couple of months. I would…
  • I take it but it's for my eyes, nothing to do with weight loss. It does have a tendency to make me burp nasty fish flavored burps though (my doctor warned me that was a very common side effect).
  • Sorry I didn't see this! This is the one I use:
  • Just things I really like about mine: I like digital better so my measurements can be exact. I like that it weighs in grams because most serving sizes are calculated in grams. The tare feature (being able to place a bowl in the scale and reset the scale to zero) is very handy. I actually use mine for weighing recipes so I…
  • When I switched to maintain mode, I actually upped my calories all at once and actually still lost a little weight. But I know that every person's body responds differently to different methods!
  • I'm 5'7", started this process at 180.6 and am now around 135 - so very similar numbers you have posted. Honestly, I didn't feel like there was a much of a difference in my body for the first 25 pounds.....and no one seemed to notice. I dropped another 15 and EVERYONE started noticing and my clothing sizes dropped big…
  • Yes, you are over analyzing it but I do the same thing and I don't think there is anything wrong with it :smile: ! I think it's just a personal choice. I eat my exercise calories back so it doesn't make sense to me to eat those calories twice (once calculated into my BMR and then again in the exercise calories).
  • I've done both (every day vs. every other day combined with other exercise) and my results were much better when I did it daily. I still got results the other way but it worked a better when I did it daily (actually I did 6 days on, one day off).
  • That is totally my body! AND I am 5'7" as well! I don't know how to put pics on here but you can see them on my blog: I am 135 in those pictures. For me, the last place the weight leaves is my belly and that is the first place I gain it back. The biggest…
  • YUP! I find that I am only as successful as I am MENTALLY committed. When my mind isn't in it, I do horrible. But when I get the correct mindset, nothing can stop me!
  • Not a big brown rice fan myself and have never been able to get it to cook right. The only way I can tolerate it is to buy Minute brand instant or the microwave freezer stuff.