

  • 1. SW - 200 2. SBF - 28 3. CW - 159 4. CBF - 23 5. Do you eat back exercise calories? (Y/N) - sometimes, if I have a vigorous workout, I usually do, but I keep it lean and I do lots of little portions through the day, good luck!
  • I've been at it since march and I'm down roughly 40 lbs. Believe me, there are days, even weeks where I wonder if what I'm doing is doing anything anymore. But keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, and keep an eye on the calories, drink lotso water too! Make sure to eat 6 times a day, little portions, just to keep…
  • Ha! I feel ya, they should get one, lol
  • Thanks everyone! Encouragement is key! ;)
  • Haha! Love your story! I go for "runs" too, lol. I do the same exact thing you do! And having the same experience, running for about 2 minutes and power walking for 4-5 in between, and my arms are looking pretty dang amazing too I must say! Keep up the "running"! LOL. Anything you do helps, we don't have to run a marathon…
  • Grape nuts is definitely filling: Special K has that beat though: Cheerios is great, just add a banana to make it filling! Kashi GoLean is…
  • Yay! Good for you! I started back in March at 200, and I'm 5'7", and big boned, lol. I'm already down to 158, tryin to get to 145. If I can do it, you totally can, I was so lazy, still am sometimes :) Keeping track of what you're putting into your body, and how many calories you burn really really helps! I kinda look at it…
  • Welcome and congrats on getting started on this journey! Keep on using this tool everyday, b/c let me tell you, if you don't log in one day, it turns into 2, then 3, and'll start noticing you're not keeping track of your caloric intake, anyways, just drink lots of water, make sure you're taking in enough…
  • Yay! Keep it up, don't you feel so great knowing that YOU and YOU alone did it!? Congrats!
  • I started at 195, currently down to 161, I'm 5'7", and my goal is 140-145. It's been a wild ride and I wouldn't go back for anything! Keep it up girls, we can do it!
  • Oh, and I just use 5 lb. weights, nothing fancy!
  • use this link, this lady Jennifer is great! Use the tips in this link and check out other videos she has by searching with FitnessRx for Women, hope this helps!
  • Great! Keep logging in, it's gonna help you be motivated, I promise!
  • If you're looking for jeans, try Hydraulic brand, they have the best fitting jeans ever! they have a little stretch and they come in larger sizes! I find them at Gordmans or Kohls all of the time. If you looking for pants, try Ann Taylor or Lane Bryant!
  • That's amazing! Keep up the good work! That "tire" will be a "flat tire" in no time FLAT! Lol, good luck!
  • I feel for ya! I agree with some of the other posters, talk to your school, the kitchen manager, whoever you can that has any say so, and get others involved. You can't be the only one trying to eat healthy there! Start a group, get petitions signed, as you said, you are paying to go to school there, they should listen to…
  • it's definitely the carbs too, darlin, there's a delicate balance you want to have on those. If you use the food tracker on here, it's really easy to keep an eye on everything. :)
  • I agree with the others, less sodium more water, and muscle gain will keep you the same weight or add some. Take your measurements every few weeks too. Even if you've gained weight, but only gained muscle, your measurements will shrink even if your weight is a bit more. This is a good thing! Trust me, keep on keepin on,…
  • Don't beat up on yourself for a slip, it'll only make it worse and make yourself more discouraged. Just keep on the right track as much as possible and work off those calories if you can! You're going to have days like this once in a while, just be prepared to coach yourself through it and make meal plans for the coming…