

  • My week's goal was to get in a min. of 10,000 steps every day. So far, so good. I am going to have to work on today though as I slept half the day away. Must have had an allergic reaction to something last night... woke up blotchy and a bit swollen; took some Benadryl and that knocked me on my butt. didn't get up until…
  • Thanks so much for all the info. And I will check out the site and look up Planet Fitness. :smile:
  • I'm joining the party a little late... but as they say, "Better Late Than Never." As I have over 100 lbs to lose to be at my ideal weight, I have a long road ahead of me. (A pound a week would put me at reaching my goal in : 108 weeks = 2.0698594 years.) That's too many weeks to think about. smile. I'm down for making a 10…
  • As most people have said.... find something else to work through your emotions... walking, hit the gym, read a book, watch a movie. I keep "healthier" snacks on hand for such emergency situations... in my case, it's usually my TOM. I also make myself drink a HUGE glass of water before I give in to any snacking. After water…
  • Oops... and apparently repeating as well as skipping. Yes... I often leave the house without underwear. They are only needed one week a month. Have you ever jumped off a bridge?
  • Not exactly... But I've worked 8am- 4am and had to be back at work at 9am the next day. Have you ever shaved your head bald?
  • I've seen some sort of equation before, but it was more complex than merely multiplying your weight by 10. Perhaps that's some basic general quick formula, but I would think that you have to take into account the amt. of activity one is doing. Makes sense, right? Remember the stories of Michael Phelps and him consuming…
  • I sometimes make a cold cous-cous dish ---- just cous cous with lemon juice, diced (and de-seeded) cucumber, tomato, and onion... throw in some parsely if you want. I've also made hot dishes with apples or dried cherries or grapes, etc... and some juice &/or curry seasonings. You just have to play with cous cous --- I…
  • Dana or "DEW" *( Or D'Lish --- Don't look at me... I didn't give myself the nickname. )
  • I have no idea about "cheating" or what that means in relation to tricking your metabolism.... but I DO KNOW... that I get excited when I don't get the "you're not eating enough" message. From someone who used to eat 600-700 calories a day .... I'm finally starting to lose weight now that I am actually eating 1400-1600…
  • So far... my challenge for the week is an EPIC FAIL.... I still haven't worked out... did a bit of walking last night. So I am now planning out my exercise like I do my food. Hope that helps. Plus, I am not posting my workout regime for the week on my blog. Hoping this will help with the accountability too. Next week ----…
  • You should do whatever YOU are comfortable with and whatever makes you happy. Who cares what other think of your abs... Or was this a self-promotional plug? smile. Good job. You've done well.
  • That was Awesome!:laugh: And to add on to what others have said... it's nice to look at a "hard body" but it is true.... not super comfy to 'cuddle' with... if you're into that... or to have slapping up against you... (um, er... if you're working out together?? or um... if you aren't looking where you're going and run into…
  • Well... as far as "Sexy" goes ---- I'm more turned on my intelligence and a good sense of humor. Little secret for all you men out there... women like men who can make them laugh. However, you obviously want a specific question answered, so I'll give you what you want. Ripped abs have been known to make me swoon. But flat…
  • Ah... the evil fact of life that men seem to lose weight faster than women. It's a tough one to be sure, but I would tell her not to pay too much attention to the scale. It's not the best indicator. How are her clothes fitting, etc. Muscle may not truly weigh more than fat, but it is denser and takes up much less space. It…
  • arwamya ---- right there with you... kudos to taking a month off from the scale. I have had issues in the past and I am REALLY trying to get on the scale less. Now, I know from past experience that my weight easily fluctuates 3-5 lbs. during the day... sometimes as much as 7. So, whay did I get on the scale at night 2…
  • Hi, All. My name is Dana and I'm new to all this. I have been eating well for the last 2 weeks or so and am down in weight... until I had an emotional/stress eating moment and ended up sabotaging myself. Enough of that though. Back on track. What I need to add into the mix now is exercise. So, my goal for this week is to…
  • Well... I missed this challenge.. but I like the idea of it. I'm going to challenge myself for next week. Thanks. If you do it again, count me in. smil.e
  • congrats. If you are looking to shave time off your longer runs... 10K or 15K or if you move on to half marathons and marathons.... you might also want to consider the run/walk method. Say you run for 3 minutes and then walk for one... then run for 3 minutes and walk for one. Or even run a minute walk a minute until mile…
  • I do like the Champion C9 line.... good for compression & quite affordable. However, for those of us gals who have A Lot going on up top and plan on doing some major movement &/or need some major containment... then I'd suggest Enell bras. They aren't cute but they keep the girls stable/in place. No pain from bouncing…
  • I actually find it is better --- For Me --- if I only weigh myself once or twice a month. I find it far better to gauge how I'm doing by how my clothes fit. That being said... I currently have a bet going (for motivation more than anything) with a co-worker to see who can lose 15 lbs first. I found myself stepping on the…
  • Almost everyone I know who is a vegan is in great shape... however, I may be the only person on the planet who ended up gaining a ton of weight when I was vegan. (40 lbs in 2 months --- and while training for a marathon --- go figure!) As it turns out, I have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)..... and apparently, soy +…
  • I usually use 3 eggs for breakfast --- 1 whole and the other 2 just the whites.... saves on the fat but still get the other benefits. I also usually throw some chia seeds in with my scrambled eggs or omlettes, etc... along with veggies. I don't eat eggs every day, but I do eat Flax and Chia seeds every day.... other good…