mom2nate08 Member


  • Hi all! I just sent in my request too! I've gained about 40 pounds over the last few years, and would love to get back to the 180 to 185 range. I am currently at 224, and just getting below 200 again would feel amazing!
  • Weight Watchers keeps changing their formula for calculating points (another change coming in December). It's currently measuring calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein. Who knows what's next. For me, it gets tiresome keeping up with the changes. I did have great success on an older program, but not so much with Smart…
  • First time joining this challenge (at least that I can remember!). I just came off of my WORST half marathon due to a complete lack of training, couple with weight gain over the last year. I'm going back to basics for the next month to get ready to start a new half marathon training cycle in December. I'd like to be…
  • Hi there! I'm 42, just starting back (again) with about 30 pounds to lose. Ready to make it stick this time. Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • I'm in! Just the jumpstart I need! SW: 203 5% - 10 pounds Sounds like a lot, but let's do it!
  • Good day yesterday. Did a 40 minute weight circuit (which I am also feeling today) and I ran two miles. I'm trying to get my 5K time down, so I started doing a couch to 5K program at a faster speed than I usually run. Hopefully it works!
  • Happy Friday! Sorry I have been missing from the group lately. I've been dealing with some stress at work and trying to work through that. I think after today things will get back to normal and I can refocus fully on my weight loss. Stress is AWFUL!!! I'm glad to see everyone is still hanging in there. It's hard to believe…
  • Good day yesterday as far as food goes. I have a 4 hour class on Tuesday nights, so no workout. Tonight I am getting back to the gym to lift and run. So far so good for today!
  • Yesterday wasn't too bad. Went over my calories a bit and didn't get any exercise in, but we were super busy. I didn't lose any weight last week, but I didn't put enough effort in. Today it gets serious! I have groceries in the house and I am starting September off with a run (well run/walk) with a friend. She's just…
  • Yesterday was a fail. I did great all day, but between getting home from my sons football practice at 8:00 and not having groceries in the house we ended up eating fast food for dinner. But that was yesterday and I am already planning some crock pot meals for next week so we don't end up in the same boat. Here's to a fresh…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm so glad to have found this group! My name is Andrea, and I am trying to lose the last 20 pounds. I've been bouncing 10 off and on for the last couple of years and I would like to finally get to my goal. I am married and I have a six year old son who just started playing football last week. I want to be the…
  • Go Cowboys! Our Fantasy draft is Saturday, so I am trying to find some healthy snacks to serve the gang.
  • Sounds like what I was dealing with earlier this summer. It turned out to be IT band syndrome/runners knee. Mine was caused by increasing my mileage too quickly. Cross training, core work, stretching, and strengthening was what the doctor told me. You can look up exercises for IT band and your knee online. Foam rolling…
  • Thanks everyone! These are really great ideas. We're working on sneaking veggies in at home, but it's going to be more difficult in a lunch box! At least now I can add some healthy options to his lunch.
  • He's five - just starting kindergarten.
  • I'm right there with you! I turn 40 next June and I would love to be 20 - 25 pounds lighter by then.
  • Hi! I am a mom to a five year old, work full time, and I am working toward my bachelor's degree. I started running about three years ago. I have completed several 5K's, a 10K, and three half marathons. I have a half coming up in September and I will be running a leg for a marathon relay in October. Life is definitely busy,…
  • Find a workout that you love. Zumba and Spin classes are my favorites. There is variety in the group classes, you get to know some of the members, and I had fun in those classes. Getting there is the hardest part, but I have found that once I am at the gym the atmosphere keeps me going.
  • Tae Bo. I couldn't finish a workout without pausing the video every 5 or 10 minutes, but eventually I made it all the way through. I still love Billy Blanks!
  • Hi Ladies! I am mom to a very energetic, almost five year old son. I work between 40 and 50 hours a week, and I am working toward my bachelor's degree. As busy as life tends to get, I have realized that taking care of myself is just as important as taking care of my family. It's tough to leave the house after working all…
  • They have 19 grams of sugar, but I like Larabars. They have a good taste, and they are gluten free. LÄRABAR® is a delicious blend of unsweetened fruits, nuts and spices. Made from whole food, each flavor contains no more than nine ingredients. Pure and simple, just as nature intended.
  • Wow! You look amazing! Thanks for sharing you success!
  • That IS a big moment! A wonderful NSV!
  • Doing our local One One Run (4.4 miles) at 1:00 today!
  • Chocolate vodka and Diet Coke or the Skinny Girl cocktails. Love the Cranberry Cosmo!
  • I have an account with both MFP an Lose it. MFP wins by far. The message boards are so much nicer and easier to use on here, but what sold me is the food database. The food and exercise list on MFP is so much more complete than Lose It. I had to manually input a lot of food into Lose It.
  • I have never used Yaktrax before, but a lot of people in the training group that I run with in the winter love them. They say that they really make a difference. I did buy some for this winter though.
  • I have some Bowflex equipment at home and I love it. And one benefit of working out at home is that my son sees me working out and wants to exercise too. That all being said, I do love the atmosphere that the gym provides as well as the variety of equipment and classes. Plus, it is my getaway. It's only 5 minutes from…
  • I don't have a scientific answer to the question, but I can offer a runners perspective. I run with a group of people every Saturday and the consensus is always the same - the first mile is the worst. After about the first mile we all notice that our stride and or breathing seem to fall into place and it gets easier. There…
  • Congratulations! And I agree - that .1 always seems like forever!