10 Week's To June



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    So I was hungry today and I ate more. Im not worried I was soaked after the iron bell swinging for 45 minutes, Im sure I earned a few extra calories.

    Steve or anyone else, have you "Skinny Birches" ? replace r with t or it will get censored I think. My wife is reading it and said it is pretty eyeopening. It may be a good read for all you birches out there! Lol.

    My ex read it - but that was before I gave a crap about stuff - she loved it and would sit there laughing as she read it all night.

    also, it completely applied to her.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yowzers I'm sore! I did one, measly, strength training circuit yesterday and am feeling it in a mostly good way today. I've been focusing on cardio for the past few months, and now I'm trying to incorporate weights back in to my routine. I had planned on starting with two circuits, but I went for a quick run prior and I was pretty hungry during the run so my energy level wasn't awesome sauce.

    Which brings me to a question (well more of a rant)....I've been a bit hungry each evening since starting on monday. I'm just not entirely clear what my strategy should be in regards to eating back calories. I guess I haven't been, since my net calories were under 1200 the past two days. I think I'll make sure I'm getting at least 1200 calories and see how I feel. You know, I may be a research scientist in my real life, but I really don't like being one of my own subjects. Really wish there was an app that would that just tell me my optimal nutritional profile :)

    But on the other hand, maybe I just don't trust my own interpretations of my body's demands. Part of me thinks being hungry means I'm doing it right. Sick, right?

    Tomorrow: treadmill run. Yuck, but the weather is crappy.

    The short answer about exercise calories that I give to all my clients. Don't worry about them. Pick a number that works and forget this eating back crap. If you try 1400 a day, then eat that every day for a week, and see what happens. Be strict and be consistent with your calorie intake. If it doesn't move the way you want, adjust by 200 calories. Be consistent! At the end of the second week, if it doesn't move, adjust again. It's trial and error, but allows us to find our own personal number.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Day 3 went very well - clean eating and did my C25K (started week 3)

    Question for any runners out there...
    My knees have started to ache a bit - is it ok to continue to run? While running the pain actually goes away, but when walking & doing normal activities they're a bit sore. I'd like to just push through it and hope it goes away...what do you think?

    Great job everyone...you're so motivating!

    Are you only running roads? Have you practiced running form with a treadmill and mirror? It sounds so funny, but all of us run, yet most have never actually practiced it. If your knees hurt, try trail or off-road running for a day and see? Or better - don't run and do a full body workout like www.BodyRock.tv That site is money!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    So yesterday I skipped p90x Shoulders and Arms and did JM30DS instead, didn't have as much time as I thought I would since my daughter needed help with a project for school. I'll jump in with Shoulders and Arms and ARX tonight instead of the Yoga though.

    Stats for Tuesday:
    Carbs 142g
    Fat 75g
    Protein 67g
    Fiber 13g
    Cals 1525 eaten out of 1634

    I struggle with the food - I'm still pretty new to counting calories and stuff, so I don't really know what I'm doing or what my totals should look like. My goal is NOT to lose weight, just to get in shape, tone, and build muscle.

    Can anyone maybe suggest a book that would help explain the nutrition aspect? Something that would explain why different things are important (carbs, fat, etc) and exactly how much you should have to achieve which goals.

    What you need for an immediate read is some Lyle McDonald. I love his thorough explanations, which are clearly science and research backed. I know he's not for everyone, some may find him too in depth and not in "easy read" terms. He has a ton of info on his website.

    First, here are two parts of his nutrition articles which explain the fundamentals, what jobs carbs/protein/fat etc perform:



    Here's the articles that deal with figuring out what your caloric intake should be, as well as what your macronutrient profile should look like.



    I hope these help you :)

    YES YES YES!!!

    Lyle McDonald is a huge advocate of the CKD (or Anabolic Diet) that I do. 5-6 days low carb, then carb up. I love his stuff. You're right though - it's thick!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 3 looked like this

    0 calories burned today

    My macros for today looked like this
    5o%carbs (191grams)
    28%fat (48grams)
    23%protein (89grams)
    Those carbs get me everytime!!!

    Calorie intake for the day was 1536 of 1450calories!!!! Today was my rest day and i went over my 86 calories, but thats ok!!!

    I got in 11 glasses of water today!!!

    Update on my back.... It feels so much better after using the thermacare heat wraps and a few ibuprofen!!! See you all tomorrow!!!
  • 0flynnstone0
    So Day 1 for me.

    Didn't go great. I went over by almost 500 cals. Wednesdays are super busy for me. Class in the morning, then work, then class again in the evening. Then my aunt came to visit, as she was passing thru on her way from TX to SD. So no time to work out.

    She insists on taking me to a buffet brunch tomorrow. Even after I told her I'm on a diet, and that I would be happy to cook for her. Still a no. I know she's trying to be nice but it's frustrating because I really don't want to deal with the calories that eating out (at a buffet of all places) is going to entail. Plus I already have plans to go out for Mexican w/ my friends tomorrow night. And very little time to work out tomorrow either. (and an exam to study for...ugggh)

    I'm just going to try to make my choices as healthy as possible tomorrow. And hopefully squeeze in some time to work out.
    Sorry, this ended up being mostly a rant...I'm just stressed right now.

    But you guys all sound like you're doing great! :)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Enjoy the time with your family! Having said that - enjoy the time, but that doesn't mean the crappy food! You can eat incredibly healthy at a buffet if you want, just set your mind right. I'm sure they have some lean meat and veggies. That's plenty! Grab a plate of that stuff, then just chill and relax, and enjoy the company!

    Mexican is a little harder - but a tip that people don't know about - you can order just about anything in any restaurant. I've ordered a grilled chicken salad at a mexican place before. They have grilled chicken, they have veggies - you just have to tell them exactly what you want on it!

    It works anywhere

    Remember, menus are just suggestions, not the only thing you can order! You can even just order plain eggs at McDonalds and Wendy's. You don't have to get the McCrappy breakfast sandwich.

    Be creative!

    Ab work done.

    My day was really good. We did Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning at fit club this morning, then I did about 15 sets of stability abs work with my buddy. Tonight, I felt that I could have worked my core more, so I knocked out a really hard, weighted ab routine. I'll be feeling it tomorrow I hope, I went as heavy as I could still function and went to failure on most exercises.

    Nutrition was super clean and hit my calories right on plan. Keep up the good work guys, 67 more days.
  • OhItsOn
    OhItsOn Posts: 36
    I'm joining the party a little late... but as they say, "Better Late Than Never."

    As I have over 100 lbs to lose to be at my ideal weight, I have a long road ahead of me. (A pound a week would put me at reaching my goal in : 108 weeks = 2.0698594 years.) That's too many weeks to think about. smile. I'm down for making a 10 week plan... especially as my birthday is in June.

    My Goals/Plan of Action: I've been taking the baby step approach to healthier living & a new me. I've already given up soda completely; I'm already drinking more water (room for improvement); I'm already getting more calories/ eating more. (Most days I hit my calorie goal of 1200-1400 calories... I will raise this as I become more active; I've been eating 3-5x a day most of the time and eating foods that aren't processed and that I prepare 80% of the time. My stumbling block has been fitness/exercise. So THAT is what I am going to concentrate on for the next 9.5 weeks ... by then, working out should become a habit.

    Week 1 :(already in progress) --- hoping to hit the 15 lb. lost mark, as I have a bet going with a co-worker, but I'll be happy with 12. * Want to get 10,000 steps in every day for the rest of this week.(Cont. on to the next weeks)

    Week 2 - 3: Run/walk for 30 min. 2 days a week and Run/walk 2-3 miles one day that week (Sat.)

    Week 4 - 5: Cont. with my Half marathon run/walk training schedule... increasing the miles on my (Sat.) long run, while upping my run time and lowering my walk time. Add in some strength training/ core work.

    Week 6 - 7: Cont. with above goals and add in strength training 2 days a week.

    That's as far as I've got... I'll re-evaluate when I get closer to May. smile. Eventually, though, I'd like to go for a walk every day; walk/run training 3 days a week; weights/strength training 3 days a week; core work 6 days a week.

    By week 10--- I'd like to be doing some sort of physical activity for exercise 5-6 days a week consistently, with no more than one rest day. I'd like to start each day with a walk and finish each day with some light yoga/stretching.

    *** I plan on celebrating my successes by having an awesome Birthday weekend enjoying the Lilac Festival on MacKinaw Island (my fave flower... that and cherry blossoms) and completing the 10K with no problems. ***
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Okay guys, I am checking in a little bit early today. So, yesterday I actually had some money to go shopping for good food! In the past, I have NEVER gotten enough protein or fiber. Since my former diet is such complete crap, I am starting with really simple goals of getting 45 grams of protein per day and 14 grams of fiber per day.

    In fact, I'm not even hitting those numbers yet. Right now, I'm just trying to incorporate more protein items into my diet on a daily basis. Eggs, cashews, and lentils at the moment! I'm getting my fiber from fruits and vegetables.

    Yesterday I ate two apples, scrambled eggs, two servings of cashews, and some museli cereal -- and all I can say is I can't remember the last time I had that much energy in one day! I felt full and satisfied. I loved the variety of my choices.

    I am also going to start shopping often, every few days at the discount store. The store that is closest and most convenient is too far away. This weekend I am going out of town. I am bringing healthy options to cook for myself and I WILL NOT be making impulse purchases.

    Everyone on here eats so well, you guys inspire me! I grew up on a really crappy diet: macaroni and cheese, pizza, ice cream. My parents were wonderful and they worked full time. I was always very active. I was a competitive swimmer and sometimes I worked out at much as 6 hours a day. Exercising is in my blood. So, I really have that going for me. Even when I binge or eat like crap, I still exercise. It calms me. It helps me feel centered.

    I look at people's diaries on here. You people cook. You consume protein shakes. You figure out how to make food taste good, get enough nutrients, and not go over on calories. I am really envious.

    I am starting from scratch. Over here in France, my students have this stereotype of how Americans eat. Like crap. Fast food everyday. Prepared foods. And well, I fit the stereotype! Or, at least... I used to.

    My parents were so amazing and loving - but we were busy 24/7. There was no time to eat healthy. We left at 5:30 AM and got home at 10PM. My parents worked their *kitten* off to give me and my brother the lives that we enjoyed -- the extracurricular sports, the special academic programs, skiing, hiking, camping. You name it, my parents made it happen.

    But we ate like crap. And now at the age of 21, I am going to change that, starting with incredibly small baby steps...

    Anyways, today is off to a really good start! I had 3 bananas for breakfast, a shopping list for the weekend, I will have scrambled eggs for lunch... and I am going to get in a killer work-out on stairs tonight :)
  • MomisgettingFIT
    Checking in....

    Ate a 1463 calories yesterday - Goal is minimum 1600 calories daily
    I did not workout at all but I am getting ready to go to the gym for 30 ME and 45 min stairmaster .
    I will be taking pictures tomorrow :o)

    Have a great day everyone
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Morning all!
    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat........ DONE!!
    --Steadily work on the p90x routines........ DONE!!
    --Clean the menu up a lot...... CURRENTLY RESEARCHING :smile:
    -- Be in bed by 11 pm.........DONE! 10:30 last night

    Tuesdays totals
    Calories 1393 out of 1866... I don't have a HRM but the estimate I found online for P90X shoulders and arms seemed high since I didn't have very heavy weights, so I didn't want to eat them all back
    Carbs 194g
    Fat 63g
    Protein 41g...a little low here, I'm gonna work on that - might start adding protein shakes?

    Today's food probably won't be great since I'll be stuck running through (as Steve called it) McCrappy for dinner since we have to rush to Girl Scouts tonight...
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    First, here are two parts of his nutrition articles which explain the fundamentals, what jobs carbs/protein/fat etc perform:



    Here's the articles that deal with figuring out what your caloric intake should be, as well as what your macronutrient profile should look like.



    I hope these help you :)

    I'll be looking these up this afternoon when I get a few minutes.. Thanks so much!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    yesterday i had a tough time getting up & functioning, meaning no exercise for me & i had a tough time staying at my calorie goals. i actually waited until midnight so i could have a greek yogurt & count it toward today instead of last night lol. my food choices weren't awful, but weren't great either, meaning that though i had 10 cups of water, i only had 59g of protein & 21g of fiber. today is a new day & i'm exhausted, but i'm going to make myself do JM's 6W6P & i'll be doing a LOT of walking since i'll be in NYC seeing the Harry Potter exhibit before it is open to the public with my bf's sister in law :oD i'm ubber excited about it, but that will also mean a nice restaurant that probably won't have nutritional information online & quite a bit of wine, so the workout is essential, along with a light eating morning so that tonight isn't a disaster.
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    I logged in and counted everything. Didn't meet my water goals and I was too far under my calorie goal, but at least only by a 190 or so. Does hauling around a 9 1/2 pound baby everywhere count as arm work LOL!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Okay guys, I am checking in a little bit early today. So, yesterday I actually had some money to go shopping for good food! In the past, I have NEVER gotten enough protein or fiber. Since my former diet is such complete crap, I am starting with really simple goals of getting 45 grams of protein per day and 14 grams of fiber per day.

    In fact, I'm not even hitting those numbers yet. Right now, I'm just trying to incorporate more protein items into my diet on a daily basis. Eggs, cashews, and lentils at the moment! I'm getting my fiber from fruits and vegetables.

    Yesterday I ate two apples, scrambled eggs, two servings of cashews, and some museli cereal -- and all I can say is I can't remember the last time I had that much energy in one day! I felt full and satisfied. I loved the variety of my choices.

    I am also going to start shopping often, every few days at the discount store. The store that is closest and most convenient is too far away. This weekend I am going out of town. I am bringing healthy options to cook for myself and I WILL NOT be making impulse purchases.

    Everyone on here eats so well, you guys inspire me! I grew up on a really crappy diet: macaroni and cheese, pizza, ice cream. My parents were wonderful and they worked full time. I was always very active. I was a competitive swimmer and sometimes I worked out at much as 6 hours a day. Exercising is in my blood. So, I really have that going for me. Even when I binge or eat like crap, I still exercise. It calms me. It helps me feel centered.

    I look at people's diaries on here. You people cook. You consume protein shakes. You figure out how to make food taste good, get enough nutrients, and not go over on calories. I am really envious.

    I am starting from scratch. Over here in France, my students have this stereotype of how Americans eat. Like crap. Fast food everyday. Prepared foods. And well, I fit the stereotype! Or, at least... I used to.

    My parents were so amazing and loving - but we were busy 24/7. There was no time to eat healthy. We left at 5:30 AM and got home at 10PM. My parents worked their *kitten* off to give me and my brother the lives that we enjoyed -- the extracurricular sports, the special academic programs, skiing, hiking, camping. You name it, my parents made it happen.

    But we ate like crap. And now at the age of 21, I am going to change that, starting with incredibly small baby steps...

    Anyways, today is off to a really good start! I had 3 bananas for breakfast, a shopping list for the weekend, I will have scrambled eggs for lunch... and I am going to get in a killer work-out on stairs tonight :)

    Don't feel bad at all! I ate exactly like you described until I turned 30! I never cooked anything that didn't come out of a box and into the microwave. Now - honestly, my microwave has been in the garage since I moved 2 months ago!

    There are great cooks on here - learn from them! As for me - everything I cook (I mean everything) goes in one skillet! I'm not kidding.

    Breakfast - scrambled eggs (I blend baby spinach with the eggs then dump it in a skilet)
    Snack - cheese
    Lunch - ground beef over baby spinach (in a skillet) with just griller seasoning
    Snack - protein shake with water not milk in a shaker cup at the gym
    Dinner - Chicken/Fish/Turkey over spinach in a skillet!
    Snack - cheese or a shake depending on if I need fat or protein left for the day.

    I eat almost the exact same meals every day - it might seem boring, but for me, it puts me on a schedule that is easy to keep and takes the thinking/guesswork out.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Morning all!
    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat........ DONE!!
    --Steadily work on the p90x routines........ DONE!!
    --Clean the menu up a lot...... CURRENTLY RESEARCHING :smile:
    -- Be in bed by 11 pm.........DONE! 10:30 last night

    Tuesdays totals
    Calories 1393 out of 1866... I don't have a HRM but the estimate I found online for P90X shoulders and arms seemed high since I didn't have very heavy weights, so I didn't want to eat them all back
    Carbs 194g
    Fat 63g
    Protein 41g...a little low here, I'm gonna work on that - might start adding protein shakes?

    Today's food probably won't be great since I'll be stuck running through (as Steve called it) McCrappy for dinner since we have to rush to Girl Scouts tonight...


    You can order what's called "Grilled Chicken Patties" for usually $1.50 each. The stats are 22g Protein, 2g Carbs, 2g Fat and 120 calories. Just order them with a knife and fork. It's a life saver on the road. There is some light seasoning on them, and they actually taste good!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    Checking in.

    Didn't get the floor exercises in yesterday. Had a retirement party to attend (where I did NOT eat the pizza, or the taco dip, or the popcorn, or pretzels - thank you very much!). I had two glasses of wine. But it pretty much derailed me the rest of the day.

    I did get to the gym yesterday and changed up my workout and added more incline.

    The diary wasn't pretty, but it wasn't horrible either. I stayed close to calorie goals.

    Today....feeling a bit under the weather. No gym today, hopefully leaving work early and getting in an outside walk. Intend to do my floor exercises tonight.

    My short term goal is to lose 5 more pounds by Easter. Ok.....I'll be happy with 3.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Breakfast - scrambled eggs (I blend baby spinach with the eggs then dump it in a skilet)
    Snack - cheese
    Lunch - ground beef over baby spinach (in a skillet) with just griller seasoning
    Snack - protein shake with water not milk in a shaker cup at the gym
    Dinner - Chicken/Fish/Turkey over spinach in a skillet!
    Snack - cheese or a shake depending on if I need fat or protein left for the day.

    Do you not eat any fruit? That's a lot of spinach... I've never tried baby spinach - guess I'll pick some up
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Didn't get the floor exercises in yesterday. Had a retirement party to attend (where I did NOT eat the pizza, or the taco dip, or the popcorn, or pretzels - thank you very much!). I had two glasses of wine. But it pretty much derailed me the rest of the day.

    My weakness is pizza! Congratulations on resisting!
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435

    I too am a lover of spinach!!!

    Reading 'The New Rules of Weightlifting for Women' going to begin the eating programme, I'm very pleased because my weights work is already pretty similar! I guess if I can get my diet right it will help me make more progress!

    I am really pleased with my exercise this week - one 10k run and 2 speed interval and weight training sessions with plyo to keep the heart rate up in between sets!

    Struggling with my diet this week - I'm not eating too much but want to get myself organised and purposeful about what I eat in regards to training - no excuses though!! Will get a plan together over the weekend!

    Suzy12, I agree with almostthirty, congratulations on resisting - those funtion buffet foods are hard to resist!!!