Gym motivation

Hi all,

I really can not get motivated to go to the gym. I really struggle in actually getting there even though its only 5 mins away. How did everyone start out going to the gym? Was it hard to get motivated to go or was it easy?

Some advise on how to make myself go would be great. I really want to tone up and get fitter as well as losing weight.



  • Personally, I was TERRIFIED to get back into the gym. I was afraid of the machines, the weights, being looked at critically - the whole nine yards.

    However - with the help of some great folks here - I got over myself (lol) and got up the nerve to go. It was well worth it. Before long, you become a regular face around there and no one notices you or your work out. My community gym is fantastic; the only drawback is that it's filled with high school boys (no matter when I able to go). They are polite enough, but tend to congregate or hord weights - which gets tiresome. But, if that's the worst of it...I'm good!!

    So - my advice is to just set your mind to it - prepare yourself mentally - and go do it!! You will feel so good about yourself afterward, too!!!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    The first time I started, it was with a co-worker. We both joined together, I started while she was on vacation, with the assumption that she would be joining me. 2 weeks after her vacation, she hadn't showed up but I was in a routine and stuck with it for 9 months. Then winter hit and I didn't want to get out of bed in the cold and dark.

    For the last 6 months, I've had a gym in the bedroom next to mine and walked past it everyday without going in.

    Today my nephew is joining me after work, and hopefully 3x a week continuing until I can get a routine set again.

    A gym buddy works best for me.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Find a workout that you love. Zumba and Spin classes are my favorites. There is variety in the group classes, you get to know some of the members, and I had fun in those classes. Getting there is the hardest part, but I have found that once I am at the gym the atmosphere keeps me going.
  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    For me, it really took several months of going to make it a habit. A gym buddy is a great way to can keep each other accountable and motivate each other. Another thing that really works for me is attending a class that requires you to sign up and pay for each class. If I don't cancel within a 12 hour window, I get charged. I dropped my big gym membership because it was too easy for me to bail on it as the classes were drop in and "free" (no additional charge over the membership cost). I now go to a small studio where I sign up online for a particular class and buy a package for "x" amount of classes. It keeps me going, for sure! Yes, there are days that I'm sick, or something comes up and I can't go, and I have to eat the $12.50 I paid, but in the long run, it works for me. Good luck, and stick with it!
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    I was terrible about going to the gym. I would have to convince myself to do it a bit at a time. I'd tell myself to walk over (two blocks away), and if I didn't want to go in, I could go home. But then, I'd walk over there, and convince myself to head to the locker room. Once I did that, I'd convince myself to put my stuff in a locker, then I'd convince myself to change my clothes. Then I'd convince myself to fill my bottle with water, then convince myself to walk up the stairs to the cardio equipment. Then I'd do the same thing with getting on a treadmill, and convince myself to run instead of walk. This was it kept feeling like small victories for me. It was easier to convince myself to do each little step individually, than to just tell myself "Go to the gym and exercise now."

    Always worked for me. :)