

  • I've done both and I'm starting Insanity again. My husband is getting ready to do P90X again and I think he is going to do the Hybrid/Insanity. He likes the weights in P90X, but loves the cardio of Insanity. You would get the best of 2 workouts if you combined them! Good luck!
  • I love the egg white omlets too with spinich and a little salsa. My main breakfast is Chocolate Shakeology with peanut butter! It's really good!
  • You will do great! I just finished my 1st round and will be starting my 2nd next week. I lost 7.9 lbs but I lost a total if 13 inches, Remember to drink your water and eat your food. Just jump right in there and do your best! The Results & Recovery drink is a must & Shakeology. I would highly recommend a HRM too. If you…
    in INSANITY Comment by darnold67 April 2011
  • I just finished the Insanity workout but I didn't gain weight. I was noticing that the scale didn't show any weight loss but I could see the progress by the inches that I lost. When I started drinking alot more water was when the weight started to come off. Please don't get discouraged. This workout does work. The scale is…
  • :smile: You can add me if you like! The support here is GREAT!!!
  • Welcome! You can also friend me if you like!
    in Newbie Comment by darnold67 March 2011
  • Hello there and welcome! Add me if you would like too!
    in New Here Comment by darnold67 March 2011
  • I am on my 7th week of Insanity and love it! You will get in really good shape! I didn't notice the scale going down until I hit the 6th week, but the inches were coming off from the beginning. I have always had a problem with my tummy and now it is going down and I feel muscles that I didn't think I would ever have! The…
  • I'm LOVING this workout! I'm on my 7th week and looking forward to doing a 2nd round! The results are AMAZING!!! Keep up the good work!
  • Welcome and add me if you like! I would love to help!
  • I have done both and I have to say that I love Insanity! I got good results with doing P90X first but now I'm on my 7th week of Insanity and I love it!!! The results are amazing and the way you feel is great! I say do that one!
  • Great job!!! I have done P90X and I know it works! Keep pushing play and continue to let us see the progress pics!!!
  • It doesn't help with weight loss, but it is great for drinking during or after your workout. If you've worked out really hard it helps the muscles to recover faster. I really reccommend it!
  • Hi Ashley! Welcome and congratulations on your new baby boy! You will love this site! Lot's of help and good friends! Please add me and I would love to help. Thanks! Diane
  • Welcome! This is a great site and your going to love it!
    in I'm new! Comment by darnold67 March 2011
  • Keep up the good work and please add me! I would love for us to keep each other motivated!
  • Great job! :smile:
  • Please add me if you like! I joined a few days ago and I'm loving this site!
    in Hello! Comment by darnold67 March 2011
  • Add me if you like!
    in Support Comment by darnold67 March 2011
  • I think you should try P90X! It's a really great workout! Actually any of the Team Beach Body workouts are. If you like add me and I would be happy to help!
  • Try P90X!
  • Eat your 5 meals a day and drink alot of water. Try rinsing your mouth out with water when you feel hungry. I had a coach tell me that the other day. Also I drink a shake called Shakeology and it REALLY helps with hunger and those cravings!
  • You will! This site is great and you get ALOT of support! What are you doing for exercise?
  • That's right! Just keep up the good work! Even when you don't "feel" like working out, push yourself to do it and you will feel better when you've finished! Drink your water too!
    in stuck Comment by darnold67 March 2011
  • Sometimes you don't lose weight, but you lose inches. There was a time that I didn't lose weight for 4 weeks but the inches were coming off. Be patient and make sure your drinking ALOT of water too.
  • I know how you are feeling, but losing weight takes time. I am 43 years old and I was up to 178 lbs and not liking myself very much. I was and still am self-conscious, even in front of my husband. My husband purchased P90X and we started the workout together. I started to feel better and lost some weight. After that I did…
  • I'm starting my 7th week of Insanity and I wear a heart monitor. I agree everyone does burns calories differently. Even with my own workouts, somedays I burn more or less calories. I would really suggest getting one so you can watch your heart rate. They are a great help!
  • Hello! My name is Diane and joined this site about 6 days ago. Since that time I have lost 2 pounds and loving the help that everyone gives you. If you like you can add me as a friend. I am starting my 7th week of Insanity and plan on starting a 2nd round when I'm done! Good luck with your weight loss journey and I hope to…
  • Hello! I have been on here for only a few days and I love this sight! If you both want you can add me too! Have a great day!
    in hi Comment by darnold67 March 2011
  • I'm on my 6th week and still loving it! It is Insane but sooooo worth the hard work! Going to do a 2nd round when I'm done with this one!