

  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Congrats, Suz!! That's awesome!

    Dee, soo sorry to hear that. I hope your doc can set you to rights again soon. :)

    Mak, maybe try upping your water a little to offset the sodium? It looks like you made some great choices. Definitely nothing to be ashamed of. If you have to eat out, that's a great way to do it. Maybe the weekend will calm down. Also, a massage or nice quiet, romantic night might be a good alternative for your hubby's desire for fast food. ;)
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    Dee, soo sorry to hear that. I hope your doc can set you to rights again soon. :)

    Mak, . Also, a massage or nice quiet, romantic night might be a good alternative for your hubby's desire for fast food. ;)

    Thank you!!

    I LOVE THAT ADVICE TO MAK!!!!! Good One!!
  • OhItsOn
    OhItsOn Posts: 36
    So far... my challenge for the week is an EPIC FAIL.... I still haven't worked out... did a bit of walking last night.

    So I am now planning out my exercise like I do my food. Hope that helps. Plus, I am not posting my workout regime for the week on my blog. Hoping this will help with the accountability too.

    Next week ---- planning on redeeming myself. :smile:

    Wishing everyone continued success!

    Dana "DEW"

  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    My goal for cleaning has been an Epic Fail too...but since for me this HAS to be done since the mother is coming in for a visit next Friday...I'll be getting it in this weekend! LOL I don't have a choice!

    Our home-based business has been crazy busy for the last week and I've been working on that pretty much from the time I get home to the time I go to bed!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    managed 2 miles over lunch that gets my 10 miles lets see how far I exceed it!
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I did it! 150/150 whew! :happy:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    :drinker: Kris & DJ:drinker:
    Sooooooo happy for you guys!! I may start jumping up & down!!

    :love: This wa relly a wird week!! Yep. you will getter done for mma!! LOL :love:

    :bigsmile: I got the OK from my doc to resume exercise in a few days. Probably arthritis brought on from the tornado that hit our area on Wednesday. Exactly what Ithought but needed to have that confirmed. Since I am not hving other problems. He just wants me to watch and see if it gets that bad again. Soooo Yea!!!!:bigsmile:
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Hi all. I got in 64 mins this evening for a total of 378/400. I might do another Wii biggest loser tonight so that I can get my 400 in. I have two 12 hr shifts ahead of me this weekend and I just don't have it in me to workout once I get off work.

    Today was the first day I didn't plan out my food and I had orientation at a new job. They supplied pizza for lunch. I did good only 2 slices but hey they were LOADED in cals. So I had to work out tonight in order to eat. :laugh:
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I am SO TIRED guys! Like, exhausted tired. And I want to eat something not-so-great tonight to treat myself but at the same time, I don't because I've worked SO HARD to see this # on the scale! LOL At the same time, one night won't completely kill me and I know it.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    Have something HEALTHY. You have worked so hard. If you have to talk yourself into this, you don't really want it. it's just not worth it.

    On that note, I am very THANKFUL that we don't keep chips in this house!!!! LOL

    I watched restaurant shows & wanted anything, but instead sorted through this huge pile of mail. so I was productive instead.

    HANG ON!!!! The week is almost over!!
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks Beth for those kind worde. Is your dad on MFP? He could join our group here. I think it is wonderful how you are working together.

    You're very welcome, you deserve it :) My dad is computer illiterate beyond freecell lol. Just today he had to get me to type and send and email for him lol. Althought the amount of time I spend asking my dad questions about things on here (he's always lifted weights and is a nurse) he might as well be part of this. When I cook healthy meals I always get both of my parents to at least try it and so far they've loved everything--I get a huge kick out of telling them how few calories are in each serving lol.
    Oh and 10 min left on my 200 min exercise goal yay!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Mak, maybe try upping your water a little to offset the sodium? It looks like you made some great choices. Definitely nothing to be ashamed of. If you have to eat out, that's a great way to do it. Maybe the weekend will calm down. Also, a massage or nice quiet, romantic night might be a good alternative for your hubby's desire for fast food. ;)

    Thanks for the ideas. I have been trying to get more water in like u suggested. Tomorrow is weigh in day so we shall see if I succeeded.

    I see in your signature once u hit your goal u are going to join the USAF. My brother is in the Air Force :)
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Quick check-in:
    115/150 - I will get those last 35 mins in today!
    The scale has been stuck the last 2 days so I'm still 4/5 lbs lost... but I am okay with that! I didn't make good choices and didn't drink enough water to balance the sodium. I've also STILL had TOM (this seems never ending this week!!!)

    I've been MIA due to it being crazy at work, volunteering at two of my daughter's school functions this week... and then she had her physical and received four shots yesterday afternoon. She always gets a high fever after her shots and last night was no exception and brutal. She was feverish and feeling ill, in my bed, so I'm working on very little sleep today .
  • crazyquilter36
    Made my goal and then some today and I still have this afternoon and tomorrow to workout. Miight up it to 400 for next week ;) I like to exercise some in the morning and then more in the afternoon or evening to keep the metabolism up. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and good job on your goals!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Check in for the week. I weighed it today and I not only made my goal I surpassed it, loss this week 3.5 pounds. As of today, I'm at 30% of my goal.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU all for your support. I wouldn't be doing nearly was well as I have been doing without all of you!

    Hope everyone's goals are going well.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Made my goal and then some today and I still have this afternoon and tomorrow to workout. Miight up it to 400 for next week ;) I like to exercise some in the morning and then more in the afternoon or evening to keep the metabolism up. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and good job on your goals!

  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    You guys are doing so well. I am so HAPPY & PROUD of all your efforts & successes!!

    You guys keep me motivated!!

    Most of you know that my week was a double chalenge. I changed my goal mid week to just stay within my calories since I hurt myself. So far, so good. The day is not over, but my hopes are HIGH!! :-)

    I had a small gain this week but is understandable. Since I hurt my tailbone mid week I have been inactive. No exercise, but no work either. No walking the school halls. Pretty much bedfast. I saw the doc yesterday. I will slowly reinstate my daily activities & include light exercise this week. Not gonna cry about it since I know my food diary was good all week.

    Thank you all for your kind words of healing. I am a tough gal.

    I was a single mom and raised 3 daughters totally alone.(with God's help) Worked 2 jobs and put all three through college. I am a proud grandma of soon to be 11 grandkids (they all call me Oma(Dutch))

    I am in my 10th year of the best marriage ever!! I wake up every morning to a cup of fresh coffee at my bedside, that I did not make. :-)

    Life has always been a struggle but my life has always been a happy one!! I am very Blessed!!

    (((((HUGGS TO ALL)))))
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    ok im in for this week my goal is to get in 600 min this week and keep my diary good, ive been bouncing around since i started being over and under so thats a big one. ill let you know.
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    60 min down!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    So I was a bad bad girl and ate candy after I submitted my diary yesterday. This makes me mad at me but....I'm DOWN TO 250! Holy moly! I was thinking I'd get to this point around mid-April...AND I'M HERE!

    Thank you to all of you for all your support. I don't think I'd be here without you all!!