Anyone here complete the C25K program and kept running?



  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Becka, it's a bit embarrassing to confess but here goes. I am 48 yrs. old and delivered 4 babies many moons ago. The last run I did was in my community's gym, it was a 25 minute run, 1 minute walk and 25 minute run. I was so elated I had finished I did not notice my pants were wet all the way to my socks until I fully cooled down. During my run I could see people looking at me and a lady even tried to motion to me but I was determined to stay focused and when I noticed I was too embarrassed to go back. The problem has since been resolved and I have my own NordicTrack now and an additional 35 pounds. I hope that wasn't too graphic. I do thank you all for sharing your commitment stories, I really love reading them and I'm inspired by them, thank you!
  • Kelven23
    Kelven23 Posts: 51
    I did, ran for a few years after did a few 10ks and a 10 miler, got injured took a few years off, and started over. I did a race a few weeks ago, and have a race Sunday, hoping to stay injury free.
  • SofaKingRad_II
    I enjoyed it so much I stopped running when I was done, just so I can start from scratch and do it all over again! IT WAS FUN!

    (this really didn't happen)
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    I haven't started C25K yet... all of these stories are inspirational, thanks for sharing!

    Is this possible on a treadmill or is it time to venture outside?
  • SinCityFit
    SinCityFit Posts: 96
    I started running from 30 seconds at most on January 2010 and have done a marathon, 2 half marathons, a full Ironman, 2 Half Ironmans, a bunch of Sprint and Olympic triathlons, and I have Disney Dopey in January (5K Thursday, 10K Friday, half marathon Saturday, full marathon Sunday). Those 30 seconds when I started where the longest and most difficult of my life. It works!
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I did it! I ran my first 5K in March, and have never been happier. I run 5 times a week now - it makes me feel fit, focused, and alive.

    I am currently training for a 10k in August, half marathon in October, and *hopefully* a full marathon next summer. C25K made me fall in love with running!

    (Also, I won my weight in beer at my first 5K race. That was definitely the universe encouraging me to keep running! :drinker: )
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    Me! I started with c25k in spring of 2012 and built up from there. I did my first half marathon in Fall of 2012, 2 full marathons in 2013, and one in 2014. Now I am slightly injured ???? but planning on starting ultramarathon training ASAP.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    When I used to have a gym membership in 2013, I had attempted to do C25k on a treadmill, as well as my weight-lifting regime and normal cardio. It was miserable for me on the treadmill and I got bored easily. I have never been a runner before, and I quit before the first week was up.

    At the start of June of 2014, I restarted C25k outside. Definitely better to go outside for myself! I have lost 6 pounds from running and 8 from clean eating!
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    I am doing it on a Treadmill. It is really hot outside and I won't try it jogging outside until late October. I am hoping to be able to run my first 5K in January.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    When I used to have a gym membership in 2013, I had attempted to do C25k on a treadmill, as well as my weight-lifting regime and normal cardio.

    Hamster wheels inside aren't what any right thinking individual would describe as normal ;)
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    Oh my goodness!!! I did day 1 of Wk 2, whoot whoot! I was so scared of not being able to run 90 seconds that I could not wait till tonight to try it and had to do it now. Hehehe this is nothing to most of you, but it is so big for me. I hope you all push on, you keep me inspired!!!
  • Zondeare
    Zondeare Posts: 50 Member
    I started it for the 3rd time in October. When I finished week 5 and had the accomplishment of running 20 mins, I veered off track and just kept running 20 mins adding a few minutes here and there. Today I ran an easy 3 miler. I'm starting to train for a half in January and have been running 10-12+ miles a week for the last 6 months. I love running and the C25K got me there. And BTW, since starting in October, I got a stress fracture in my foot, dealt with the recovery, and have lost 47 pounds as of this morning: it hasn't been easy but it has been worth it.
  • albrown83
    albrown83 Posts: 13
    I did C25K about 3 months ago and took a little break and cut down on my running but since... I run about 3 miles 3-4 times a week. It definitely helped me after my knee surgery to stop being so scared that it would hurt to run again. Happy Running!
  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    I've taken a few short breaks since completing C25K 3 years ago, never more than a few weeks at a time. I'm still not fast, maybe because I'm old and stiff, but have the endurance to run the occasional half marathon without too much distress in the right sort of weather.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I completed C25K after not being able to run at all. I run about 5-10k a week now!
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    You guys are the best inspiration, thank you!!!
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Hi! I completed C25K and kept running and running and running. I started the program in January 2011. I completed my first 5k May 2011. Then did a few more that year. I started training for a 1/2 marathon right after that. I did my fourth 5k in February of that 2012 and PR'd by doing it in 35 mins 19 seconds (I think, or somewhere around there). I did my first half in March 2012 and then a Tough Mudder in September 2012 while sprinkling shorter races in. I had surgery soon after and had to stop running but I started C25k again about 4 weeks ago but skipped most of it and did a 5k on Saturday with my son and will do another this Saturday. I ran a bit before I did C25k but had never done a 5k until my youngest was born. It's a wonderful program! I really caught the running bug :embarassed:
  • Adefowler
    Adefowler Posts: 61 Member
    Not only did I finish, but I still run. I've done 10K's, 12K's, half marathons, whole marathons, and 1 Ragnar race.

    It's addicting!!!
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    Oh that is so awesome! I want to do exactly that, well fall in love with running I mean. I am way too old to do half or full marathons but I would love, just love running 3 miles 3 - 4 times a week. That is my fondest dream.
  • nhoffman26
    nhoffman26 Posts: 77 Member
    I did the c25k app and loved it!! I am now using nike+ to train for a 10k and can run 4 miles without stopping and I weigh 320. I built a strong foundation before I started though. I started on both the stair climbing elliptical and the jogging elliptical for about 4 months before I started c25k. Good luck all!!