How Long Did It Take to See Real Weight Loss???


Just wondering for some perspective. How long did it take those of you who have lost 20-50 lbs. to see real weight loss? I was definitely sedentary before I started with MFP, so I feel like eating smarter and being active should make me drop weight quickly. I don't want to get frustrated and give up like I normally do. I'm doing Day 5 Level 1 of 30 Day Shred, and I've read that people start noticing a difference around day 5, but I'm not seeing much. I want to be down at least 30 pounds by summer, and I was hoping to see a noticeable difference by February...

5'7" 216 pounds.


  • shopewell70
    shopewell70 Posts: 125 Member
    Always remember "Scales" are not everything. I know it means a whole lot when you can see a difference on the scale. But hopefully you took measurements before you started because I solely believe you will see inches disappear faster than you will see a big difference in the scale. Now, no two people are alike, so it can vary. But I will bet that most who respond to this will tell you the same thing. INCHES INCHES INCHES.... Please do not get discouraged, you have made a huge step already, dont turn back now. There are wonderful people here at MFP who will help you through this journey. I have only been on for a couple months and I can tell you personally, these folks are AWESOME !!!!:smile:

    Oh yeah, almost forgot..... I saw inches melting away after my 1st week. I didnt realize it until I was getting dressed one day and thought I would try and old pair of jeans on that I hadnt worn in over a year just for a good laugh. And low and behold they fit.....a little snug but I didnt have to suck it in to get them on either. By the next week they were fitting just fine. So give it time...
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    I took my measurements at the beginning of My Fitness Pal. I read a lot of comments about people wishing they had taken measurements. I'm afraid to check my measurements because I'm worried about being disappointed. I don't know how quickly I should see lost inches.
  • michellelay
    I am also 5'7 and my starting weight after I had my third child was 164. I started MFP back up in October. I am down to 147 as of right now. I have three little kids and I am active. I started off by walking and then running on my treadmill. I have now switched over the JM 30DS for the month. I exercise 6 days a week and I put in 1.5lb loss per week.

    My weight loss has been slow, but steady. I range from 1-2 lbs a week.
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    I've lost 20 pounds since the beginning of summer when I joined MFP and a gym. I've averaged a pound a week (with a few episodes of backsliding!) I noticed a difference in my clothes and stuff when I got to about 10 pounds lost. That took a couple of months. I figure it's worth going slowly, because I want this to be a permanent thing.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    About 2 months is when I noticed. But right now I am about 5 or 6 months in..
  • eashelton53
    eashelton53 Posts: 55 Member
    My first 20 fell off in a month. But in the last month I have only lost 14 so far. I have until the 23rd before to reach two months. It doesn't look like I'm going to him the 20 mark again. As far as appearance I cant tell a differance looking in the mirrior, but I'm using my belt again so I know that I am losing inches.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I've lost 31 lbs [5'3, 170 to 139]...Honestly, when I look in the mirror I see absolutely no difference. Down 2 pant sizes, still the same shirt size. Ehhh.
  • rebysue
    rebysue Posts: 136
    I'm 5'7" and honestly I didn't notice and neither did anyone else for the first 25 pounds (about 3 months). However when I took of the next 10 pounds (total 35) EVERYONE noticed! Every person's body is different though....
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    As far as you yourself SEEING a noticeable difference just remember, you see yourself everyday! I say this because I STILL feel like I am the same guy I was six months and 80 pounds ago. It is hard to personally notice a change when you are the one looking at yourself in the mirror every single day, it is a slow process and it takes a lot of time. Let the numbers tell you how you are doing and just keep working hard! You may not see it at all at first but as long as you continue to work it will definitely happen!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Did you take "before" photos and measurements before starting 30 day shred? If not, I suggest doing that tonight... keep up the 30 DS even when you want to quit (or at least, I wanted to quit) and take another pic and measurements a week or two later. You'll most likely see results that way. I did. But I quit 30 DS a week into it... no place to do it and no time. Plan to start back up again soon though!

    I've lost 22 pounds so far (230 lbs - 208 lbs) and I am starting to see a difference when I look at myself in the mirror with no clothes on (although it still sickens me to do so), but no change in the way clothes fit or in the way I look clothed. Gonna keep going though... it'll be worth it in the long run!
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    I've kept restarting my weight tracker but overall I am down 20 lbs since September. I haven't changed a size yet but I see a difference in my face. I am trying not the slow showing affect my drive to become a healthy weight. Instead I have been focusing on my NSV (non-scale victories). The thing that has made me happiest so far and kept me in this is that I am not breathing heavy now when I take steps or walk quickly. I can keep up with others and not sound like I have ran a marathon. I feel healthier and that feeling is what I am focusing on right now.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I started losing right away, but it's different for everybody.
    Here is a constant.
    If you do what's right continually, good results always follow.

    Keep Punching, and don't make yourself miserable by comparing yourself to others.
  • bhaktinstella
    bhaktinstella Posts: 51 Member
    i lost 39 pounds over seven months and they were slow coming off, but steady.
    after one month into it i had only lost five pounds, so take heart and KEEP going! just today someone at work told me they were amazed at how much i lost and that kind of positive feedback keeps me going... i would NEVER have believed i could lose 39 pounds and reach my goals. Thanks to MFP! (and more exercise too which i did none of before starting this journey). My BMI is 25.9 --I am only 'point nine' away from a "normal healthy" BMI!!!! and i started out OBESE with a BMI of 32.5.
    good luck and Godspeed! you CAN do it!
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    I've lost 30 pounds in 2 months, which I consider real weight loss. Looking at myself though, I did not notice that I actually looked different until about a month in. And when you do notice differences just by looking at yourself, that's when you really get motivated to keep it up. A great, great feeling.

    Like others have said, keep it up. Everyone is different. Some will see 'real' weight loss in a week, some in a few months. Just keep in mind, any weight loss is real weight loss.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    It took a couple of months before people (and myself) started noticing a difference. Everyone has a different experience.
  • rayleansout
    On average I would say two months if you are weight training you will see a big difference in three months in the way you look, and if you have never weight trained before - a big big positive change. So lift some weights people!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    2 months once I figured out my dietary numbers!
    Do you know what your BMR, TDEE and body fat% is?
  • KNMD
    KNMD Posts: 28 Member
    I was perusing the boards the other day and someone used the acronym NSV, meaning "Non-Scale Victory". I think this is more of what I'm focused on in my pursuit of better living.

    1. I'm not winded when I have to visit our supplier and climb three flights of stairs.
    2. I can handle having less sleep
    3. I've lost at least 2 inches off my thighs, my pants touch the ground now!
    4. My pants are feeling loose and don't dig into me when I have to sit for hours
    5. My lower back feels better

    However, I have only seen 1 lb difference from my starting weight (3 weeks in). Make a list of all the NSV's you see and feel, and keep reminding yourself that it's more than numbers, it's you're life and how you enjoy it.
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    2 months once I figured out my dietary numbers!
    Do you know what your BMR, TDEE and body fat% is?

    I know what my body fat % is. The scale I use tells me this. But I don't even know what BMR and TDEE are. Can you explain?
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    I was perusing the boards the other day and someone used the acronym NSV, meaning "Non-Scale Victory". I think this is more of what I'm focused on in my pursuit of better living.

    1. I'm not winded when I have to visit our supplier and climb three flights of stairs.
    2. I can handle having less sleep
    3. I've lost at least 2 inches off my thighs, my pants touch the ground now!
    4. My pants are feeling loose and don't dig into me when I have to sit for hours
    5. My lower back feels better

    However, I have only seen 1 lb difference from my starting weight (3 weeks in). Make a list of all the NSV's you see and feel, and keep reminding yourself that it's more than numbers, it's you're life and how you enjoy it.

    This is very helpful. I have read about others' NSV's, but I haven't listed any of mine yet. I've started to feel like my pants are looser (more loose?), but I don't know if that is because of weight loss. I feel better during the day. I haven't had my stomach troubles since I started eating well and exercising. And just last night I felt like my thighs looked stronger.... I know I shouldn't focus on the weight so much. These are positive things I should focus on.