

  • if you're just starting on MFP i would follow the guidelines that it is telling you and then try to work from there...if you find that you aren't losing any weight or if you hit a plateau then you can make adjustments to your calories....also - the BMR that MFP calculates isn't 100% accurate - it is based on averages…
  • i love my OXO Good Grips Scale with Pull-Out Display!!!!...this is actually my second food scale - the first one was a great generic scale i bought at walmart and used for years...i really researched the 2nd one and i love love love this one!!!! it has the tare button which is a must have...it does pounds/ounces or…
  • it sounds like a yeast infection to me too...go see your doc and if it is fungul/yeast ask for nystatin powder...you should wash the area daily (more so if the wether is hot) with a mild hypoallergenic soap, dry it very well, and then apply that powder...i think you could also tuck a soft piece of cloth (may tear up an old…
  • my husband is a hardcore runner - he does marathons and runs for hours....he did tons of research on joggers beofe picking one ..it's a Kelty Joyrider with 20 inch wheels...it's not the best looking jogger on the market (the 20 inch wheel make it look like a wheelchair to me) but function is more important than form...i…
  • i have a body bugg! i used it for a few months but i prefer my HRM and this site for logging my cals (i used this site prior to using the bugg's site and i just found that i liked this one better - MFP is my comfort zone)...i also had the watch so i could see where i was on my calories but it was kind of a pain...and…
  • i can tell you the reason....it's carbs!!!! anytime you eat carbs without a protein or a fat along with it, you get a surge of insulin released from your pancreas....that is how your body deals with distributing those carbs to your body...the lethargy you feel afterwards occurs after the spike in insulin - your blood sugar…
  • Jay Robb egg white protein powders are THE best (i've tried chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry - all of them are yummy!)...i prefer these (i have also tried met-rx, metagenix, and spirutein - Jay Robb beats them all!) because they are made with natural stevia (sweetener), they are low carb, and the egg white proetein is…
  • you "losers" suck (and i mean that in a totally nice and jealous way!!!!) :laugh:
  • very interesting post! i have often wondered if i am actually addicted to sugar because i crave it ALL the time - even if i'm stuffed i need sugar - it is literally like my crack!...i get so sick to my stomach and dizzy, and my heart races when i consume it and yet i would still binge...a nutritionist told me i was…
  • congratulations on the change!...i think you will find that once you adapt to this way of eating it is less of a "diet" and more of a lifestyle!....fresh foods are much better fuel for you body than anything that comes packed in a can or has had human hands touch it to make it "better"....i personally feel that the best…
  • hey team! happy friday!!!!...well since i am not a "weigher" i am going to try to stuff my booty into an old pair of jeans...i'll let you know how it goes (that is if i don't pass out from the exhaustion of trying to get them past my knees :grumble: )... cmr (aka "mystery lady", team captain, january girl - my goodness you…
  • i like "THE team"...it's short, it's simple, to the point...we can keep it going for many more months (instead of changing it every 30 days), and it's just cool!...plus techinically for those who think the word "the" is kinda lame it could stand for..... The Healthy Eaters team The Healthy Exercisers team To Hell (with)…
  • yikes! how awful! i hope you're feeling better today!!!! congrats on taking the healthy approach to your meals when you were down (i know that's not easy to do!...so much easier to go on auto-pilot and reach for the comfort foods!)...hope today is a better day for you!!!! today i am grateful for... 1. february - i love…
  • today i am grateful.... 1. that today is saturday (but not grateful about the piles of laundry staring at me...:grumble: ) 2. that i got to sleep in (thank you hubby for waking up early to feed the dogs and for giving lucy her insulin shot...i hate giving my little dog that shot, so getting a morning off from doing it is a…
  • first and foremost i track calories...then i look at my macronutrients to make sure i have the right ratios (carbs, fat, and proteins) to maintain well-balanced meals, and sugar too because i have to really monitor my sugar intake and keep it as low as possible.
  • Thanks for the link cmriverside! i am in for sure...i don't weight myself anymore (the scale hasn't budged in a year and i was getting a little obsessed with the weighing)...maybe i'll try to squeeze into my old skinny clothes every friday and then i can just tell you my equivalent of a weigh-in... "too tight, so tight i…
  • happy friday!!!! today i am grateful.... 1. that it is friday and hubby and i are going out on a date - a real date! woo woo 2. that the superbowl falls on the 1st so that i can have a treat at the SB party (only 2 more days of "January Goodie Fast" CMRiverside) 3. for the dance class i took last night...it was awesome! i…
  • "suldrun" has the right idea! if you know you're a late night snacker, save some calories (about 200) for a snack (preferably a protein snack - not something loaded with sugar or carbs - the protein will feed your body longer while you sleep and will help keep your metabolism revved up!).....also, are you drinking enough…
  • usually it will specify where it says "serving size"....the pasta i have says the serving size and then "dry" or "cooked"
  • today i am grateful for... 1. almond milk...so yummy and creamy - this is my morning treat! :love: 2. today is thursday - tonight is the night i am going to try that new dance class (i hope it is as wonderful as i have built it up to be in my head...please please please be awesome!!!!) 3. abby, my 4 yr old - i just can't…
  • kolbip - bravo to you for being brave!!! better to ask any and all of your questions than to be uncomfortable and not getting the most out of your workouts!!!...when i walk, my inner thighs seem to eat up my shorts so i am constantly pulling them out...i solved the problem by wearing tight shorts instead of running shorts…
  • i feel your pain..i have been dealing with this for a year now...working out religiously and keeping my cals at a 500 - 750 deficit per day....and not a single pound lost....i just saw a sports nutritionist and had my BMR tested (come to find out it was much higher than i ever thought and i was really under fueling my body…
  • i thought this gratitude thing would be hard for me because i have ben such a grouch and so mopey about things that i thought for sure i couldn't come up with one single thing to be grateful for...lo and behold....i am grateful for: 1. MFP - which allows me to keep on track and stay honest 2. julianna - my amazing go-to…
  • i love zumba and it's a GREAT calorie burner....we are moving soon and if they don't have zumba there i think i might just die!!!...i even considered getting certified as an instructor just so that i can be sure i have it available to me!!!!...i have a background in dance so for me it brings out my inner dancer and helps…
  • hi all...CMRiverside told me about your thread and i think this is a great way to keep a positive outlook on things!!!....thank you CMR (aka January Girl) for reminding me that there are things in this world to be grateful for even though i am not so grateful for my current struggles with weight...todayi am grateful for…
  • great post!! i was raised by a chronic dieter so i never had my real taste of butter until a few months ago! same for milk, oil, sugar, etc....i am slowly trying to re-program my way of thinking and eating so that i can enjoy REAL food instead of all this fake processed "food" - if you can even call it that! ....my…
  • sugar IS sugar...anything on a label that ends in "ose" is a sugar (sucrose, lactose, fructose, galactose, etc)...simple sugars (sucrose ie: table sugar!) cause a high and rapid spike in insulin (bad bad bad) so THAT is the sugar to stay away from....all sugar should be limited though (yes - you actually can get fat eating…
  • thank you for the great ideas and for your opinions! i am loving the gratitude journal and the little board with positive images! i should be grateful for my health and my amazing family instead of worrying about my thighs...i need to channel all my energy into other things - i am sure of it and hopefully that will help! i…
  • sounds to me like something wasn't entered correctly...double check you settings....burning 500+ calories in half an hour walking/running your dog seems extremely high (and if it's correct then....poor doggy! ha ha ha) :laugh:
  • does anybody know if your mind can interfere with weight loss?...what i mean is...if you see yourself as fat, then do you think it makes any difference how much you work out and no matter how well you eat? i workout out 6 days a week and am happy to do it - i love to work out so it's not that i am unmotivated or lazy...and…