falling off the wagon

taniahboo Posts: 22
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys!

I just had a baby 4 months ago! I delivered and have lost 30 pounds. But no one can tell I even lost weight because I am that big! Its so frustrating! I want to loose weight and I know it takes time but its sooooooo hard. I know Im being a big baby but I just have a low self esteem sometimes. Ive never been small but this is the heaviest that I have ever been. I cant ever wear my regular jeans!!!! Im still wearing my pregnancy clothes and that makes me so depressed!
I dont know when i fell of the wagon but any weight loss stories that will motivate me?


  • It took you 9 months to get that baby born.

    It's going to take some time to drop the weight.

    Be happy that you brought life into this world. Your body will naturally get back to a healthy weight if you exercise and eat well.

    I'm going through the same thing, but I'm a dude and didn't have a baby and I just want the 30lbs to go away.

    But what I have to realize is that it will, but not overnight.

    You'll be okay, really.

    Don't obsess.

    My buddy told me that I was obsessing about everything that I was eating and exercise, and I sounded a little crazy.

    When you're stressed out. your body releases stress hormones that tell you to hold onto fat.
    Best thing is to get good amounts of sleep, feed your body good food, move more. The weight will come off.


    Also biggest loser on NBC big motivation, check it out on hulu.com

    when I want to give up, I see those people at 300-400lbs and if they can do it, I can do it too.
  • I will have to tell you that I didn't fit into my regular jeans until my baby was 6 months old. It takes 9 months to gain that weight with a baby... it's going to take some time to take it off. Give yourself some slack. You'll get there!
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    It's great that you've lost 30!!! Keep up with it girl...I know how hard it is. I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight 8 wks after I had my baby and over a year gained another 20 lbs. Since joining MFP I'm have 2 pounds to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight and my son is 2-1/2. Not to mention I still have a ton of weight to lose to be healthy. It's a hard road but if you make the right food choices and exercise you will succeed!! Add me as a friend if you like...we can motivate eachother!
  • darnold67
    darnold67 Posts: 36
    I know how you are feeling, but losing weight takes time. I am 43 years old and I was up to 178 lbs and not liking myself very much. I was and still am self-conscious, even in front of my husband. My husband purchased P90X and we started the workout together. I started to feel better and lost some weight. After that I did Brazillian Butt Lift and now doing Insanity. I am starting to slim down and I am feeling better than I did when I was in my 30's! I know that if I can do this, you can. Just be pattient and I hope that you would add me as a friend because I would love to help you meet your goals!
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