Help in understanding of and treatment for sugar addiction

:drinker: I read Doug Kaufman's, "The Fungus Link" last summer, and tried to beat my sugar addiction by starving the overgrowth of yeast in my gut. I tried Candigone, probiotics, and others. I would suffer 'die off' and have some success, then I'd need a course of antibiotics 4 my acne. The good bacteria would get killed and once again, Ikd have candida overgrowth and find myself craving and gorging on sugary treats. Recently I saw an allergist, who tested an is treating me 4 "Candida Yeast Sensitivity". He prescribed Fluconazole (it's even pretty cheap) 100mg? every other day 4 a month. After the month I was told to take megaflora (acidolphillus or probiotics, or pearls) daily to fight to keep candida levels reasonable and prevent the craving from returning. I am a true believer now as I know the difference in how I feel, and I have observed Herman bread or Friendship bread grow when it is fed sugar. Maybe YOU could overcome your sugar adiction with the help of one of these remedies! Hope this helps!

YES!!! ABSOLUTELY!! I just learned about it last summer! I have ALWAYS craved sweets more than the people around me. This is because I am candida sensitive - I have also suffered innumerable yeast infections! (Does this ring a bell?) I tried Candigone, costs about $30, tastes nasty, you have to take it three times a day, and then you suffer 'die off'. But it does work.

My problem is that it took about 2 weeks to work and I found it hard to be consistent enough. THEN when I had killed the 'sugar gorging urge' , I'd go on an antibiotic, or overdose on wedding cake (just because it tasted good, not because I craved it) and I'd have to start the cycle over again! I finally had given up on ending it when I went to an allergist for sinus problems.

My allergist did the tests and as I say, he told me that I have a "Candida Yeast Sensitivity". He prescribed Fluconazole (it's even pretty cheap-like $17 for a month's worth of pills) 100mg? every other day 4 a month. After the month I was told to take megaflora (acidolphillus or probiotics, or pearls) daily to fight to keep candida levels reasonable and prevent the craving from returning
I've done a lot of research on this topic and I am a true believer.

and ... Herman bread or friendship bread is a bag of batter that you 'feed' on certain days and 'knead' on other days to nourish it and grow more. You keep the bread alive, use a cup or two to make your bread (lots of recipes exist and they are all very tasty-can even look it up online and learn how to make a starter) and you put a measured amount in several different ziplocks for other friends so they can nurture it and pass it on.

I wouldn't recommend making one, especially if you are candida sensitive like me! My cravings were so bad, that I would actually eat the yeast for the high it gave me. My allergist told me that this is how it works:
1. You consume something you are allergic to
2. Your body reacts and starts to swell up in response to the allergen
3. Your body decides to release endorphins to ease the pain it is causing you in your body... So you don't realize it, but you are experiencing pain, and then walllllah!!!! You feel lightheaded, dizzy, WONDERFUL. In fact you feel better than before you consumed the product in nuimber 1!!!

Doesn't it make perfect sense? I have suspected for 25 years, and had even told my family of origin at the time, "Someday I am going to find out that I am allergic to YEAST, HOMEMADE BREAD, and CORN" and now I know I was right! I understand what is happening to my body now, and have a way to stop the cycle. My allergist gave me an extra month's supply of fluconazole in case I accidentally got the cycle spinning again and needed to restart.

What I didn't realize is that sugar is another allergy, but the reason I didn't suspect it is that "everyone gets a sugar high!" I'm just in fact a little more sensitive to it, and ya know what?"??? I have ADHD- which has also been linked to allergies!!!

Can't wait to hear your feedback!



  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    :drinker: I read Doug Kaufman's, "The Fungus Link" last summer, and tried to beat my sugar addiction by starving the overgrowth of yeast in my gut. I tried Candigone, probiotics, and others. I would suffer 'die off' and have some success, then I'd need a course of antibiotics 4 my acne. The good bacteria would get killed and once again, Ikd have candida overgrowth and find myself craving and gorging on sugary treats. Recently I saw an allergist, who tested an is treating me 4 "Candida Yeast Sensitivity". He prescribed Fluconazole (it's even pretty cheap) 100mg? every other day 4 a month. After the month I was told to take megaflora (acidolphillus or probiotics, or pearls) daily to fight to keep candida levels reasonable and prevent the craving from returning. I am a true believer now as I know the difference in how I feel, and I have observed Herman bread or Friendship bread grow when it is fed sugar. Maybe YOU could overcome your sugar adiction with the help of one of these remedies! Hope this helps!

    YES!!! ABSOLUTELY!! I just learned about it last summer! I have ALWAYS craved sweets more than the people around me. This is because I am candida sensitive - I have also suffered innumerable yeast infections! (Does this ring a bell?) I tried Candigone, costs about $30, tastes nasty, you have to take it three times a day, and then you suffer 'die off'. But it does work.

    My problem is that it took about 2 weeks to work and I found it hard to be consistent enough. THEN when I had killed the 'sugar gorging urge' , I'd go on an antibiotic, or overdose on wedding cake (just because it tasted good, not because I craved it) and I'd have to start the cycle over again! I finally had given up on ending it when I went to an allergist for sinus problems.

    My allergist did the tests and as I say, he told me that I have a "Candida Yeast Sensitivity". He prescribed Fluconazole (it's even pretty cheap-like $17 for a month's worth of pills) 100mg? every other day 4 a month. After the month I was told to take megaflora (acidolphillus or probiotics, or pearls) daily to fight to keep candida levels reasonable and prevent the craving from returning
    I've done a lot of research on this topic and I am a true believer.

    and ... Herman bread or friendship bread is a bag of batter that you 'feed' on certain days and 'knead' on other days to nourish it and grow more. You keep the bread alive, use a cup or two to make your bread (lots of recipes exist and they are all very tasty-can even look it up online and learn how to make a starter) and you put a measured amount in several different ziplocks for other friends so they can nurture it and pass it on.

    I wouldn't recommend making one, especially if you are candida sensitive like me! My cravings were so bad, that I would actually eat the yeast for the high it gave me. My allergist told me that this is how it works:
    1. You consume something you are allergic to
    2. Your body reacts and starts to swell up in response to the allergen
    3. Your body decides to release endorphins to ease the pain it is causing you in your body... So you don't realize it, but you are experiencing pain, and then walllllah!!!! You feel lightheaded, dizzy, WONDERFUL. In fact you feel better than before you consumed the product in nuimber 1!!!

    Doesn't it make perfect sense? I have suspected for 25 years, and had even told my family of origin at the time, "Someday I am going to find out that I am allergic to YEAST, HOMEMADE BREAD, and CORN" and now I know I was right! I understand what is happening to my body now, and have a way to stop the cycle. My allergist gave me an extra month's supply of fluconazole in case I accidentally got the cycle spinning again and needed to restart.

    What I didn't realize is that sugar is another allergy, but the reason I didn't suspect it is that "everyone gets a sugar high!" I'm just in fact a little more sensitive to it, and ya know what?"??? I have ADHD- which has also been linked to allergies!!!

    Can't wait to hear your feedback!

  • FletcherChic
    very interesting post! i have often wondered if i am actually addicted to sugar because i crave it ALL the time - even if i'm stuffed i need sugar - it is literally like my crack!...i get so sick to my stomach and dizzy, and my heart races when i consume it and yet i would still binge...a nutritionist told me i was sensitive to sugar (obviously) and that my body only knew how to use sugar for fuel (which means my cholesterol levels are high because my body doesn't know how to utilize fat for fuel)....she had me do a sugar reset diet for a week (no dairy, no sugars, no starchy foods - mostly all meats, fats, and veggies were allowed) for a week in hopes that it would trick my body into using fat (instead of continually storing it as it has done even though i workout like crazy and follow my calories down to the microgram)...were you having similar issues? i am wondering if i need to follow the reset plan for a longer period in order to kick the sugar cravings because as it stands - i still very very very much want anything with sugar...
    also - what is this "die off" that you talk about...are there symptoms that let you know this is happening? i i don't know if i have issues with yeast but bread (unless it is sprouted) is off limits for me...wheat products make me bloated as do some dairy products....although i don't have frequent yeast infections...sorry to ramble on - i am very interested in this subject because i really feel like a crazy person - my husband can't even believe how much sugar i want -he thinks i'm a freak! ha ha ha...i would love any input you have!
    :flowerforyou: Shelley
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    YES! My husband (and his mother) were astounded at the amount of sugar I consumed! Die off is when you starve the overgrowth of candida in your stomach and it tries to fight back (with a vengeance). You feel like you have a flu. Your muscles will ache, you will feel sick to your stomach, and you could have a headache. You will swear that you have the flu!

    You might want to do a google search for some of the following terms (be sure to use the quotes around the phrases):

    "Doug Kaufman"
    "The fungus link"
    "die off"

    If you really did the restart well, you probably wnt through die off already. ?