Jennyisbusy Member


  • I just bought some nectresse which is monk fruit powder and liked it better than truvia (stevia + ??) I don't mind splenda, but it makes my Mom sick and I am so similar to her medically that it makes me nervous.
  • Scales are the devil. That's why they should not be the only tool used to measure your success!!!
  • <There is a lot wrong with me and photoshop fixes .0002% of it. I do however really enjoy my pic.
  • You don't cook them first, just slice them super thin and layer them in. I won't be mad if you don't try it, but I swear it really is good stuff.
  • I make lasagna with zucchini and yellow squash in place of the noodles. Slice it super thin and add plenty of the good cheeses and real garlic and you will be pleased. The first two times my Dad had it at my house he didn't notice the noodles were missing. The third time he got an edge piece and noticed there was no…
  • If you wanna be freaked the frack out than read some true crime - Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, or an Ann Rule book. (They make me grateful for my life!) I also just finished What Comes Next by John Katzenbach - and I was so uncomfortable reading it but I could not put it down! For those who mentioned Middlesex, Jeffery…
  • I drove the long way home so I could grab some ice cream at a drive thru, but when I got near the resteraunt I decided that I was ok to skip it, and drove on home. OK TO SKIP ICECREAM???? woo-hoo- so proud of my self :)
  • quesadillas and grilled cheese were a hit last year too.
  • cheese sticks, gogurt simply, fruit, and sandwiches (tuna, ham, pb, chicken) will be our standard. I bought some smuckers uncrustables for emergencies. lol I know that I have sent leftovers of things he will eat cool. Chicken nuggets, pizza, sausage biscuits, grilled steak or chicken :)
  • Thank you. I had been looking for this info but kept dead ending at winshape. Some of those do sound pretty bad. I like the idea of groups that make traditional marriage better, but not at the cost of gay marriage / rights.
  • I kindof agree. I think my son was born competitive. He has wanted to 'win' at everything he does since he was 2 years old. I am the least competitive person on earth, sooo. Is it possible though that participation awards are robbing the kids of an opportunity to learn coping skills while the stakes are low? I think yes.
  • I try really hard to base my praise off the 'effort' v the 'results'. If I know that hard work was put into something I will applaud it, point out what did work so we can talk about what didn't work and what could be better next time. Sometimes it is exhausting because you actually have to pay attention! If a kid just gets…
  • I am way late to this thread but, what exactly are the anti-gay groups that chickfila supports? All I could find were foundations like Winshape etc. while looking online.
  • My yoga abilities really changed, but it wasn't severe and it leveled off in a reasonable amount of time. Ask your doc but it may just be that your body is carrying weight in a different way.
  • Bodybugg figures in all the calories you need to stay alive as well as your activity. My fitnesspal assumes you are alive and will do a certain amount of activity a day (you choose an activity level when you set your goal) you would only need to log above that level. :wink:
  • Hi! I am doing the same nerd fitness circuit that the other person posted. I have made chart to fill in how many of each exercise I do so that I can gradually increase it. I am doing my push ups on the edge of the kitchen counter, and plan to move to the front edge of the couch within a few workouts. My knees do NOT like…
  • Is it weird that this post made me want to eat a whataburger?
  • When I was a teen I was SUPER active and had a teeny metabolism, then I got a desk job and still ate like I was active. I got a husband and split cooked food in half (half a pizza for you, half for me). Somehow I never learned how an adult female my height should eat until about a year ago (32 years old).
  • Wow, your shins are nice! Mine say "WTF? die die die from pain" :laugh:
  • :laugh: So wrong! Finding Nemo
  • I think of 'House of Leaves' every time I paint a wall. It doesn't look like a big wall but as you start to work it just grows and grows...
  • It's not a perfect system! I try to leave a bite here and there and maybe overestimate a pinch on the calories side. Then I slightly underestimate the exercise I do. My suggestion would be to log things as honestly and accurately as possible. Give it some time and if you don't lose weight then log the same way but change…
  • I bet you could make records of your belly noise later on and use it at Halloween :devil: :drinker:
  • I like the teeny tiny frosty's at wendy's too! Now if I could just convince myself not to get the burger, fries and ice cream all at one time :laugh:
  • You got a lot of good tips but I'll add one more. I OFFICIALLY close the kitchen when I am done for the day. Dishes are cleaned, food is put away, I get one big glass of water to go. Then I turn off the lights and announce to the family that the kitchen is closed. I don't go back in to make snacks or drinks for anyone. I…
  • That's interesting, I had not heard that before.
  • If I am truly tired I can take a cat nap 30ish minutes and then have a productive rest of the day. If I just fight it I tend to slug through and don't get a great burn for the whole day. ( I use a body mediafit) If I can't squeeze a nap in I do some exercise like walking to get my blood flowing and that helps too.
  • Really? She TRAINS her dogs, so I am going to go out on a limb and say that she is being reasonably responsible and not putting her dogs in danger. There is no telling what her situation is! When I had a newborn I used to put my dog on a run to potty and then let her back in the house when she came back to the door, it was…