I'm in.. Please feel free to add me.
If you are doing it with the right person, then YES!
Marcus Mumford ( lead singer from Mumford & Sons)..
Bumping for later..
My snazzy Fitbit One! It syncs to my iphone so excited about that.
I plan to start this program 11/26 (after Thanksgiving.) Please feel free to add me.
Bumping for later ;)
"it is what it is"
The dimple and haircut ;)
Mmmm pancakes, bump.
I'm sorry but I would not walk in the rain to go bring him lunch. He can order a pizza/take out. He's a big boy, let him figure it out. Its not like hes your son and you forgot to pack his lunch.
First time I saw them it was at their Acoustic show in LA. The venue was so small and intimate, night was definitely magical. My favorite song would be Best of You. Love the Foos!
2 lbs or 5 lb weights, depending on the exercise. I keep both sets handy and change them accordingly to what I'm comfortable with.
Absolutely naked, first thing in the morning. I even take out my ponytail holder :P
Its 7 lbs below what I am now. At the time i was filling out this info, I fudged it by 15 lbs. Almost there :)
14% or 20%
If I were you I would add some MFP friends. When you see everyone else making healthier choices and exercising daily its pretty inspiring. Track your food for the next 2 weeks. Log everything. You dont have to concentrate on limiting your calories but at least you will get into the habit of logging everything. Try walking…
Level 1 Day 5 completed last night. I increased my weights from 2lbs to 5 lbs. OMG! I definitely felt the burn more and more sweat. Yay! Plan to start Level 2 on Monday.
Glad to know there are others like me. I tend to overeat in the evenings. Not sure if its psychological because I relate home to relaxing and enjoying good food. During the day Im at work and its easier for me to keep my mind off of food and just get by on soup and fruit. So I tend to eat most of my calories at night.…
My goal this week is to do the video and at least 45 mins of cardio ( usually get this in by walking the trail by my house.)
muscle spasms
I took off Friday thru Sunday. So yesterday was day 4. Im not going to beat myself up because the days I missed I was getting my cardio in. My plan is to increase my weights to 3 lbs for tonite and by Monday Ill start level 2. Hope its not as hard as everyone says it is :)
The magic # for me is 135 but I want to be toned and look good in a bikini. So if this # is higher or lower than I'm ok with it.
You look awesome!
Great progress! I'm also working on completing the 30 DS. Tonight I will be on Day 3, Level 1. Im looking for friends that have similar goals/height/weight to lose. I'm 5"7" with 10-15 lbs to lose or if anyone who is doing the 30 DS pls add me. Thanks. :)
I will be finishing Day 3 tonight after work. I'm sore but happy because I know its working. I'm at 2lb weights but I think I will increase this by the weekend. Are you guys going to give yourself any rest days?
Don't get discouraged, no pain no gain. If you need to rest between sets, rest. You are just starting so shouldn't over exert yourself. Every day does get easier. Good luck!