Rosyone Member


  • I weigh meat raw if it's divided into portions raw, as with a ground beef patty. I weigh it cooked if it's cooked first, then portioned, as with a slice of roast beef. Either way, make sure you use the appropriate database entry. Search for a more clearly worded one if the wording is ambiguous. It's generally better to log…
  • I like the "eat as you mean to continue" diet. Stick to your calorie budget while eating single, standard, full sized servings of the full range of foods you hope to be able to eat for the rest of your life. Don't supersize your servings (except maybe non-starchy vegetables), don't take seconds, and don't serve yourself…
  • I wish I could eat the regular ones without craving carbs later, but on the bright side, that's the only common non-sweet starchy food that causes such problems. I've talked to people on here who can eat potatoes but not pasta or bread. That would be a lot harder for me.
  • Russet potatoes trigger rebound carb cravings for me, but sweet potatoes are very satisfying and help to keep the cravings away. I eat a lot of sweet potatoes and very few russets.
  • Water retention isn't a linear function either, for young females. You can expect regular stalls and whooshes at different times of the month.
  • It's a common complaint. A lot of people find that the area of their body they most want to slim down - their problem area - is the last place to give up its excess fat. That's because it was likely the first place you began packing the fat on, or at least noticed it. And the first on is very often the last off.
    in Belly fat Comment by Rosyone August 2015
  • I'm in maintenance, and when my diet gets out of control, I cut out starchy foods and high sugar foods for a while to turn off the cravings and get back on track. After a couple of weeks of unlimited non-starchy veggies, meat, eggs, and cheese I can start adding the "safe" (for me) carbs back. I find that I can eat…
  • I'm apple rather than pear shaped and I lost weight from the top down too. I think most women are destined to need new bras before they need new jeans, regardless of build.
  • When I lost nearly 60 pounds a few years ago, the first 25 pounds didn't seem to make nearly as big a difference in how I looked and felt as the last 10. That's because the last 10 came from my problem areas, the places where I'm genetically predisposed to store fat first - and to hang on to it the longest. I'd already…
  • The 1470 takes into account your your normal daily activities level and the weight loss deficit, but not your stated exercise plans. Exercise is counted only after it is logged.
  • This. I gained from my gut up and lost from my "side-boobs" down. The girls are back down to the size they were before the gain.
  • A dose of Excedrin would probably have worked as quickly as the cup of coffee, and for the same reason. Caffeine withdrawal is a common enough cause of severe headaches that caffeine is a standard ingredient in the medications used to treat them.
  • For me, remembering that this is a lifestyle change that must be approached realistically if I'm to have any hope of long term success *IS* the challenge. So much of what is really required is pure tedium - reconditioning myself to recognize and be satisfied with standard sized portions across a wide range of foods, for…
  • Not everyone else. Most of those photos wouldn't be there for you to see if the people who uploaded hadn't been reasonably satisfied with how they carry their weight. They're self selected for the optimal.
  • I've taken a few short breaks since completing C25K 3 years ago, never more than a few weeks at a time. I'm still not fast, maybe because I'm old and stiff, but have the endurance to run the occasional half marathon without too much distress in the right sort of weather.
  • I usually get a full sized burger and ask them to hold the mayonnaise. That's where lion's share of the condiment calories are, not in the ketchup. I serve the dressing on the side, then dip the tines of my fork before each bite of the salad. That way I get the aroma and taste of the dressing with every bite of salad…
  • That's what I do, then I splash them with red wine vinegar a minute or two before they come off the heat.
  • I eat pasta for pasta, I just don't supersize the servings anymore. A standard 2 oz dry weight serving that used to look skimpy looks completely normal to me now. So do my size 2/4 jeans :smile:
  • 1200 - 1300 calories to maintain 216 lbs is very low. While I can't say your mother is underestimating her calories, a lot of people do until they've tracked them for a while. If I were your mom I'd log while eating normally for a week or so to see where I stand.
  • For me it depends entirely on whether the over-the-goal eating was planned and deliberate or out of control. I take my punishment for mindless over eating, draw a line under it, and start fresh the next day with my full budget of calories. Otherwise I'm afraid I'd fall into the habit of stuffing my face today with the…
  • One of my favorites when I want something rich,creamy, and low carb is sugar free instant pudding mixed with ricotta cheese and thinned out with a little unsweetened almond milk, or water if I'm out of the milk. The pudding thickens the ricotta a lot and I prefer the creamier texture after it's thinned out - plus it looks…
  • There's nothing wrong with setting an intermediate goal and then reassessing once you get there.
  • Back when I was in my 20s sizes were much better standardized than they are now, and misses and junior sizes tracked reasonably well. Junior sizes were generally less curvy versions of the misses sizes just above them. But vanity sizing has caused them to drift apart and has hit misses sizes much harder (because of the…
  • For someone with 50 pounds to lose, maybe. But it's fast for someone who is only 5 pounds from goal, assuming that's her final goal and not an intermediate. As I approached goal I found it helped to think of my weekly loss in terms of a percentage of the remaining excess, rather than some arbitrary number of pounds I…
  • Do you like fresh spinach? It keeps longer than lettuce and is more versatile because you can cook with it. I can have a spinach omelette for breakfast and a spinach salad or maybe a nice Florentine soup or pasta sauce with my dinner and barely notice that I've had the same vegetable twice in one day. I like kale for…
  • In my case the culprit was potatoes.
  • That's true for water and would probably be close enough for any liquid with a density close to water. For anything else you'd need to know the density.
  • Or you could refer people to your profile pics.
  • Be careful converting ounces. It works well enough when "ounce" is used as a unit of weight, but there's no universal conversion factor for converting fluid ounces to grams. Your app isn't reliable for something like cream.
  • To get your breath under control you probably just need to slow down a little, which you'll need to do anyway during the race because of the obstacles. I run outdoors and the only time I'm likely to have a problem with shortness of breath is when the going is too easy, like on a track oval. It's almost never a problem…