spammyanna Member


  • Eat at your maintenance, and don't worry about cutting calories. You could even eat at a surplus, and still maintain your current weight. I'm about to start training for my third half marathon, if you have questions/need help, let me know!. Just make sure you are a) eating enough, and b) carb-loading before your long runs.
  • Oh I am a big fan of minimal shoes, but if someone had recommended them to me when I first started, I don't think they would have worked well for me. I am now in love with my very first pair of Vibrams, and I don't think I could ever wear a heavier shoe ever again.
  • Lift weights! Try a program like New Rules of Lifting for Women. I'm almost done with stage 1, and while I have gained 2 lbs, I've lost 4% body fat, and I am much slimmer than I was before. And lift heavy. It's fun. And stay far far away from the Barbie weights.
  • Today I dead lifted my body weight. And I got an approval nod from one of the body builders at my gym. Today was a good day.
  • Side note: a shoe that works wonders for one person, may be the worst shoe in the world for you. Shoes are very individual, and you should make sure you get one that works for YOU!
  • You should also ease your way into it, don't try to go all out when you first start. Try a couch to 5k program, or something similar. Build up in intervals. And stretch (or foam roll) after you run. Also, make sure you are wearing good shoes, and not just good ones, but good ones for you. Go to a running store and have…
  • James Brown - Soul Power (I recently discovered the motown station on pandora, and am addicted to it.)
  • I tell myself I won't do it again, and let it go. You already ate them, there's nothing you can do about that. Just don't do it again, and move on.
  • I listen to Fall out Boy a lot... there is a website called where you put in how fast you run (or want to run) and it gives you music at those beats per minute. It's pretty sweet.
  • Amazing awesome recipes.
  • You can count it as circuit training.
  • New Rules of Lifting for Women Stage 1B, deadlift, dumbbell shoulder press, lat pull down, lunge, and swiss ball crunch..3 sets of 10 30 minutes on the elliptical.
  • So you want to eat somewhere in between those two numbers. Set your calories at 1750-1800 for at least 4 weeks and see how it goes. Experiment with eating exercise calories back. Personally I only eat mine back if I'm hungry, but I always try to at least net my BMR. It will take a bit for your body to adjust to the new…
  • You need to eat at least your BMR (which you can find under tools) and you can eat up to your TDEE (total daily expenditure) and still lose weight. At the top of the forum is a search feature, in there type "In place of a road map" and read that. It has a wealth of information on BMR and TDEE and is extremely helpful in…
  • 1250 is not eating more to lose more. 1250 is eating enough to survive. I am 5'4" and eat anywhere from 1600-2200 calories a day. I've lost 50lbs. Eat more, and you can get in more protein. Sure you may gain initially, but this will come off and more. Good luck!
  • Raised in Bellevue, live in Fremont (Seattle)
  • Just wanted to say that I am in love with this program! I am still in stage 1, but I have already lost 2.3% body fat in the last 4 weeks!!! That is with lifting only 2 times per week, and eating at maintenance. I can't wait to see how much I've lost (and gained in muscle) after another 4 weeks!
  • Thanks! You did an amazing job. I hope my 60 lifting pictures look as good as yours!
  • Reduce your body fat %. You can't spot reduce, in fact I read somewhere that doing too many crunches will make you tummy look bigger. Eat enough to fuel your body. Lift weights with your whole body, deadlifts, squats... Do HIIT (high intensity interval training) (PS: just cause you can google something, doesn't make it…
  • What an amazing person you are! Message sent, and hope that we hear from her soon.
  • I eat them if I am hungry. If I'm not, I don't. Edited to add: I have my calories set to maintain my weight, so if I eat under that I may lose a little more. When I had my calories set to lose, I ate my exercise calories. I measured my food AND wore a heart rate monitor. And I lost 50lbs.
  • Man, I can't go more than 2 hours without eating, or I turn into mega-b!tch! Try having small meals throughout the day, and building your calorie intake up gradually.
  • PS: there is nothing wrong with cheeseburgers, pizza, or any food for that matter. It's all about portion control, and making smarter choices.
  • That sounds: a) horrible b) like not nearly enough food c) void of protein d) boring I am having sushi.
  • Mmm, my lack of will power just caused me to eat a delicious homemade cookie that fits in my macros and my calories... wait, I'm not bloated... and I've lost 51lbs Carbs are awesome.
  • Also, looking through your diary it looks like you aren't eating very much. Are you on a doctor supervised restricted diet? If not, you may think about eating more to help your weight loss.
  • My first 5k race I ran last September with a time of 35:48. My PR is 29:07. On my own, or on the treadmill I can run 3.1 miles in under 28 minutes. Road races are a lot more crowded, and I swear I run a whole other mile just dodging people. Your goal should be to have fun, and finish it. And be proud that you are doing it!
  • I meant that it's not good advice as in it's not really helpful, nor does it really provide any guidance. Yes, she very well could be 5'0, but she isn't 110lbs, she's around 1200 isn't really a good number for her. There are lots of opinions on this. She also mentioned that she does run and do ab work, so I don't…