my name is karen and i have 77 lbs to lose - help!

hi all, i am introducing myself, i have joined this site yesterday and i have 77 lbs to lose, i don't seem to do a lot of exercise but will walk the dogs, so i am trying to walk an hour a day and hopefully that will help, any tips?


  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    well walking dogswill help you get started..... you'll have to do other/more exercises as the pounds start to come off and you'll need to really watch your food intake :D
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Welcome , have sent you a friend request!
  • missyleighRN82
    Hi Karen

    Welcome! The hardest part is getting up and moving, but once you do you will feel a lot better. Then after a while you will start to love exercise. The key is finding something you like to do and then stick with it. I enjoy kettlebell training and workout dvds like turbo jam, turbo fire, etc.

    Remember to make small goals first and to not get discouraged
    Good Luck
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    I dont' have a lot of tips, b/c i feel like everyone works differently, but i will say this:
    1.logging helps...and it seems to help EVERYONE.
    2.walking dogs helps! when i started working at a kennel, i lost about 10 pounds just from walking. i know it was the walking, b/c i didn't do any other exercise and i ate pretty much how i felt. keep in mind though, that i walked 4 times a day. so, if you are walking for an hour a day (at a brisk pace) and watching what you eat, you will be starting off great!
    3.everyone recommends weight training once you're comfortable exercising, and i agree. it does seem to be a proven fact, that once you start building those muscles, they work and work and work at burning up the fat.
    4. don't get frustrated. even if you go through that period where you just don't see the point...keep on going. i am at the point where i have slacked off and i feel awful! i keep remembering the times when i was working out and taking time for myself, and want to get back there...being healthy and fit is such an awesome feeling, I can't figure out why i let that slip away!
    good luck!!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    once you get into a good healthy eating routine i have 2 words for you....

    i promise this WILL work and stick by them no matter what....


    good luck xx
  • Rachel201083

    I started out by walking the dog to build up my fitness levels before I took on different acvities like swimming, badminton etc. Try walking though woods as the terrain can be quite challenging with hills to climb and other obstacles. That should help to burn off a few extra calories, plus the dogs will love it!!
  • tracywba
    tracywba Posts: 21
    I'm new too and have over 70Llbs to loose. I have been on for just over a week and I am doing Ok. So far I have lost 4Llbs. I'm hoping for another couple this week. I can feel a change already. I am less tired during the day, which has to be down to not over eating. I have certainly had my eyes opened. I fooled myself into thinking that my diet was fine, and yes I was eating healthy foods, but I was eating far too much of them. Anyway best of luck and keep up the good work
  • highlandlady
    Good luck, my dogs have never had so much exercise, they've never been so happy and Ive lost weight, great fun..
  • kn4349
    kn4349 Posts: 5
    The walks will be good for you and the dogs :) However, as you loss weight and have more energy mix your exercise up. Over the years I have exercised off and on but finally have found the key to keeping exercise in my healthy lifestyle....mix it up!!! That keeps it interesting, and I don't get bored. That is also good for your body. Some days I go for a long walk, some days jog for 20-30 mins, still other days I swim at our local high school, some mornings bike or attend a spin class, still other times I put in a exercise tape at home...etc!!!
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    When my journey began a year ago I had 74 lbs to lose in order to reach my target weight. A year on and I am 46 lbs lighter. It CAN be done, so long as you stick at it and stay motivated. Do your exercise and count your calories - simples.

    Send me a friend request if ya like...

  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Karen
    an excellent way to start!
    If you walk for an hour and stick to your calorie goal you should see some good results pretty soon. Just take it day by day make each day your goal until you feel more familiar with the new routine. Dont be hard on yourself if you make mistakes this happens in the beginning the thing is to get back on track straight away. DO your research look here mfp and look online for information that will help you understand what is happening to you information is empowering. Love and value yourself you absolutely are worth effort and deserve health and happiness and longevity in life. Good Luck!!!! :)
  • karendzar
    karendzar Posts: 23
    thanks for all the replies, i am filling in the food diary and it really does open your eyes as to how much calories is in everything, especially things i thought were quite low in calories only to find out they are not, it is great having my fitness pal working it all out for me.
    i'm off for a long walk before dinner tonight - is doing ecercise better before dinner or after dinner? i am having a chicken stirfry, which way burns off more calories?
  • karendzar
    karendzar Posts: 23
    Hi Karen
    an excellent way to start!
    If you walk for an hour and stick to your calorie goal you should see some good results pretty soon. Just take it day by day make each day your goal until you feel more familiar with the new routine. Dont be hard on yourself if you make mistakes this happens in the beginning the thing is to get back on track straight away. DO your research look here mfp and look online for information that will help you understand what is happening to you information is empowering. Love and value yourself you absolutely are worth effort and deserve health and happiness and longevity in life. Good Luck!!!! :)
  • karendzar
    karendzar Posts: 23
    thankyou for that, this has been my problem over the years - i have put everybody and everything else first and i felt like i didn't matter in life, then this last week, something seemed to click with me and i thought that i am going to put myself first for a change! my husband and i will be celebrating our 30th wedding annivarsary next feb and i would love to be nearer the size i was when i got married than what i weigh now, i am going to book us a few days away somewhere ready for then and hopefully be nice and slim for it.
  • kelseyfaith
    Hi I am kelsey and I have 41lb to lose. I only started this in a serious way last monday and have dropped 6lb in my first week just through eating healthy and walking to work and back each day. I know the weight wont continue to come off at this rate which is good cos it wouldnt be healthy and I would pile it all back on again. I am off to paris 16 weeks tomorrow and I am determind to go there looking and feeling much healthier. I am really liking this site there are some amazing people who are always on hand to offer their support and advice x