

  • *waves* hello. I'm a yo-yo dieter. Each time I gain my weight back I end up bigger than before. I'm aiming for a weight loss of about 70llbs. I'm taking it slowly 1Llb at a time. Anyway I have sent you a friend request and I hope I can be of some encouragement to you
  • How about you make a sandwich the night before and take it with you in the morning, then you will a) know how many calories you will be eating and b) you won't be tempted into anything detrimental to your diet.
  • Have you tried having fish or other sea food??? A prawn stir fry takes 10 mins to cook. I know here in the UK most supermarkets sell pre-prepared fresh stir fry veggies. Not only is it a quick meal idea, it will be low in fat and void of a lot of the sodium and other additives in the frozen meal. And more importantly lower…
  • I just got Zumba for the Wii. I logged mine under general dancing, but I doubt it makes that much difference, as it's still aeroboc exercise
    in Zumba Comment by tracywba April 2011
  • First thing to do is forgive yourself. It's just a blip in a long road, pick yourself up, dust yourself of and begin again. You can do this
  • I have single time out bars in my fridge 85 calories each. They keep my cravings at bay. I also have low calorie hot chocolate drinks.
  • 40g Fosties & semi skimmed milk 200cals.
  • Well I have just ordered this of amazon. It sounds like it give a total work out, so i'm up for giving anything a go whether is kills me or not
  • I try not to eat after my dinner in the evening, as I find that if I snack at night I seem to always be hungry. My other enemy is bread. If I eat more than 2 slices of this a day I end up bloated, so I limit myself to just the 2 slices and if I can go without I will. Maybe try and eat more veggies, you can always pad out a…
  • Well It certainly put me off. I think it was more the smell than anything. I pretty much stank of cooking oil, BO and crisp flavourings. Not nice
  • Morning Jamesey. Welcome and well done you
  • Have to admit I'm not really that much of a crisp eater. When I was on my summer holidays from uni I took a temporary job at a crisp factory, where I was put to work on the frier's. I had to pick out all the burnt ones, then load the cooked ones into the barrel for the flavour to be added, then from there into the big…
  • Pretty much all of the above...but my bingo wings (arm fat) are one major reason. I hate my arms so much that I will no longer wear short sleeves !!!! So I have made the choice to see this through. This is absolutely the last time I am going to need to loose weight
  • I don't have the Kinect, but I have bought it for the Wii, hopefully it will be here tomorrow
  • I like this website as I can use this on my iphone, which is with me at all times, which means I list everything I eat, whereas at WW I tended to omit foods sometimes, usually because I didn't have my food diary with me, then forgot that I had had them later. I also think the 0 points foods can be misleading, because all…
  • I think I have pretty much done all classes out there. I only ever managed to loose 14Llbs with weight watchers and I was with them for around 2 yrs. I found I was constantly hungry on the diet, and to be perfectly honest I thought it was very expensive for what you actually got. I have also noticed that WW foods tend to…
  • West Brom - West Mids also checking in. Only joined a couple of weeks ago, already finding it a great place to be
  • I have just ordered the Zumba game for my Wii. My friend goes to a Zumba class every week, and she raves about it. She did say she never really gets the moves down properly but that doesn't matter because you are still moving and you have so much fun you forget you are doing a workout. She also said bye the end of the…
  • Morning Helen. I'm UK based too. I don't have quite as much to loose as you but i'm not far off....I need to loose between 70 - 75llbs. I think 50llbs in 12 weeks is maybe a bit much to expect. I think you might be better aiming for half of that. Personally i'm just gonna take it as it comes. and if I stick to it I hope to…
  • Exercise is my problem too. I usually go swimming once a week, but I couldn't go last week and this week I have a pretty horrific head cold which is making it difficult for me to even get out of bed and get into work. I just try and do ten mins a day at least, even if it is just walking across site to meet my friend for…
  • I'm new too and have over 70Llbs to loose. I have been on for just over a week and I am doing Ok. So far I have lost 4Llbs. I'm hoping for another couple this week. I can feel a change already. I am less tired during the day, which has to be down to not over eating. I have certainly had my eyes opened. I fooled myself into…