Having a hard time

I was doing great, moving right along. I've been trying every random thing my trainer comes up with, menu's, exercises, everything. A few weeks ago he had me exercise 3 times a day for a few days in hope of getting my metabolism moving. That made me gain weight. Story of my life lately.
I just can not seem to get it together since then. I wake up each day hoping to be back in that I can do anything! mindset, and by lunch Im failing.
Oh well, at least I keep trying. One of these days it has to stick, right?


  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    You can do it, I've been there. Was stuck for what felt like ages!! I upped my water and my calories and it seemed to work...but I know that everyone is different. As long as you don't quit, you can win the battle!!
  • Tweety379
    Keep trying...I've been at this for a little over 2 weeks. I have not a lost a single pound. I keep telling myself that at some point if I keep exercising and eating right then it is bound to come off. I do let myself have my bad days though. Everyone has them!
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    I'm sorry you are having a hard time! We are all here for you! Keep it up and just take it one day at a time. You might not see the scale move right away, but it will eventually. For now, just look at everything as making you healthy, rather than making you thin, and it can change your whole perspective. Good luck and keep up with a positive attitude :)
  • Jae0920
    Jae0920 Posts: 3 Member
    Are you taking your measurements? Sometimes the victories aren't scale victories every time. I had to learn the hard way. Don't get discouraged. Remember that's it's about being healthy too. Pay attention to how you feel. And yes, I know it's easier said than done. But you have to know that if you are doing the right thing, success is bound to follow.

    Keep your head up! :)
  • loseatonlady
    NEVER give up - just keep swimming, as Dory said in Finding Nemo! Lean on your MFP friends to help and encourage you when you need us! I've wanted to give up a hundred times & just keep reminding myself that I have EVERYTHING to fight for! You can do this lady! Let us cheer you on ... :)
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    You might be gaining muscle. Keep up the exercise, muscle turns more calories than fat. Also watch those calories.
  • Thomas57
    Thomas57 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow you've lost 13lbs that great!!!!!!!! The biggest thing is that you stick with it we all fall off sometime or another heck I just started working out myself again. It's not easy but you should be proud that you lost the 13 and just keep that in mind. I never did the "D" word don't believe in it. To me that setting myself up to fail from the beginning I just changed how & what I ate. And I did lots of Cardio that always helps and I'm 54. So don't give up baby girl just keep plugging away.
  • tracidaycare
    tracidaycare Posts: 5 Member
    I was like that for a MONTH :( almost gave up, but now Im back into my routine of no junk eating and walking and bike riding everyday and have lost 5 lbs
  • michelegrayson
    Hang in there! It is so frustrating when the scale will not move and you are doing everything right. I am impressed you have a trainer as that shows a commitment to your health and to your goals!

    When I find myself at a plateau I start looking for incentives/motivation somewhere else. Maybe getting into a pair of pants that were too tight a month ago. Or, seeing my double chin is now 1 1/2 chins, or maybe realizing I can run faster/further, keep up, walk upstairs without losing my breath, etc.

    It is these NSV's that see me thru until my body decides to let go!!

    Good luck.
  • nicolette311
    I've been at it since march and I'm down roughly 40 lbs. Believe me, there are days, even weeks where I wonder if what I'm doing is doing anything anymore. But keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, and keep an eye on the calories, drink lotso water too! Make sure to eat 6 times a day, little portions, just to keep your metabolism up. Also, do as much throughout the day that you can, everything adds up. I chair dance at my office all day, that's gotta burn somethin right? LOL. Keep your chin up, keep movin, and keep doing healthy things for yourself!
  • shesblossoming
    A friend of mine on here was around the same weight for almost two months. She just kept on going. Sometimes, it's not even about the scale anymore. If you're feeling great everyday, staying within your calories (and eating good foods!), and keeping the mindset of continuing regardless of what the scale says, it'll do everything on its own. Sometimes, it just doesn't want to move. And it's a terrifying feeling thinking that your body might be stuck that way forever, but you just have to turn that light back on and keep it on. One disappointment doesn't lead to a domino effect of disappointment unless you let it.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Its hard I know I just finished my first 30 days of P90X and I haven't lost any inches or pounds but I also haven't gained. It is extremely frustrating considering how early I have been getting up but I cannot get frustrated I just need to see where I went wrong and make some changes then if all else fails go back to the doctor to make sure my thyroid medication is still working.