Nursing moms - decreasing supply

I started MFP a couple of months ago, and finally lost my last 10lbs of baby weight. DD is 4.5 mos old, and I am EBFing. I am currently shooting for 1800 calories each day, but I fluctuate anywhere from 1600-2000 (just depending on how hungry I was that day). I have noticed in the past couple of days that what I am able to pump while at work has been decreasing a bit. I used to get 24oz per day and now its more like 18-20. I am taking spirulina, fish oil, prenatals, and making sure I also drink 10 glasses of water/liquid per day.

Any suggestions on ways to keep up my supply? Do I need to be eating more, or drinking more, or is this just normal since my DD is getting older and is getting ready to start solid foods (not just yet though - we want to hold off on those until she's 6 mos)?


  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Fenugreek in tea form or capsules and oatmeal are also some other ways to boost your supply. I think just adding more calories to your diet. I think you should at least try to eat 2000 calories a day since you are exclusively nursing!
  • Fenugreek is supposed to worked wonderfully to help supply. I eat a bowl of oatmeal with ground flax seeds every morning and that seems to help keep my supply up. You could try to make some lactation cookies. (There are a ton of recipes online.) Also, lots of cuddling and skin-to-skin time when you are home, along with a lot of nursing when you are home should increase your supply again.

    I am exclusively breastfeeding my five month old and have trouble figuring out how many calories to eat. I just had to play along with it to get to an amount where I started losing weight, but my supply did not seem to be affected. I stayed at the same weight from when she was two weeks old until about a month ago. It finally started coming off. Congrats on losing all yours!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    +1 for the fenugreek and oatmeal. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water, and getting enough calories.

    One thing to keep in mind is that a pump is not as effective as a baby, and even though you've always gotten a certain amount before with pumping and now you're getting less, that doesn't necessarily mean you've had a decrease in supply. Maybe your body just doesn't like the pump anymore. Try taking a blanket that the baby has slept with, and breathe in the baby's scent while you pump. Look at a picture of your baby. Some moms have needed to record the baby's hungry cry on their cell phones and play it to stimulate a letdown. Do as much as you can do make your body think the pump is the baby, and you'll have better success. If all else fails, see a lactation consultant.
  • Emilycaldwell420
    Emilycaldwell420 Posts: 17 Member
    When I was breastfeeding, I took fenugreek ( you will smell like maple syrup!!) and blessed thistle capsules to increase my supply. I also made sure to feed or pump avery 3 hours or so to make your body think more milk was being consumed and therefore it would make more- supply/ demand thing. Sounds like you are drinking enough water just don't go too low on calories. Its different for everyone and I would play with it. Also, for me, I couldn't excersize at my prepregnancy intensity or it would affect my supply. I toned it down and could maintain my supply while losing weight. I did more weights than long bouts of cardio until he started eating solids and didn't need as much milk. Good luck!
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    More water. I had the same problem. At six months, I started my son on weak cereal. He continued to nurse until he was a year old, but I supplemented him with solid food beginning at six months.
  • rebysue
    rebysue Posts: 136
    I had the same problem and tried EVERYTHING...lactation consultants, pumping extra, natural/herbal remedies, prescription from my doctor, eating more, drinking more, etc....

    I've now had five kids and finally realized that it is just something with my body that I just don't produce after a couple of months. I would DEFINITELY try the suggestions given but don't beat yourself up if they don't work! (Just saying that because I DID beat myself up!!)
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    I'd spend the weekend close to your baby and nurse often, amp up your calories for a day or two and keep your fluids up.... good luck!!!
  • sarahstolberg
    sarahstolberg Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I will look for some fenugreek if it gets worse. Right now I have 900 oz or so in the freezer, so I am not too worried about a dip just yet. I am still pumping out more than she eats while at daycare, so as long as I stay ahead of her or keep pace then we are good.
  • This was normal for supply was fine as long as I was around my son, but about a month after I returned to work fulltime I started to have supply dips, and they pretty much continued. I continued to pump even after we had to start supplementing, which allowed me to be able to nurse FT when I was home up until 18 months when we weaned.

    Doctors and LCs differ on herbal supplements...most LCs recommend laying off the supplements so much and just doing the natural things your body needs to keep up: nurse and pump regularly, drink plenty of fluids, and get lots of leafy greens and calcium through diet!

    I think that as long as you are drinking plenty of water, not much caffeine, and eating healthy you should be able to keep your supply up. It also dips just before you receive AF. Good luck! BFing was one of the most rewarding experiences ever, whether you can remain EBF or eventually have to supplement.